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Life makes me want to run away
And never turn back
And leave everything behind;
The pain, the hurt, the negativity.
Life forces me to grin and bare it
while I suffer through it all
And inside I'm falling to pieces.

Life makes me want to take your hand in mine
And ride off into the sunset
Without worry or doubt in our minds.
Life is hard and we all know it,
But it's worse when you're sick
Like me.
i wonder 
if it’s like de ja vú

listening to the same ****** music

in the same ****** car

on the same ****** road 

i wonder 
if you glance over while going 60 in a 25

and wish you’d spontaneously combust

when the person beside you 
isn’t me

because i do every night
janya richardson Aug 2014
im 13 and i dont know
                                                much about love
                                                but i do know that if
                                                a man or boy hit you
                                                thats not love
                                                thats called pain
                                                you thinking to youself
                                                he dont love me
                                                but he keep saying the same
                                                thing " ilove you "                                  
                                                well if you loved me why did u hit me
                                                you caused pain to my life
                                                and all we do is forgive him
                                                and he do it again
                                                he keep saying im sorry
                                                but wont stop hitting me
                                                he say "i love you "
                                                we forgive
                                                but its time for me to hit
                                                time for me to fight back
                                                punch his *** tell some one
                                                a women just want love
                                                someone to hold at night
                                                is that to much to ask for ?

— The End —