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Mar 2021 · 572
Freedom In a Box
GJLT Mar 2021
Freedom of will,
At least on where to fit,
Inside of the present box
From your neighborhood block.
You’re cut from the cloth,
Of your father, and mother’s from before.
Their barren streets of shame,
Now your platform, sterile and benign,
Ready for a new life to decay.
No, look for an escape,
Don’t let it rot your dreams,
Embrace a new way,
Choose a new kind of day.
Mar 2021 · 1.2k
Wage Slave
GJLT Mar 2021
Helot today, and every other,
Go unpaid, go unmade,  
A broken body of myself,
Living in every possible way,
Save for my own,  
Always selling the soul,
The time that’s left,
Piece for price,
For profit, for my life,  
But yours to rent,
If you pay, please pay,
And it’ll be yours to store,
A deal nevermore.
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
Society As It Stands
GJLT Mar 2021
Society is a being,
A breathing, living thing,
It’s skin is always cold,
It does not wish to let me be known,
For it needs me to fulfill its will,
But I want to abandon it so,
For it’s claws are deeply rooted
Into my fragile skin,
It does not care if I bleed,
But I cannot find myself in leave, for
It’d tear me terribly thin.
Freedom is an indifferent escape away,
But until one jumps, all will stay,
And so I will live out the same day,
Over and over again,
Thus is the wail of the proletariat,
Living as undying strays.
GJLT Mar 2021
And what is knowledge,
Other than glorified, or ignored, interpretation?
The meaning of a thing,
Of your idea,
Or mine.
Necessary because you can not show me what you mean,
At least not literally, for I am not rooted in your reality,  
So I may take it a different way.
And so there is constant legitimization to those who
Say “I meant it like this.”
And then so it is,
A found, perfect defense,
Of which we cannot dispute.
We do this while also applauding those
Who respond with fiery tenacity,
“Well, I took it this way.”
Well, then checkmate.
Scream atop the rooftops your messy, contested discourse,
And mix it in alongside the shadow
Of culture and history,
Allowing for the perfect recipe,
For there to never be
A clear winner,
But be prepared to accept that I know not what you mean.
Mar 2021 · 781
Killer Foundation
GJLT Mar 2021
Sturdy as a titan is the oak off in the yard
Stuck strong and deep in the mud, with the permanence of a mountain ridge
There wasn’t a force of man, nature, or God that could catch her off
her guard
Until one golden morning came to pass, which started without a hitch,
Only this time an army of tiny fellows were summoned to follow,
And there they were, a pack of carpenter ants ready for a momentous
Eagerly and with ease, turning the impenetrable oak completely and utterly hollow.
Mar 2021 · 797
a chance at life
GJLT Mar 2021
to wake up is a chance
at what you want out of this
don't treat it with haste,
don't let it go to waste.

to breathe is to be present,
here, in the trenches of today.
don't let outside voices stay,
don't listen to what they say.
live for today,
live it out your own way.
May 2020 · 114
GJLT May 2020
I’m not anxious.
I know that you love me,
I know that you’re there,
Wherever that is,
Loving me.
I know that my friends care
Wherever they are,
I know that my family are here,
Just over in the next room,
Being present.
I know that my sister is here for me,
Many miles away,
Being here.
I know that I have support,
Wherever it may be,
Supporting me.

— The End —