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Apr 2018 · 206
Comfort from the Night
Shadow Wolf Apr 2018
I get a hug from all that is dark
there when my sorrows are most
will protect me with a bark
know that I would never boast
Apr 2018 · 208
My Friend of the Night
Shadow Wolf Apr 2018
An acquaintance with dark
the sky crystal clear
can hear it bark

Beckoning me near
wanting me to stay
where it can hear

What have I to say
as the day draws near
I say hooray

For my friendship with the night
only one light
not quite as bright

Only the stars & moon
are my true friend
day coming soon

We will be together till the end
for all my wounds they will mend
I am happy to call you my friend
Darkness forever
now the end.
Apr 2018 · 161
The Girl of Dreams
Shadow Wolf Apr 2018
I watch the wind blow through her hair
her beauty is known everywhere
most people find it hard not to stare.

Her beauty, & her grace
when she wears some lace
it highlights her gleaming face.

She always has fun
in the winter
she is the one

Of our dreams
Apr 2018 · 179
The Beauty in Death
Shadow Wolf Apr 2018
While it is undeniably a tragedy,
there is beauty still seen by me.
In the loss
eyes are now crossed
they are tossed
to the real boss.
Please put down the mace,
I am not a disgrace.
There is no need for war,
I will give you more.
I will be good
let me have the hood.
I will make you proud
while never being loud.
A pretty occurance
as opposed to an ugly disturbance.
The sweet release
while life comes to a cease.
Feb 2018 · 166
Shadow Wolf Feb 2018
Going out on a limb
Not knowing what I'm doing
Diving right in before getting a chance to breathe
At first it was bliss
Then on to hesitation
Awkwardness all along the way
Then regret, feeling like lying
Yet never sure in the first place
Waiting would have been better
Wait to see how things will go
But desperate to be free from all of the sorrow and agony
Feeling support and happy for once
Worth trying
Wouldn't do it again
A rollercoaster back to where it all began
Feb 2018 · 211
The Gambler
Shadow Wolf Feb 2018
I light a fire with my eyes
As I tell those lies
I am as cool as ice
When I roll the dice

When I play the game
Everyone knows my name
There are many secrets within my hands
As I gain more and more fans

The truth is in the cards
As I turn your dreams to shards
I love that rush
When I get a flush
Your money will be mine
In little to no time

We watch the ***** spin
I can sense that I will win
As I pull the lever
You will have to endeavor
You guaranteed loss
At a high cost

Wanna make a bet
I will get the table set
We could bet on a horse
I will win of course
You can bet on your life
I will grab a knife

I am the gambler
Not just some rambler
You will remember me
With all of your money
Feb 2018 · 204
Life is Divided by Hate
Shadow Wolf Feb 2018
Life split in 2 divided by something called hate. The act that is so easy to do that can also do so much damage. In a matter of seconds life can end because of one last sentence. The last thing in life that can end it so abruptly. A tragedy where the thoughts in your head lining up with all the HATE. From yourself or external sources. How can a part of life involve something that ends lives? Ironic isn’t it. One sentence, one word can end EVERYTHING. Hate is like a disease, it keeps spreading killing more and more victims every second. It sinks its teeth in you draining out your will to live like a vampire. It all starts with one thing that causes a chain reaction.
Feb 2018 · 239
Ships in the Night
Shadow Wolf Feb 2018
The stars shine bright like glowing little diamonds in the sky. A drastic difference from the never-ending dark black eternity. The white color of stars twinkling is so beautiful and calming. The moon only a small sliver not reflecting much light but has a beautiful alluring off-white glow. As the ship gently rides the calm waves just going along with the dark water. Rocking the boat gently like a cradle. The water has a crystal clear reflection of the sky. It feels like the boat is sailing in liquid space. It is a truly magical experience. Little does anyone know there is another ship in the distance that gets a very similar journey. They never see each other as they drift their separate ways. Along the sea of space.
Nov 2017 · 235
Life Without Color
Shadow Wolf Nov 2017
In the dark you cannot see
You cannot see just like me
Life without color is gray
No breeze from the bay
No will to stay

In the dark you cannot see
Neither the birds nor the trees
Neither the sky or the bees
Living life just like me

In the dark you cannot see
Indoors you do not need
The key to see as I see
Seeing nothing at all

In the dark you cannot see
What it is life means to me
I can’t see color
But I can feel the breeze
I can see what I need to see

In the dark you cannot see
To the degree
That matches me
We are not the same
We will never be
You see the light I cannot see
Jun 2017 · 338
Shadow Wolf Jun 2017
Those who make me smile
Wish they could stay for awhile
Through the storm of life
But the smiles fade
The truth is revealed
Standing alone
Left to pick up the pieces
Abandoned to fight for myself
A cycle
More lies, more desertion
Unaccompanied during the real battle
I would love a title idea for this one
Jun 2017 · 342
Shadow Wolf Jun 2017
Sitting, writing
Picturing a fantasized version of reality
Thinking if how it could be
Only if..
things were different
Jun 2017 · 264
Battle of My Mind
Shadow Wolf Jun 2017
I just want it to end
the sorrow and pain I endure
the inner chaos of my own mind
the battle of right and wrong
the deepest memories of the saddest times
a constant replay of the trauma & agony
there is no escape, I have gone too deep
I am alone
No one could comprehend what has happened
nowhere to turn, I am stuck
Self remorse & regrets
pure negativity is all that has survived
The battle of my mind
Jun 2017 · 252
The Power of Music
Shadow Wolf Jun 2017
Music is what I live for
It lightens the world with its sound
It brings hope to those enduring the worst
It unifies the soul & mind
It brings peace & hell to those who listen
Music is when the soul speaks
Music is revenge, sadness, strengh, & power
Music is what can calm a mind in distress
It is the true voice of the artist
A melodic tune of the deepest inner thoughts
Music causes true change and satisfaction
A warning of what is soon to come
A rendition of memories of significance
Bringer of happiness & remorse
An inspiration
A pick me up
Able to make someone move
Celebration of life
May 2017 · 394
The Storm
Shadow Wolf May 2017
Forever in a deep dark unforgiving storm
Until there was a break in the clouds
An area of sunlight
Relief from all troubles
Finally some brightness
Until the clouds start coming together
No longer a trusted safe space
Get out an umbrella
And get ready for the storm
Back where it was in the begining
May 2017 · 436
The Concept of Infinity
Shadow Wolf May 2017
Going on forever
a concept
precieved to exist
yet never known how large
presumed to be a solution
but never known how far must be traveled
Jan 2016 · 517
You and Me
Shadow Wolf Jan 2016
I don't know how to feel
It's just to real
I know it might sound crazy
My thoughts are hazy
But I want you with me full of glee
Happy we could be
This is just a dream
Full of bliss
Something I will miss
It can't happen
Just a fantasy
You and Me
Jan 2016 · 2.6k
I am Invincible
Shadow Wolf Jan 2016
I am Invincible
I cannot be destroyed
Like a superhero, nothing can stop me
Nothing can get in my way
Nothing will keep me from going on
I will continue
By passing any obstacle in my way
I can power though and stay strong
And nothing, even the darkest of dark times
Can keep me from achieving my goals
There is always a light at the end of every tunnel
I always make it to that light
At the end of the never-ending tunnel
Jumping over the highest of hurdles
Climbing the tallest of mountains
Whatever it takes to reach that final goal
I am Invincible

— The End —