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Keyana Brown Jun 2016
One day, I'll pray
to make this pain go away.
Someday, I must say
my past will never drag
me down today.

There will come a day
where everybody knows my name.
They will say to me that
I was once a worrier,
but now I'm a slayer.
I slay every fear and anxiety
that creeps upon me like a serpent.

I held on to my sword
for I will no longer
be a slave no more!
I will travel across
the land to find the cure
for I am a warrior.

I shall fight,
if it's the last thing I'll do!
the devil will never have me
because we're through.
I lift up my hands
to the righteous King,
for he has blessed me so well
that I could sing .

After many years of doubt,
I won't let my fears and emotions
pour anything out.
I must have the courage
enough for me to flourish.
Surrender your flag of doubt, discouragement, fear, and worry.
Keyana Brown Jun 2016
Some people say
I'm wide on the hips and my face is thick,
but I think I'm healthy and magnificent .

Some people say
that the girl is chunky and bulky,
but she believes that
she's pretty and very funny.

Some people say
that this boy gained more weight
and needs to be back in shape,
but this boy doesn't care what they say
because he likes being this way.

Some people today,
hates the word 'fat,'
but here's a fact.
If you think you're fat
then replace the 'F'
to a 'PH.'

Your not fat,
unless you mean that.
Therefore believe in yourself
by knowing you're **Phat.
It's a shame that some people today are body shaming others through social media, which is why I want to say to everyone that all body types are beautiful.
Keyana Brown Jun 2016
The devil has many ways
to keep you craving for desire.
He's inside your thoughts,
Suducing you in what you admire.

First, your under his spell
Next, he lures you into the fire
Then, your heart burns and ache
Finally, you start to loose your desire.

This is when you realize that it wasn't love....
It was 'LUST'

Lust isn't love
It's temptation,
It's a drug.
It's like ecstasy
that you just
can't get enough.

Lust isn't meant for trust,
it's what we want
until our fantasies are crushed.

Flee youthful lust:
for God has our hearts
even though if temptation
seems tough and our minds
get rough.

Therefore, we must be careful for what we desire
Because it might be lust and keep you down
I'll admit the devil is a filthy liar
and he will try his best to come around.
2 Timothy 2:22
Keyana Brown Jun 2016
I don't know why I'm singing this song;
do I feel weak,or am I strong?
However, don't get me wrong
the melody always catches my attention,
even though the lyrics are bringing me into
a wrong direction, which leads me
deep down in depression.

Everyday, I think of that song.
Sometimes I want it to be gone
Other times I want to sing along.
All those hurtful memory's,
It puts me out of my misery.
The blues pushes out my emotions,
even when my life isn't in motion.

Why sing the blues?
Whether you are happy or sad,
there is no use for singing the blues,
even if its up for you to choose.
Overall, there are better things to do.
Keyana Brown Apr 2016
He's a small middle schooler,
who loves violent video games
with explositions and railroad trains.
Whenever he sees a train explodes
he threw out his hands and goes insane.
Dashes around the room and screams,
until his whole heart contains.

Some people say he needs help,
but I ignore them and kept quiet because
when I look at him, he reminds me of myself.

I see him in the hallways carrying tons of stuff,
as he walks in a slow and steady pace,
while everybody stampedes
towards the hall like its a big race.
Sometimes he stumbles and falls;
because in his eyes, everybody is tall.

Some people say he needs help,
but I ignore them and kept quiet
because when I look at him,
he reminds me of myself.

What about this kid that makes him tick?
He screams like his head is piled with bricks.
Everyday, the boy gets stressed out at school,
he's like a hot molten rock that never cools.
Sometimes, in his worse days he would whine,
just like how I was when I was nine.

Some people say he needs help,
only this time I volunteered
because he can't do this all by himself .
Now I know what I must do for him
because dealing with autism isn't easy,
it was hard for me to deal with it, believe me.
It was me who saw through him than nobody else
because everytime I look at him,
he reminds me of myself
This poem is to represent Autisum Awareness month. I'm very proud to say that I have come a long way after noticing that I have austisum spectrum and I'll admit it was not easy for me to cope withit at first because I get stressed a lot times.  However, I thank God, my family, and my friends because I no longer have to deal with my emotional phase any longer. Right now, I'm going helping out a middle schooler,  who is in need of guidance and so far he's doing a lot better with me helping him out.
Keyana Brown Mar 2016
I was a clueless human,
with no sense of direction.
scientists say they cure me,
so they can get rid of my infection;
They were wrong.

Once they injected me,
I was about to have a different sight.
There just something about me
that doesn't feel right.

Suddenly, I became black as the knight
The scientists are after me, so
either I'll run, or fight.

By the time I grow out my fangs,
you better run, or hide.
Because I get furious
when you look at me in the eye.

As I smell upon their fear,
evil scientist beware,
to my brown eyes
and my razor sharp claws,
I must save human society
before things go wrong.

Even though this transformation,
seems to be a mystery,
my goal is to interact with panthers
In order to save humanity.

I'm faster,
I'm stronger,
I'm wiser,
*I am the Panther.
I wrote this poem when I was a middle schooler. I was watching Batman and then I thought to myself what kind of superhero I can be, so I thought why not be a panther. Haha!
Anyway, wrote the poem while watching my show.
If you were superhero what would you be?
Keyana Brown Feb 2016
After all of that running,
even though I'm panting.
I can't stop now,
I have to keep moving!

I can feel my blood pressure rising.
I'm not giving up, I'll continue on climbing.
I catched my breath, and realized that I'm still alive.

Some people say that
I'm out there dying.
Well that didn't stop me from trying.

At first, I started crying;
My mind wasn't right,
There were times when I started to fight.
Thanks to God I began striving.

I made it this far
Even though it was hard
I'm never going to stop,
until I reach the top
because I'm almost there.
"I press toward the mark for the prize for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
~Phillipians 3:14. I'm striving for excellence and reaching for my goals.
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