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the boy with the brown eyes
he’s the one I miss
and I long for his lips
even though we’ve never kissed

the boy with the brown eyes
who didn’t like his smile
I did not understand him
For a very long while

The boy with the brown eyes
he astonished me
I admired his perfection
That he did not see

Dear boy with the brown eyes,
I should’ve told you then
But you are ******* beautiful
And you have always been
from the mind of an anxious depressive

from the time i, as a little girl,
dressed up like a princess
[tiara and all,
pouffy, pink dress and all]
listened to my mother tell me
a fairy tale
of a woman who finds
her prince charming,
and is rescued by him,
and lives happily, happily ever after
in a magnificent palace by the sea…
and i, as a brooding teenager,
insecure and reclusive,
observed a
[now viewed as ridiculous]
romantic film
about a woman who finds her
one true Love,
and he rescues her,
and they live happily, happily ever after
in a beautiful three-bedroom home
where they raise two,
perfect children…
and i, as a young woman,
fully aware and adept,
recognizing the world for what it is
as *i
see it,
seeing love dismantle time,
and time again....

i am fully aware that nothing can possibly last for a happily ever after.

the doubt is consuming,
the wall is well-built and
my heart remains too crippled
to possibly endure the grief that
falling in Love elicits.

Love finds you even if you have
given up the notion of it.
it gallops in on its white horse.
has bright blue eyes.
sparks a smile that can illuminate
my somber heart.
has no regard for my opposition to itself.
is selfish and greedy and exhausting.

it is utterly impossible to avoid
being seduced
into the black hole
from which i will never leave
precisely the same.
from which i will surrender
a piece of myself
essential to my functioning.

Love sweeps in like a tornado
[destroying everything in its path]
and so the five stages of falling in Love,
and falling apart,

i feign disinterest.
i pretend as if he doesn’t
engross my thoughts
as if my heart doesn’t encroach upon my stomach
when he enters the room.
if asked by a friend,
“why does your face turn bright red
when he dares to utter your name?”
i pretend like she is the insane one
[when i am the one denying my heart.]

i become enraged.
Love has taken control.
the knowledge that i let Love
dismantle the wall,
that i have spent years building,
and reinforcing,
[brick by brick, piece by piece]
infuriates me.
i let him gradually demolish it.
and now i am powerless and susceptible,
and now he has me by the heartstrings.
he holds me in his greedy palms.

i avoid the fact that i am falling,
yes, i am falling.
oh, so deeply for him.
i watch myself fall from such great heights
straight into the ground
crashing through to the
center of
the world.
i even pray to God,
the one i'm not even sure i believe in.
i tell Him that i would do anything,
anything just to take back control.
to have two firm hands on the wheel.
to be the driver
instead of the passenger.

i cannot bring myself
to shove off the covers.
to crawl out of bed.
i am miserable and helpless and
he is all i can think about.
he is my first thought
when i am awake.
my last when my mind
finally tires of him,
and i fall into a
fitful night of sleep.
yet, i do not tell him any of this.
he wonders why i am so distant,
so removed from him.
what he does not know is that
he carries part of myself with him
wherever he goes.

when my nerves have finally worn themselves down,
when my heart has reached an understanding with my mind,
when Love does not appear as something to be grieved,
that is when i fall in Love.

never once have i
accepted Love from a man,
Love that could alter
my melancholy mind,
nor have i trusted a man with my heart.
[although i have been forced by Love itself to relinquish it.]

i have been obstinate and headstrong
and refused to give all of myself
in fear of losing myself.
but maybe one day, i will be
rescued from myself.
 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
Shivering bodies
quivering lips. Pants
unzipped and dropped
down low below the hips.
This is it he says. Standing
by the edge of his bed.
Observing me with his
beautiful eyes touching
me between the thighs.
Im on the edge of high she
says and you're my angel
in disguise. While she takes
off her dress his hands
caress her neck her flesh
her legs and every inch. Hands reaching out for her bra
to unclip. How do you feel
he says. Naked , exposed ,
wild as can be and free she
replies. Take me into your story write me down on your pages
let me stain your soul with the
ink of love. Wrap me in your
arms till the day i die she
says while he traces her
curves and reaches her
heart. Promise to never
tame me and keep me wild
as she kisses the back of his
neck. I'll love you for an
eternity and we'll explode
together like the stars up in
the galaxy* ~
I'll be an empty canvas
as long as you're the paint
adding color to my madness.

I'll be the midnight sky
as long as you're the fireworks
and it's the fourth of July.

I'll be an empty stomach
as long as you're the butterflies.
I'll be the void
If you'll be the cries.
The ketchup to your fries.

Can't you see?
You fill me up so perfectly.
Like you were made for me
like you and I were meant to be.

You are...

The feet to my socks
The juice to my box
The tic tok to my broken clocks

You are...

My reason being.
 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
Maybe it's true
Im a fool for you
I think about it everyday
But maybe there is a way
To go back
Change our path track
Will I ever forget?
I'm not sure yet.
Incase this doesn't last
I'll leave it in the past
losing my self over you was bad
but it's the best adventure I've ever had.
 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
I often envisage love
as snowflakes-

Each of us have it different
but it’s really just the same
with its imperfectly etched beauty
only few can comprehend

Its beauty can never be
expressed in words
or even a sliver
of what it’s worth

The snowflakes are piling up
and the shivers are ethereal
we don’t even realize
that it drives us delirious

The snowflakes keep piling up
but it doesn’t end here
it’ll drown us in its avalanche
and leave us gasping for air.

 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
You're my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You radiate your love into my veins,
It hurts so good, I can't complain,
Your beauty, every so blinding.
But you yourself, you are binding,
Binding yourself, just rotating,
One day we'll get close, hallucinating,
But when we do, i'll be the one evaporating.
my sunshine
 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
 Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
It’s weird to think
these intertwining 13-feet-wide sheets
of concrete connect the sheets
between which we sleep.
There is something about seeing
every         boring        mile


that proves we’re more
connected than we think.
 Apr 2017 Kashish Bhasin
upon twilight she walks,
small jar in hand.
while moon rises in sky,
she prepares her routine.

stars play about
in the moon lit night.
twinkling overhead,
welcoming her presence.

she climbs the ladder
to the twinkling night sky.
her fiftieth day of catching
the beautiful stars.

her eyes twinkled
along with the stars
as they approached her
their glimmer golden.

the stars let her breathe,
filling her life with light
and in her little glass jar
were stars ready to land.

she was the star girl,
the princess of the night.
she caught the stars,
and the stars smiled.

stars in her hair,
in her jar and her soul
brought her to life
every gorgeous night.

but one shadowed night,
the sky had no stars.
on her ladder to space,
the little girl stared.

all the stars - gone!
where could they be?
star girl’s life was slipping,
her breaths shortening.

she was falling down,
falling through the sky,
all the stars were gone,
and her jar was empty.
collab poem i did with my friend. she's also on here!
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