I. Sexuality (textbook definition) - capacity for ****** feelings.
II. Sexuality (urban dictionary) - having been born liking either males or females. Sexuality encompasses being gay, bi, straight, lesbian, *******, or transgendered. Sexuality is the drive designed in humans to what they are attracted to. Most people mistake the word lifestyle for sexuality which is why there is ignorance in our country.
III. Sexuality (to homophobes) - a sin unless you like your opposite gender. No exploring your sexuality before marriage. If your sexuality is anything but straight you're going to hell.
What is sexuality when you develop a sexuality before you even know what *** is?
How is something a sin when it's developed before you reach kindergarten?
I knew I liked girls before I knew how read.
How did I choose to be gay when I have no recolation of ever making that decision?
So the question I come to ask myself is what, I rather how is sexuality?
Poorly written but it expressed my thoughts.