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 Dec 2016 Joshua Stanley
For all the times I tried to hide
All the darkness I've defied
And all those times I felt alive
Only to fall down again and die

I know some people refuse to see
The life I lead, the blood I bleed
The reasons I did things that just weren't clean
And when I hid away, just let me be

I don't expect everybody to trust
The passion, the fire, the anger, the lust
The security, loyalty, vision deceives
It's how you perceive, how you see me

And I'm sorry that tonight I said goodbye
But it's better for you, I ain't gonna lie
In every lie there's a kernel of truth
And it shows me that I was never right for you
 Dec 2016 Joshua Stanley
Ignorance is bliss they say,
I never found it
When I was being put down
And they were shouting at me like
"You'll never rise up, you're nothing, ain't worth the time"
And it only gave me another excuse to rap and to rhyme
Expressing my feelings just to get it off my chest
While at the same time writing lines simply to be my best, it's a test
And so far I've been passing, they said I can't do it
But watch as I sonic speed right on through it
I'll defeat the Doctor Eggman and chill with my bud Tails
While you sitting in the corner pointing out all my fails
But I don't care, it's behind, another lesson learnt
So that I progress easier and don't be so badly hurt
I like to help others, a saint some would say
A blessing disguised as a kid you see everyday
But keyword is disguised, every man has his demons
They can be so bad that ol' skull-face takes to reapin'
But I haven't fallen yet, I still stand tall
On the hill, helpless just watching it all burn
I know I'm not liked, by many and still don't care
As long as I live happily then I ain't gonna be snared
By the concept that the best must have a good reputation
But solitude for some is the key to salvation
Why would you want to fit in with people that you don't like?
And when they try to conform you, tell em to take a hike
Wrote this off the top of my head
 Nov 2016 Joshua Stanley
Yeah I've seen some ****
And felt deeply about all of it,
Been places and seen faces, wish I could forget
And some things I wanna take back, that I shouldn't have said

But it's easier said than done,
The past catches me up whenever I try to run
So I reflect on how I'm such a reject
Not accepted simply because I'm different

But not everyone sees what I see
That everybody's different, in their own way unique
Some believe in love at first sight, I didn't
And if she sees this she'll probably be suspicious

But there's so many different meanings for the word love
And so many times I think I've had enough
Of trying my hand at trying to hold another's hand
I put in more effort than I seem to, understand?

It's just another facade, another masquerade
Of people hiding thoughts and ideals so that they stay safe
But how in the world is this world gonna change,
When nobody opens up and it all stays the same?
Ahahahaha, I love the way you think. Reminds me of me
 Nov 2016 Joshua Stanley
How do you perceive the world
A world as dark and happy,
Suppressive and full of opportunity,
As another headache or painkiller,
Or as much of a heartbreak
Or heart-filler?

Where does one draw the line
In the figurative dirt of
Trust or mistrust,
Of isolation and lust?

How have you been conditioned to view this world?
Through two windows to a compact machine
Cogs and gears turning, calculating...
What am I seeing?
also on if you're interested
 Oct 2016 Joshua Stanley
It's another day,
Nothing's changed
You'd think it boring
When it stays the same

Perhaps it is,
But not to me
You could call it bad,

I get by,
With my wicked ways
I'd load up
Though I know the names

**** digging my way to hell
I'll just take the elevator
meh, why not
 Oct 2016 Joshua Stanley
Don't cry for me, for I am not bad
Hey now, settle down, no need to be sad
My perspective on life may be different to yours
But lucky you, and unlucky me, I've experienced more

This world was not ready for the unstable likes of me
They say I'm insane but I see all too clearly
So wipe away your tears love, we shall meet again
In a place far from here where the two are not the same
i just want to stop
stop feeling sad
stop feeling angry
stop feeling.

i just want to be happy
be pretty
be loved
be noticed.

i just want to be happy
but i dont want to be here
i just want to be noticed
but im slowly fading away
Dear Faith,
i just wanted to say i love you
and i hope you get better.

i have so many questions i want to ask you
like why?
why didn't you tell me?
let me know you were feeling like this?
i wish i could of helped you, and it didn't have
to end up like this.

i love you more then anything
you mean the world to me, you are my best friend
my rock, my saviour.
but im sorry you were feeling the way you were,
but please things will get better i promise you!
im always here for you and that
will never change i promise you! and thats one promise i defiantly
know i wont break

for all those times you said you were a bad mum,
you arent
for all the times you said you were ugly
baby you are beautiful

i need to finish this but im crying
i just want you to know how much you mean to me
and how much it would destroy me if you
were to leave...

and how about Caden? your beautiful
baby boy! how would he feel not growing up without his mum?
knowing how beautiful she is
how amazing and kind she is...
Because no one can compare to you
Aunty Maddii cant live up to those expectations

so Faith, my darling i love you so much,
we can get through this together!
i promise i will save up all the money in the world
to come and see you one day, and it will just be the three
of us
You, Caden and Aunty Maddii

I love you Faith x
I Love my friends,
They are so caring,
They help me when I’m down,
I help when they drown,

I Love my friends,
They are so awesome,
They make me smile,
Bring out my beauty,

I love my friends,
I have so many,
They are so beautiful,
They welcome me at school.

I love my friends,
They help me achieve awards,
My school is the best,
It beats the rest,

I Love my friends,
My teachers and all,
my teachers help me when I fall,
I can’t believe I came to this school.
this poem is my sister, she is 10, and im hopeing to get her into poetry as she has been interested in it for a while, i will be passing on the comments and how many likes she gets
Let me go, somewhere safe, away from hell, away from pain, maybe something is to gain, in this place, a distinctive game, of blood and pain, all about the fame, I find it lame, this world in all, it makes me want to fall, and fall apart, its every day, I deal with a broken heart, I need to restart, away from life, heaven or hell, I live a ****** tale, I read back, the good days, **** I remember when we were a faze, you would talk about our kids, in the future somewhere, I always felt special in certain ways, I know now, it was all a game, not to you, but for god to play, with our hearts, emotions and all, sometimes I don’t feel tall, I feel like ****, left behind, would people notice if I were gone, I could ask myself, every day, when my heart again breaks, do they care, do they want me there, things I must know, is heaven above with heavenly snow, is hell beneath, with chains and murderous crows, making my fear grow, I act strong, high and all mighty, little do they know, I’m fallen and all pity, my life, well, no more than ******, I feel I’m falling in eternity, gods burning me, it’s clear to see, I’m a mystery, living in misery, I’m stuck In history, a ****** tree, my cuts all bleed, it sprouts new seeds, to bring me suffering, you think I’m bluffing, you think it is a game, of blood and fame, sometimes I think its overly lame.
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