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Joshua Michael Mar 2018
Days may go, days may fade
Drifting with the cigarettes sway
But the days of you never leave
Ingrained like the smoke on my sleeve

Etched is this addiction to my soul
Your eyes,touch and all of you whole
You are laced with nicotine
The essence of what is my fiend

The existence of you is what I breath
You an addiction I'll never leave
Joshua Michael Mar 2018
Pain is calming to me in an ironic way
Its the only emotion i know so well
The only emotion that will never leave me
I find safety in my pain,i feel alive
If i face the truth it will leave me
but in lies i find it stays, right beside me
The truth scares me, i am born of dark
I am the devils right hand
The devil does not love himself
He has lied to convince himself he does
Just as i choose to believe in my own lies
My own lies that everything is alright
The devil offers nothing but pain,as do I
For i know in my pain i'll never be alone
It will always be the vice in my head
The devil and me are the same
An angel with an extinguished light
Hate for himself the world and life
Joshua Michael Mar 2018
Sitting liquor lip loaded in a empty house
Its not a home, just a empty shell
Housing a broken soul with a full bottle
Dragging on cigarettes, slurring speech
Just trying to close eyes and fall asleep

The voices shout in his head, waking him up
All the regrets keep calling his name
Worthless he feels,and tired, just tired
He has all the love in the world to share
Just not the energy or strength to be hurt, again

Whats left is the last that he has got
He can't take another stab in the heart
This time it will **** him no doubt
But still he gives the last of him away
Just to pray its not broken, thrown away
  Mar 2018 Joshua Michael
I was craving it
And so were you
Two lonely souls
On the corner of fifth and avenue
He was gone
And so was she
But we made due
With a substitute
Just one night
We got our fill
You pulled me close
I felt your moan
My hands, your thighs
Your fingers, my spine
Morning came
And so did you
I stumbled home
And no one ever knew
Joshua Michael Mar 2018
Its that feeling you get on the brink of a rough patch
You rush back to the drinking and just crash
You act different, distant and drunk as...
One bad binge then you blink and the cuffs latch
You drink *****, snooze and withdraw
Usually fall, puking and refusing to crawl
Wake up no memories confused at it all
Then a tear surfaces with nervousness
The darkness reemerges, asking is it really worth this
Na but pretend its fun
So fun you don't need a friend when your drunk
Just a loner on a balcony tempted to jump
To mend it with a thump can end it at once
Some days we trip when it rains
Cause the brain can slip
But staying strong though it
Hope someone related to this
Joshua Michael Mar 2018
10 drinks in me, I'm drunk
I left the party early tonight
All those empty conversations
I'm watching the cars and the trucks whizz by
And I thought 10 drinks would hold me down, sort me out
But the demons stay and play about
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