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Dear Bully,

Yeah, you made it clear you don't care,
but what you do...well it hurts...
I don't know what I did to you,
But I'm sorry because it must have been bad.
You push me around and treat me like ****,
And I don't say no because I must deserve this.

Bully, I no longer care what you do to me,
Because I am not worth fighting...
But, when I finally give in...
Please don't say you're sorry...
 Jun 2014 Katie Raine
who are you to show me the light
when you pulled me into the darkness?
 Jun 2014 Katie Raine
how are you?
  the constant question i'm assailed with

how are you?
  the only answer i've come up with:
      heart & soul broken
      viciously violently depressed
      worst i've ever been
      & worse every day
      hate my self
      hate my life
      wish i was dead

my inner self
  is begging to be someone else
it's not the first time
  just the worst time

becuz she wasn't first love
  just first LOVE

the thing is
  as much as i wanted a billion years of youth together
many millions of much's more
  what i wanted was our forever together
and at 85 You would have made me feel just as alive
  and still nervous & excited
and been beautiful
and twirled whirled my soul

**** You didn't want me
  even one more day
so You nicely crumpled me
  and threw me away

it turns out forever
  is 7 months
then it's a lot of never
  for the rest of my months

and the violence of awakening
  (a demon thirst with no slaking)
will be ripping ragged holes in my soul
  far more than 7 months after me heart was torn apart

so how am i?
  me, whose every day begins and ends
    with a sobbing cry

i am hopeful
        hope full
or actually i'm me,
  its absolute opposite....

(please stop asking)
I haven't told you what you mean to me lately
Perhaps I have forgotten
or didn't have time
I hope you don't think I don't love you anymore
Because I do

You may not realize how much as of late
Seems fate has played some tricks on us
Now it is time to let you know
Just how much I don't want you to go

I appreciate how you take care of me
Love how you are so sure of things
You handle our problems so easily
Making life much better for all of us

I love your smile even when I am not smiling
The feel of your arms holding me
When I don't feel worthy of being held
How you sense my mood even when I don't
You stay with me
When another would have left

I just want you to know
That you mean the world to me
I feel so secure when you hold me
The weight of the world disappears off my shoulders

How much you lift me up
When life has kicked me down again
I am sorry I forgot to say
I love you today
You are so selfless
Providing for us in every way

I know we will survive anything
Judgement, persecution, and the seemingly unfairness in the world
Because of our love for one another
Hey Love
Just wanting you to know
I return what you give a hundred fold

When you doubt how I feel
Please remind me
Trust that I have not stopped returning your love
If you doubt again
Please please just ask

Hey Love
I love you

All rights reserved 2012
 Jun 2014 Katie Raine
SG Holter
I get so close
To it
I can taste it
In the

Then my personality
To a lesser
One, like

Wind suddenly
On a hunter,
Giving his

To it;
Seeing it
Flee from
The mouths
Of his
You people think I care,
When you call me these names.
You think I haven't heard them all before.
But I will only ask one question,
If you are not a ****, and I am not like you,
Does that mean I am a ****?
Because yes I'm not like you...
It's not exactly a poem, more of a reaction .... but it is true for everyone out there that gets called names...It says a lot more about the name-caller than the you
 Jun 2014 Katie Raine
The night you kissed me
the sun fizzled on my tongue
as i drank from the stars.
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