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My mind is going weird again and hurting my head
I don't know what to make of it

I think
I want a male me
Or just me. I want another me. Doesn't necessarily have to be male. Can be female. Why not both. But I want another physical and spiritual embodiment of who I am as a person

A part of me just wants to hug and hold someone. And my head is automatically choosing said person, but the feeling of the mere hug and contact is overshadowing the identity of the person by a few degrees

I miss calloused hands roaming my body. And I miss body heat. I miss legs I can entangle mine with. I miss the crooks of necks. I miss snores emanating from a chest and hearing the rumble in the air from it. I miss tired faces resting and appearing destressed. I miss light groans as a body shifts positions in their sleep.

I think I can pinpoint what it is that I miss. Because although all sound like physical and verbal responses, it is not the actions, although they always go hand in hand.

I think I miss intimacy. But what is necessarily intimacy?
There's a few definitions as soon as one googles it
A close familiarity or closeness. A private, cozy atmosphere. A closeness of observation or knowledge of a subject.

My chest aches and pounds as I try to put my finger on what it is I'm searching for. The more it aches, the closer I am to finding my answer

Intimacy is to see in to me.
It is to let and allow someone to see you for who you are, to know what makes you a being.
But not necessarily in your head.

Intimacy is the knowledge of how another person's mind control's their body. How the body reacts to acts that can cause the mind to blank or move forward just off-beat of the body.

It's dragging your fingertips over their body and feeling the goosebumps rise as a laugh comes from the mouth over the words "popcorn butter is actually coconut oil with artificial flavoring" and feeling your eyes connect the dots between those goosebumps to their face and your brain noticing the connection between noises and nerve endings.

Intimacy is a weird state to be in. Because too much can cause the mind to blank and overload itself with serotonin and dopamine. All the while there is never enough time in the world to drag on that forever feeling
It's the act of getting lost in a person and discovering bits and pieces of how you affect said person.
In body, in mind, in response

I think I'm done because I don't know how else to frame my words. My head hurts and my chest pounds with equal force. I believe it's time for me to bid adieu and deal with this in the dreamscape
A collection of texts I sent to my friend while my thoughts ran rampant
i've been thinking about glasses filled with water,
two in particular.
when you take one and fill the other with more,
the initial one is left with less water.
there's still water in the two
but in my eyes,
nobody wants two uneven glasses.
it's science, volumes, and other simple concepts.
for me, not so much.
sometimes, i wonder if that's what my mind
and what my feelings do to cope.
if one part of my life is too hard to bare,
i invest my energy into another area
without paying much attention to
what's been taken out of unbearable assessment,
and what's been given
in a twisted type of self-treatment.
because the reality of a lesser glass
is hard for me to take/think about/dive into.
i compensate, but i still lose.
it's funny how one song messes with your equilibrium
the previous space you were in, the immensity of time.
the chords, the verses, the lines.
your brain and the magic behind the sound
have come to ruin you and tap into your soul,
so beautifully/unapologetically/painfully.
"don't think twice is alright" has it's own magic.
it's a 1963 breakup song,
but somehow the lyrics have seeped deeper into my skin
and taken claim of emotions my brain has slowly buried for me.
good thing the lyrics manage to dig them back up for me.
you could've done better, but i don't mind.
when hearing dylan's voice, a harmonica, and a couple guitar stings,
i didn't expect thoughts of personal loss, regret, and abandonment
to come up, loud and demanding to be heard.
then again, music holds a power
nobody's mind could break down and bottle.
surely, powers i may never know.
Though today is Tuesday
Many think it Monday,
But that was yesterday...
'Twas a Bank Holiday!
Which in a strange weird way
Many thought was Sunday,
But just on Saturday
All of us knew the day!
But who cares anyway?
Tomorrow is Wednesday,
Just to get through Thursday
Then hooray!! 'Tis Friday!
How pathetic of me
To write poems and string up words
When those same words
Are the reason why my soul bleeds.

How despicable of me
To talk to a phone
Simply because
I just don't belong.
I am uneasy with everything and nothing  happening all at once.
You're my fear
Everything that i hold dear
You hang on every word I say
As I pray, you won't grow
To one day, live that way
But to find your own words
Of world's old and new
That take you places
Beyond all that i once knew
Till that day, I'll always say
I'll carry your fear
Like a one true love
That i keep near
So grow my angel child
Take this life as you can
Be it one or be it many
Let it be dreams that you carry
And if you ever misstep
If you stumble or falter
I will always be humbled and proud
To be the one, to call you
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