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Keyana Brown Oct 2016
My enemies are like mites
they crawl inside your skin
and they know where to bite...
My expectations, dreams, faith, or anything.

Those bugs are nothing,
but blood thirsty thugs
they had me this close
It wasn't enough.

I had to fight it out
even if it seems rough.

Every bruise, scrape,and scar
after the attack of the enemies
I'm surprised I got this far...

I can't just quit!

After every time that I get bit
with their hate and arrogance.
I can still fight and have a chance.
Another option would be to use bug spray. Lol! Jk :p
Keyana Brown Aug 2016
She was the girl that wanted to be
loved so badly and risk it all.

She was the girl that lost herself
to lust as her fragile heart falls.

She was the girl, that was trapped inside
the darkness and couldn't see the light.

She was that girl, who saw herself as a villain:
isolated, depressed,possessed, and pure hatred.

Something wasn't right...

She was also the girl, who caused the storm
to look after her when nobody was around.

She was the girl, who was such a fool
to invite temptation into this town.

The hurricane is coming...

She was then struct by lightning
and the darkness began moving.

She then found her inner peace
and she's finally set free.

She first started out as Ella;
bounded, afflicted, and loss.

Her name is now...
Another superhero that I came up with.
I think this might be better than the "Pather" poem.
Let me know what you guys think. ;)
Keyana Brown Aug 2016
Come on,
say something.
Are you there?
Is there something
in the atmosphere
for you to not hear?

Are you alright?
I'm talking to you,
have you lost your sight?
I know you have eyes
because I can see them
just fine.

Can you speak English?
If you could,it would be kind
for you to speak, that way
we can finally greet.

Please speak,are you sick?
Is there something wrong
with your throat?
Does it burn, or itch?

No, Then what is it?
Are you afraid of me?
I'm very sweet and humorous,
so don't worry about me.
I won't hurt you, you'll see.

I can totally sense
that you're reclusive,
so you don't see the point
in making any friends.

Honestly, you can't
just tell yourself that
your better off alone...

But your not,
people like you
don't deserve
to be alone.

You need to get out
of that zone because
one day you'll end up
all active and grown
with nobody to share
your adventures with,
but your own.

Therefore, it's time
to build friendships
that is worth known.

So don't be afraid
to say anything
you seem like
a good person

Now tell me, what's your name?


Thanks for speaking out.
I thank God that I've overcome my shyness. When I was in elementary school, I had a hard time talking to people because I feel like people will make fun of me. My mom always tell me that I'm brightest person she ever know and she always told to have faith in God. Until this very day, due to my mothers advice, I had the confidence to talk to people.
Keyana Brown Aug 2016
I want to be independent,
but I hate to act so selfish.
I want to be dependent,
but it isn't worth it.

My thoughts aren't clicking in
I've dreamed of success,
Now I really want to win
but the devil is trying to upset me
and I can feel him on my skin.

Oh God,
I want you to to save me from the future.
I don't care if it takes longer,
just remind me to work harder.
When I reach my goal
I'll be good as gold
I will shake off the devil,
so I can protect my soul.
I just need some self-control.
It's independent v.s dependent.
Keyana Brown Aug 2016
The angel says stop
and the devil says go.

The angel grabs my hand,
but the devil slapped her
and said: No!

The angel says: Don't do this!
as her wings spread out,
she was to smart to not
give up now.

The devil looked upon my face,
that wry smile seems out of place.
Suddenly, the devil grabbed me
and took me away.

As the angel said:
So,that's how you want to play.
The angel flew faster than a
lightning bolt soaring through the clouds.
I start to remember that the angel
promised me to never let me go
until now.

The devil still held on to me.
Why wouldn't she let me down?
She was still smiling, while I frown.

I start to see the angel now,
as she turned around and drop
me into the center of the ground.

They stare at each other
like ferocious stray dogs.
Then the devil looked
straight at me and said:
This won't take long.

The battle begins,
as the devil held onto
her breath and let out
a deadly scream.

The angel blocked her ears
and closed her eyes.
Once she opened them
there was a beam of light.
The angel's powers pierced
the devils side.

The devil fell and died.

I thanked the angel that
she saved my life.
The angel said:

*As long as
you live through Christ,
my child you will be alright.
This is what temptation feels like now and days.
Keyana Brown Jul 2016
Look girl,
remind yourself
that you're beautiful
because not everybody
is going to prove it to you.

Look miss elegant,
you're so intelligent
that nobody else
could believe it.
Now quit acting
dumb then you just
might learn some.

Look sister,
get yourself together,
forget about your mistakes,
after all the risks you take.
Move on with your life
and everything will be alright.

Look girly,
You're stronger and smarter
than your ex boyfriend.
Never let a man tell you that
you're worthless, weak, and simple.

Listen girl,
nobody said it was
going to be easy I know
it's hard to avoid mistakes,
temptation, and depression.
It's about time you change
your ways after what you've
learned your lesson today.
Keyana Brown Jul 2016
Leave it to Satan
to fill your thoughts with lies,
or leave it to God to tell you the truth
and he will never say goodbye.

Leave it to Satan
to say your not enough,
or leave it to God to say
to never give up.

Leave it to Satan
to tell you that your emotions
will cause you to die
and believes that it's alright.

Leave it to God
because he hears your cries
when you couldn't sleep at night.
He's a hero and a good friend,
therefore his love will never end.
Who will you choose?
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