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 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
She was the kind of girl
Worth dancing with
     In the middle of the living room
To the music
Of late night television.

She was the kind of girl
Who made the sky dizzy
     Whenever it looked down at her
Because she was
More vast than the sea.

She was the kind of girl
You wanted to kiss
     In each and every snow drift
Because her lips
Were warmer than any jacket.

She was the kind of girl
Who held you at night
     And whose arms lingered
Because when she was gone
You still felt her around you.

She was the kind of girl
People drag themselves
     From their beds and walk to work
Because they needed to care
For a necessity like her.

She was the kind of girl
Who made you trip over
     Words you wished were nearly as lovely as her,
Because she was the embodiment
Of all you ever wanted to say

To swoon the stars and put the moon in your back pocket.
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Would he?* Probably not.
Maybe he can't find comparison to that which he adores.
Maybe he can't write a poem, maybe he can't find the words.
Maybe he can't explain that what entrances him.
But maybe he is more?
Maybe he finds beauty in itself, not comparison.
Maybe he finds that being there for her is better than saying it.
Maybe he listens to that voice, and cares for what she says.
Would he? No.
He would do more.
In response to 'Would He'
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Jack Trainer
In the morning, I gather my thoughts of yesterday
Like the foraging chipmunk, collecting acorns
And stuffing them miserly in my jowls
The past is sustenance for a somnolent soul

As age condemns my faculties
I pull, from my once copious jowl
A jewel of sorts
A garnet set in fool’s gold

My memory is manufactured
Assembled and disassembled
No longer what was or is or will be
But was and is and never has been

I confine my thoughts to winter
Where barren fields and sterile trees
Offer less to recollect
And empty my jaws of these useless reminiscences
Imagining what it must be to have this dreadful disease.
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
k o s m i k
it's interesting how, at night,  the smoke only reveals itself when shone on by the light. it's not even only the smoke -- it's the wind that moves it.

i thought of you while i smoked those three cigarettes. i can only reveal my true self when i'm with you. you are my light; the only one who possesses the ability to bring out the beauty in me, the beauty i've been keeping in for a very long time.

i'm intoxicated. both by the cigarettes and by you.
this is about someone.
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Make Love
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
I've been thinking about you
It's what I do everyday
Yeah I've been thinking about you
But this time in a different way
I know it's been quite a long time
And Since I haven't had any signs
From you
Get out , get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
Won't you ?

See, you got me wanting you
No I don't wanna f#%k you
I wanna make love to you
I wanna know how my body feels on yours
I wanna feel your lips on my skin
And do it till We overdose
Let me make you get that feeling
Let me be the one who make your heart racing
Let's make love

Come over here
we have some time to catch up
Don't disappear
I hate it when you make me feel like I messed up
I just wanna hold you tight
Be closer to your heart
And put aside the fights
There're so many things we should be doing
Honey I need you, I need your good loving

Be mine tonight
Be mine now and forever
Let's turn off the light
And make love to each other
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Oh No One
Here we go, another night tossing and turning in bed.
As always, my mind eventually drifts back to you.
The "what if's" and the "maybe's" start drifting through my head.
But then I inevitably realize that none of that's coming true.
I inevitably realize I had my chance, and now that chance is gone and dead.
I'll never get my chance again,
To be with the girl in my head.
I'll never get my chance again,
To make my dreams come true.
I'll never get my chance again,
To have a lonely little life for two.
Or at least I'll never get my chance again, to have a lonely little life with you.
I couldn't sleep
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Carsyn Smith
I fell in love with a piece of paper
and a picture of you. Now here you stand,
and I don't quite know what I am to do…

We were lonely souls, you and I; felt like
only each other heard our laughs and cry.

Yet here we are, miles apart yet inches
so close. All I can hear are the words on
the paper; acting like an overdose.

You're not a picture, and neither am I,
falling in love was short; destined to die.

Love we did, even though our time quickly
ticked away. But my love was true; it could
not be born, ravish, and cease in a day.

A question in my head, it must be said:
Will I be back, as our history read?

True, I can not stop the dreams, but these bad
habits are hard to break. I'd rather miss
you than have more of your love bruises ache.

You're a part of me, like a glove, I can't
rid this picture and paper of you, love.

I will keep you near, of course, so you can
perhaps watch me grow, in awe or hatred,
to one day let go of your heavy woe.

Scars left from the battle of heart and mind --
My choice is clear, though it left my mouth ****.

My heart breaks, the body recuperates,
this time I’ve had enough of these rust gates.

Goodbye to the man in front of me, and
everyday Good Morning to the picture
staring, eyes bright, with pain and painted glee.

If only pictures showed what was below
the skin, then maybe we wouldn’t have sinned?
Note: just because I write about love does not mean I write about a specific person. Had to be said. Thank you for reading :)
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
Drake Taylor
I find myself jealous of her fingertips because of the way they run through her hair...

I can't stand the way her smile makes me feel.
I can just see her melt.
The way her eyes glow when we see each other.
How she walks,
And how she acts like she doesn't feel the same way I do.

It drives me insane.
And I hope it isn't all in my head.
 Oct 2014 Isnowhite
You there,
with your body laid
& your head rested
on your tear soaked pillow.
With the stains of unforgivable acts forced upon your body.
With the scars of abusive lovers,
with sharp tongues.
Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your battered bones
that creak & rattle,
with somber hymns
of hidden shame & hopelessness.
With insecure tastes
in your mouth,
that make you curse your being.

Yes you.
You deserve love.

With your desperation
& all your fears.
With your desire to awaken
from your fallacies of comfort.
From the caucus of neglect
that they left you to rot in.
Even though you may not know.

You. Yes you.
You deserve love.
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