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john shai Jul 2016
Sweet sherry and muskadel wine
From under the burnt pine
I taste your wintery comfort
As I gaze into this soul of mine

There I see old lovers smile
Whispering boldly as they beguile
Caress my heart from within
And pinprick stab the memory file

Where has she gone now?
Far far away awaiting my call.
john shai Jul 2016
I catch the monster in your heart
You catch yourself believing
It's the love I feel for you
That breaks the pain inside

That shakes the lonely night
That takes the hate beside
Shatters the illusion of ego
And unsettles like vertigo
The proud tower of love

But your touch is magic
Only when our fate is tragic

I have to make you see
You want to be free
Dominate me
**** me
Burn my body on the alter

Of love we shall taste forever
When I suffer

I still love you
john shai Jul 2016
On the cusp of the tongue
Lies the truth like song sung
Beyond the artful landscape
The gods on stone towers scrape
A name that summons
Humming angels of death

Much good may it do you
To know the heart of the lord
No sword nor love
Shall save you from the truth
The harbinger of sorrow

Like waves of fire shall
Consume the, shall
Swallow the, shall
Digest the vestiges of order

Until there is but one
The babe in the reeds
john shai Jun 2016
I said I would buy her painting
I gave her a story of mine
My payment is darkness fainting
Her painting is smelling salts' light

In it she is bare shouldered ****
With planets pouring from her mind
It is beautiful
Planets exude
The inner most thoughts of her kind

Smile so distracting like flower
Opened unto the sun's sweet rays
Blushing at the radiant power
Of love's wakeful, springtime day

She is not sleeping

Because I am awake
I am the sun. Ok so I thought I should explain this one. The painting I am talking about is the canvas or fabric of space-time as we understand from Einstein's theory of relativity. The story which buys the painting is gravity written by the sun. The sun also needs the space-time in order to send its photons to the planets, the planets being a product of the mind of space-time dynamics. Space-time is **** and beautiful like a flower because it recieves the influence of the  light which is the gives love to planets (in her mind) such as earth. As long as the sun is awake space-time can never be sleeping but is always changing and awake... conversely, this is based on a true story where I tried to buy a painting from a young lady with a short story because I couldn't afford it with money. the painting really is her **** with planets coming out of her head and I really found it to be beautiful, though she didn't see in it what I saw in it. So there you go. cool isn't it?
john shai May 2016
Sequestered in my home
Ingested by a poem
A whale swallowed me whole
Thank you sweet obsession

As the winds carry the words
Across the vast endless ocean
I hope a heart will bleed
As it is a poisonous potion

A drug so powerful
It could change the world
But its side effects still
too painful to behold
john shai May 2016
In the bush
On the stoep
Of a house
In the middle of lions territory

We smoke the magic herb
And discover the fruits
Of youth
Like a midsummernightsdream

The table filled
With empty bottles
We search
For the next

Singing songs
Of brotherhood
Like Adam

We find a foundation
On which to build
Like bricks on water
The house of love

On fire

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