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Nov 2019 · 520
My Fault
jai Nov 2019
It’s my fault
I torn us apart
Set it back to default
Went and broke my own heart
Feb 2016 · 613
jai Feb 2016
The devil has blonde hair, blue eyes and a hand between my thighs
He's got a forked tounge and a wrist tattoo
And a black car is what he drives
He's got a red t-shirt on
The sleeves are all cuffed up
He called out my name last night
Now he's gonna **** me up
Jan 2016 · 406
nighttime high
jai Jan 2016
We were driving around in the nighttime
Hands intertwined
On your demin covered thigh
Both singing lightly to the radio
Turned as loud as it can go
Aimlessly wasting in a nighttime high
Nov 2015 · 738
Night changes
jai Nov 2015
I wish I could tell you that it can be the way you want
Because that's the way I wish it was too
Sep 2015 · 396
Lyrics 3
jai Sep 2015
'Cause there's a hole where your heart lies
And I can see it with my third eye.
And oh my touch, it magnifies
You pull away, you don't know why.
Third eye Florence + the machine
Aug 2015 · 649
Heartbreak Hold
jai Aug 2015
I can't listen to your favorite songs

Or any for that matter

My mind finds a way to relate them to"our" happy never after

I find it cruel honestly

And I just wish I was free

From this heartbreak hold you have on me
Aug 2015 · 412
jai Aug 2015
And it's two am
And I'm still sad
And we still don't know what we are
And that makes me mad
And I remember how I could taste your lunch when we kissed
And all I can do is reminisce
Apr 2015 · 580
jai Apr 2015
Just being outside tonight
Under the shining starlight
It feels like everything is going to be alright
Even though, I know, it won't
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
lyrics 2
jai Apr 2015
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know
I slithered here from Eden just to hide outside your door
from eden
Apr 2015 · 483
jai Apr 2015
I know you're a fighter, but you never fought for me.
Mar 2015 · 473
jai Mar 2015
I just wish it would rain
so I could sit in my room all day
and just think to myself
about things I could do
and about things I couldn't
Mar 2015 · 282
jai Mar 2015
Everybody already knows what I don't want to say
But it needs to come from me anyways
Mar 2015 · 431
fall 2015 je suis prêt
jai Mar 2015
Here I lay
Just like yesterday
Nothing has changed
But I can't wait until it does
I'm done with laying
I want to start living
Mar 2015 · 486
jai Mar 2015
All I do is think
You are the only reason
I wish I wasn't
Kinda stole a line from one of my favorite movies but oh well
Mar 2015 · 865
jai Mar 2015
Birds singing out my window
Please quiet down so I can sleep
Because I had so much concentration
But suddenly it seems it has left me

Dream dream dream
I dream of you
When I don’t think to
But when I try I just can’t find you and me
You’re unintentionally dreaming of me

You’re so worth it, yes you are
You are worth every scar
Every hopeless desire I dream
Is a dream of you  
But they never come true

