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 Mar 2015 itza
Be Still
 Mar 2015 itza
I have always liked the cold air
because it matched the feel of my skin
and the taste in my mouth

Today I found myself searching for warmth
and I ached for the heat
that used to shoot through your fingertips
onto my spine
in the middle of the night
when you were worried my heart
might actually
turn to ice
 Mar 2015 itza
 Mar 2015 itza
the problem with another person being your everything
is that youre left with nothing
when they leave

the problem with having so much in common with a lover
is that many more things remind you of them
when they leave

the problem with loving someone unconditionally
is that youre still going to love them
when they leave
 Mar 2015 itza
 Mar 2015 itza
sometimes im fast enough
i can skip songs
before my heart realizes whats playing

but sometimes im not
suddenly youre everything
even the song and youre flowing
into my brain through my ears
and i can feel you spreading throughout my body
and the sadness is everywhere
even in my toes
 Mar 2015 itza
Jacqueline P
When I was younger, I read something that said
If you’re going to bail, bail early
And it made sense, so I became a quitter who gave up easily;
When my dad finally left my mom, I told him that
If you’re going to bail, you should have bailed earlier.

Years later, when I met a boy,
I hated myself a lot. And I warned him.
He did not seem to mind loving a broken girl,
Even someone who decided to quit so often.
I decided to not give this up.
And on my darkest nights, I told him,
If you’re going to bail, then bail.

I guess it wasn’t fair of me, to make him promise to stay.
So everyone so often, I’d tell him:
If you’re going to bail, then bail.
But he refused to, he wouldn’t bail.
Yet he gave up in every other way,
That every time I said it to him,
I was actually begging him
If you’re going to bail, then please just bail.

And 3 years later, I felt weak and still broken.
I had learned that love can’t fix your soul,
But even still weak, I felt strong enough
To tell myself it was okay, that
If you’re going to bail, it is okay to bail.

6 months later, I still wish I could tell him
It was right for me to bail
And all these feelings inside my chest
Are normal. Because I begged him to leave me
So many times and he refused just to
Not love me in the right ways.
And I’ve only told the new boy once,
And he refuses too, but he loves me more
Intensely so that I tell myself
*If you’re going to bail, don’t bail.
 Mar 2015 itza
Sweet and Sour
 Mar 2015 itza
My sweet boy:
Kind like soft candies that melt in the
Warmth of your palm,
Velvet to the touch and delightful to the
I was wrong--
That your sweet would quell my sour and
Recoil the pucker that these poison kisses
Slathered on your lips.
 Mar 2015 itza
Nessa dieR
Don't leave me*
I will let you
Break*  my  *heart.
 Mar 2015 itza
As the wind blows against
the window and its clothing,
while today has began to  turn
into tomorrow, a drift the locks of
a feather spirals towards
the ever moving ground.
Troublesome hearts beat
spreading venom into every
possible vein. Arise is coldness,
bitter ends and misplaced love
fluttering throughout a thought
and twisting to and fro towards
its catastrophe.
I literally woke up in the middle of the night and started writing this.
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