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 Aug 2015 elizabeth capital
every person
has baggage,
and it is your decision
whether or not
to help them
Life is lived, Love is shared, God is Faithful.
Life is full of sacrifice, Love is full of rejection.
Not everyone that you love shall return the Love.
But since everyone that we meet here on the earth.
Been ordain by Christ that we met them in our lives.
So we are called to pray for all of those that we met.
Especially for those that despises us, pray for their very soul.
Love upon them like there is no tomorrow here.
For this is the greatest gift that we can give anyone.
Racing the reaper, his speed so slow he'll never catch me, I'm like lightning, as if he'd ever over take me.
Time moves on, and our race goes on, his speed the same as always, yet I seem a tad slower, still I out pace death, it's truly effortless.
It's as if I'm running out of steam, is this a dream? A threat so far off, now riding my heels, so this is how death feels, cold, alone, an accursed fate, so to death I yet refuse prostrate.
With the last of my strength gone, I fear I'll be moving on, in a race with death is no rest, no finish line to cross, only points in the road to pass as you move along, once again, it appears it's death for the win, this is the end.
A poet isn't one to followeth the rules of poetry,
A poet's writing
Cometh from the soul;
And the soul hath none rule's....
Thus the word's from one
Art words of freedom...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Got into some trouble
Said some things
Offended some people
Things got bad
Thought I'd get away from it all
Went up on a mountaintop
By myself
Clear blue skies
Silence all around
Beautiful cloud formations
I can breathe
Smiling for no good reason
Sat down to reflect
Up her alone got rather crowded
Memories on my left
Voices on my right
Both saying the same thing
You can't run
Had to face facts
Some call it conscious
The color of my madness
Red like the dawn
I strive for perfection
Whatever the cost maybe
Criticism is my reward
Telling all who will hear
Better yourselves
And work hard at it
Forget about what everybody else is doing
Look within your soul
Pill out of you
That which is more comfortable being hidden
that's the real you
stand on it
run with it
Even if its not popular
That's when you'll make it
A true test of endurance
Will you pass
Or will you fail
That is the question
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