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I can still remember that look,
The one in your eye when you kissed me,
And the feeling of your hot skin on mine,
And the weight of your body on top of mine.

I can still remember that look,
The one you gave me when we first met,
Asking me why I was back a week late
After summer holidays.

I can still remember that look,
The one you gave me when you first asked me to dance- for a dare- when
We were in 7th grade.

I can still remember how my heart felt,
Like it was about to burst or melt,
Every time you spoke to me or included me, or maybe when I learnt you could play guitar.

I can remember almost everything since the day we first met,
Every interaction, every time I felt my love grow stronger, every little bit of heart break as you dated my friends on a weekly basis,
But most of all I remember when you kissed my lips, laying in your bed, and you said you could lay like this forever and we were in no rush…
Again, I don't edit it rewrite my poetry, I just let it flow, so enjoy :)
I can still feel
The warmth
of your touch

I can still feel
Your tongue
in my mouth

I can still feel
Those eyes
filled with
****** desires

I can still feel
my body
for your touch

I'm missing you
every moment,
Your touch,
Your kiss,
your love.....etc
This is for you my dear **** guy
  May 2015 Isabelle Hampshire
''You can still look **** without potraying *** in pictures''
Since the day we first met
you were a glittering gem to my eyes;
Your cool sense of ease,
that air of mystery.
Or even the music that shaped your life
as you just sat and stared at the skies.

Times came and went,
and I had my fair share of heart break,
but in that moment when I needed you the most,
You lit up my world like the cigarettes you smoke,
And I couldn't have been more grateful for that move you made
At 4am on a Saturday.

Since then both our worlds have begun to unfold
And weave a new pattern- one that's colourful and bold.
The different threads intertwining like our legs
At the foot of your bed.

We're like two puzzle pieces affected by twisted fate,
Stuck outside heavens pearly white gates.
But I can get by with the thought of you
Telling me I was your favourite thing to do
As we laid down,
Oblivious that we were now one,
Instead of two.
Because for a second you are ignorant and beautiful…
You start to love yourself;
There's that spark of happiness-
that puts your mind to rest-
and everything they say
is like gold
pouring from their mouths, smothering you,
encasing you in a shell of discernment,
And before you know it's too late.
You're stuck in their little game,
But they no longer want to play.
I don't know how to explain
these feelings,
not even sure if I should.

All I seem to know
is that you're by my side.

You're not going to
hurt me,
dessert me.

Leave me
just for the fun;
play with me like cat
does with its toy.

You're going to care,
and stay with me.

Make me happy,
make me laugh.
and then i knew
i loved

you looked into my eyes

and then in
that moment
i knew
you loved me
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