Dream dream dream
I dream of you
Of course I do
Dream dream dream
You’re in my head
You’re in my bed
You’re every where
And I  just want you next to me
Maybe then I could sleep
idk i was just feeling lyrical so i wrote a ballad
Mar 2015 · 354
jai Mar 2015
Feb 2015 · 427
The One
jai Feb 2015
The one with brown eyes
The one that made me cry plenty of times
The one whose sass would never lose
The one I never want to forget
The one I finally had
The one I don't anymore
The one who is beautiful
The one who was my first real love
The one who loved me when I didn't love myself
The one who brought out the best in me
The one who accepted me for what I was
The one who I never want to lose as a friend
The one who understands what I mean
The one who shares the same dreams
The one who loved to read
The one whose lyrics match with mine
The one who I'm writing this for
The one who I'm crying for right now
The one who I will never forget
Jan 2015 · 445
jai Jan 2015
c'est ne bien pas cette tu es donc belle
Dec 2014 · 503
graveyard smiles
jai Dec 2014
Grey ashes scattered
All over the sacred ground
Are all that remains
Dec 2014 · 349
jai Dec 2014
I'm very tired
I want to go home and sleep
Why am I still here
Dec 2014 · 938
jai Dec 2014
tres chaud
et tres froid
je ne suis pas que tu penses de moi
je n'aime pas cette
je suis juste essaye
gris porte pour moi
fermer plus
je ne suis pas pret
pardon mon accents je ne fait pas sur cet ordinateur
Dec 2014 · 497
We don't fight fair
jai Dec 2014
Dec 2014 · 492
qu'est-ce que
jai Dec 2014
aimless paper
flying planes
nocturnal wishes
all the same
poser une question?
cette ne pas pour moi
demander un petit phrase a god
je ne sais pas
je ne suis pas
je n'aime pas penser
I hate this paper please go away
pardon mon francais
jai Dec 2014
Golden string tied love
Floating down from above
Your tiresome grip so effortless
Put all my hopes on a departing ship
Sail it out where it won't be found
Attack it, cold chain tie bound
Where it rest move the ground
A protectorate shield of muddy mound
Clouded feelings and judgement
Escape here in the dungeon now
Tomorrow's light shall break the clouds
Nov 2014 · 241
jai Nov 2014
Our truest life is
When we are awake in our
Deepest fantasies
Nov 2014 · 388
jai Nov 2014
Usually your heart says yes
And usually your head says no
Usually Your heart want to rush in
And usually your head says take it slow
I'm so apparently drowning
My lungs filling with fear I don't have time to sort through
Maybe in a year or to two we could start again
Just me and you
But for now I must let go of you
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Catch me if you can
jai Nov 2014
You say I played games with you
But, what did I do?
Say we should be friends?
You had me and you lost me all on your own
Don't put this on me now that you sit next to an empty throne
You asked what changed my mind
It was you unwilling mind
You can try to "beat me at the game"
But, there is not a game
It's just you and me
And whatever we may be
So the to blame here is you
I'm tired of always taking the fall
Your mistakes are your mistakes not all
jai Nov 2014
I know we have a past
But that's okay
We fit like puzzle pieces
Linked together through the days
So give me one last shot
I'll hit the bulleyes this time
I'll Bring the arrow back
Now you let it fly
Oct 2014 · 317
jai Oct 2014
throughout the depths of my despair
a glimpse of you; a breath of fresh air
you golden locks flowing through
the lightless darkness of living without you
Oct 2014 · 971
jai Oct 2014
the feeling of indescribable height
a feeling so strong it can over shadow the night
but is it goes fast, like the morning sun over the land
cascading over all creating golden hues of yellow, honey, and sand
but it is temporary, only lasting so long before the sweet taste of happiness is gone
so simple yet complex
think about what to do next
you blink your eyes focusing on an imperfect reality
pulled back to earth by lackluster gravity
Aug 2014 · 506
Once Written, Once Born
jai Aug 2014
We are all just another drawing in the sketchbook of life
none of us perfect or finished
We are all just another poem in the universe's journal
none of us are well written or rhyme
Just waiting for the day God will get tired of looking at us
Just waiting for the day God will get tired of reading us
Just waiting for the day God will rip us out, crinkle us into a little ball, and throw us into the afterlife
jai Aug 2014
It's late at night and I can't seem to sleep
I'm thinking about the first time we ever did meet
I saw you standing there
Right in front of my chair
You even curled your brown hair
To this day I remember what you wore there
Skinny jeans and a jacket
And of course you wore your attitude too
Then when you talked
My mind didn't know what to do
I had read all your texts to me until that point
In a voice that belonged to a movie star I had a crush on
You are a movie star in your own right
And you shine in your own light
jai Aug 2014
Its the middle of the night
And I find me missing you
I really don't like this feeling
What can I do
Maybe after all
I'm not over you
You say you don't have feelings for me
But I can feel it from you
Don't give up on me just yet
Because I'm the one choice you won't regret
jai Aug 2014
With eyes as blue as the icy seas
I can feel your love wash over me
But your smile is shining oh so bright
I'm blinded by its light
Read between the lines
Aug 2014 · 666
Do you believe in magic?
jai Aug 2014
The sad thing is once you go to bed
The only left to talk to are the voices in my head
They try to tell me what to feel
They try to tell me what to do
They to convince me of an evil named you
But they don't need to convince me
I've witnessed first hand
That black magic that you do
Those evil spells that made me fall for you
Aug 2014 · 673
jai Aug 2014
Why is this happening to me
I have writers block you see
I don't know what to do
I've grown tired writing of you
It's run dry
And is quite a bore
Night time is normally when my writing is peak
But now my writing seems to be weak
Poems need much more than rhyme
They need words that will survive time
Mine just crumble and break
Maybe I'll have better thoughts when I wake
jai Aug 2014
Golden shimmers
Bright lights
The finer things in life
Waves crashing
Thoughts mashing
Finding out the unknown
Artist adventures
Musical excavations
Silver stars
Forever scars
Choosing your path
Mistakes made
Forgiving gaze
Monumental discovers
Shooting guns
Bright burning sun
Death of friend
Holding on til the end
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Love is Conditional
jai Aug 2014
I guess forever was just words to you
I shouldn't have let your lies seep through
Maybe my skin was too thin
Maybe I shouldn't have let you in
But now its all over
And now you are gone
My heart was like a diamond
Trapped in a safe
The combination being you
And those snake eyes saw right through
I never thought it to be possible
But the only thing harder than my heart of diamond
Was yours of ice
Aug 2014 · 560
Broken Hearted Lullabies
jai Aug 2014
Its night time again
I'm staring at the sky
Wishing on all the shooting stars that go by
I don't wish for more wishes
Because that's a cliche
Instead I wish for another today
The way my heart felt was much like a flutter
And your beauty often made me stutter
But if all it takes is words to own your heart
It would've been mine from the start
Alas you have him
And I guess he has you
I've learned my place now
Its time I bid you a dew
To move on like a nomad
With no set home or place
But I'll never forget how you made my heart race
If you find yourself missing me
You know where I'll be
Sitting here waiting for you
It hurt to much to say goodbye
I guess I'll always be second place guy
Aug 2014 · 492
Ode to a Ghost
jai Aug 2014
Honestly I can't stand you anymore
We've drifted
Further away you continue to drive us
But I still try
Memories keeping my faint hope alive
Do what I can to breath life into us again
But what's not meant to be
And that is that
So once I leave
Don't count on me coming back
Because my future is ahead of me
And you are in the past
Aug 2014 · 437
fading in to failure
jai Aug 2014
Now its time for me to go to bed
And dream those dreams about you
The ones that never come true...
Aug 2014 · 862
a pocket full of stars
jai Aug 2014
A pocket full of stars
A jar full of dreams
Your love's not what it seems
Like stars it is enticing
From a far
But up close
Its a supernova
Quickly burning out
Collapsing into a black hole
******* my love into eternal darkness
But that was your plan all along wasn't it
You are siren
And my weakness was you
But I still hold onto my jar of dreams
And I still reach into my pocket of stars
Even in darkness
I can still shine
Aug 2014 · 380
jai Aug 2014
I feel it coursing through my veins
The power I have been blessed with
I feel like I can do anything
I let this power go to my head
I take on too much
Spiraling out of control
I hit rock bottom before I realize that
Even god needed a day of rest
jai Aug 2014
The world may be many things
Wonderful, terrible, happy,depressing
But it's not black and white
Nothing is clear and simple
Thing's have shades
shades of gray

— The End —