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The Agèd Hands of Time have reached yet another
toll of the bell.

12 years have passed since I’ve last seen her in this life.
Distance and sickness in our being had robbed us both
of streams of time which passed like a long cold winter
into her death. These lost memories often create over-
exposed and superimposed photo negatives of imaginary
frames of time I desperately imprint to hold tightly in my
heart and mind.

But I still hold tightly in memory to her soft voice on the
phone and pictures of split second frames of physical
time my sister would send me. Many people don’t even
have that.

In this life she loved to mother her three grown children
and flower garden as near as
she could to the end. It was
in her nature to nurture us--
her perennial children--
and to help make the move easier for her literal annual foster children plants taken
from a confined existence to a deep soft warm bed of comfort.

Stamped on my mind is not the faded and worn, bruised
and torn image of her outward shell in the Trauma
Center at age 88, but the indelible inner and outward
image at age 38: a lovely young mama who tucked her
little boy in bed every night with a song and a prayer.
The little boy that is still alive in this man.

The Agèd Hands of Time have reached yet another
toll of the bell.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

My poem, The Agèd Hands of Time, posted two days ago, works in concert with this poem which I wrote one year ago today.
The man walked, shuffled,
Through blisters & sores.
His shopping cart stutters
Past the laden stores.
He's lost his mind
On rocky shores
He had hopes and
Dreams galore
Now he can't find them

In the land o' plenty
The woman lives hard.
Barely feeding her kids
With a food-stamp card.

The soldier lost limbs,
Now he's alone.
He is "housed"
But has no home.


We know the rhyme.
We know the riddle.
But they still get caught
In the middle.

Caught in the cracks
The streets for some.
Cement & sky
Is not a HOME.

Emily sits upon the stoop.
Goes to kitchens to get soup.

Michael lives.
He breathes.
He talks.
But he sleeps
In a cardboard box.


They're called vagrants.
They're called bums.
Labels they can't overcome.

Like wooden ships
Their only sea
Is in a bottle
They can't break free
Where's your HEART, society?
Where's your SOUL?


We must repent.
We must atone.
We ALL are guilty
To the bone.
We must help them


(C) 6/8/2017
Inspired by my reading.
I'm just writing it so it doesn't
"Go away"... I'm sure you can relate!
Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to ****** or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul.
Sometimes we just want to hold it
because it warms us

we can't decide
it might be bad for us
When the air's whispers are warm and the moon refuses to entertain

we can't decide
it might be good for us
When the wind carries chills and the sun searches for its shadow

we take it
into ourselves
knowing the potential harm
wanting the promised help

Sometimes we just want to hold it
because it warms us

©Christopher F. Brown 2016
Maybe you will tell me that you think I am "the one",
and say beautiful things like "you are the sun",
that I scatter prisms of light in your every direction
And that all you are is a gleaming mirror
reflecting all of my light, but only in boring halves
of all your phases, much like the moon.
But I will remind you how distant and cold I get,
only half here and the other half hidden.
You will reach for my hand and I will pull away from you
and tell you that you've mistaken me for something else,
That the light you thought you were reflecting
was just you watching cinematic reels of yourself
burning up as a flame on an infinite timeline,
only visible through my eyes.
I think you are the sun, walking around with half a brain.
You were not a mistake,
Even though my heart still aches.
Even though you and I are separated
By an infinite number of stars.
Even though we no longer get to touch,
And everything I feel hurts too much.

You were a choice I made,
You are not a mistake.
i woke up this morning
with cyanide in my eyes,
ghosts between my teeth,
and the devil in my stomach.
i looked at the clock
and it read 16:34.
though i slept for 18 hours
it felt like i hadn't slept in 18 days.
i was trying to get up
but the blankets were wrapped
around my neck,
choking me,
and my pillow
was stifling air from my lungs.
my sheets calmed me down
and told me
that 25 lines of shakespeare
were too much to memorize anyway.
First stanza, my upper lip
Second, his
The chorus, our tongue dancing
to the momentary rhythm.
Third stanza, my lower lip
Fourth, his
The bridge, a bite and a little pull,
sending us both to the brim.
Oh, this has to be my favorite song,
our kiss
In the
City I see;
Bright stripes
And city lights,
Sky high fives
The high rise.
Cars beep on
Busy streets
Tired sleep to
Sluggish beats.
Violent colours
Streak & blur,
Toss and turn as
The night burns.
We bought,
Peace we lost,
Sleep it's cost.
And so I lie in
A world dyed.
N.   E.   O.   N.
Composed on a sleepless night.
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