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Is there a way of a loving goodbye?,
Far beyond my dream come true?
Is there a reason for my why?
Do you mean the answer is you?

Oh no, no, of course not
Let's heat that water ***
Make it cold when it's hot
Drink me, but touch me not.

Just like the sea,
waves "Hi".
Leave no trace,
as it waves too for "Goodbye"
As the sun never forgets to shine,
so as you, never forget,
never fail to make me smile.
Making me the center of your Universe.
Sharing light amidst darkness.
Sharing warmth amidst distance.
Giving care amidst doubts.
My Moon, don't get tired of chasing your Sun.
Though there are other brighter stars around.
Wait until an eclipse bridge this distance and align our hearts.
And she can promise to shine only for you.
A love in distance. Like the Sun and the Moon.
I was just a damsel in distress.
Lost and tired of the cruelties of my past.
At night, I would dream for a knight,
in his mighty horse and golden armor.
To rescue me from the dull castle,
with thick walls I myself have built.
Then, you set foot at the threshold of my castle,
riding no horse, wearing no golden armors.
You fought no ogre nor trolls
You just brought me words,
Beautiful words I haven't heard before.
You made me your only star in your galaxy,
your kryptonite and your pixie dust.
Your poetic words under the setting sun made me blush and giggle like a kid.
You whispered songs in my ears
and made the fairies dance like splattered glitters in the night.
You have given me wings,
You have treated me like a Queen,
your only Queen.
Oh love, you already have my heart,
from the moment our eyes made contact for the first time.
And so here I am, breaking every brick, every stone of my walls.
Walking step by step into your direction.
No matter what odds may be,
I will be forever your Queen bee.
Hope you like it as I love yours.
She was beautiful
Before she knew
She was deceived.
"Can a heart still break once it stopped beating?"

Can a heart still break?
If it chooses to let go
rather than
get hurt?
Can a heart still break?
If it is half emptied of soul
half full of spirit?
Can a heart still break?
If it doesn't understand anything again?
Can a heart still break?
If it is not you then.

Tell me my dear,
Can a heart still break, when it's beat left the music within?

Beyond understanding. What pain gives a heartbreak.
The Angel said.

Where the grass is green and the sky is seen
The wind blows free and you go with me
We will walk the day to reach the night
As we pass through flowers that is blooming blight.
if anyone misses you, you'll be thrown back
From where those people stay and where you must act
Look closely to the point of reaching
This calling is an example of living
If they care, or they just care when you lose.
The sun is down and your clock is ticking
Don't be bothered wondering
If to you this means nothing.
I was ordered.

Tell them to forget you before Saturday.
If the reason ain't you,
I'll force myself not to get hurt.
If not you,
I won't hope for us.

Getting cold, can't even move.
It gets difficult for my heart that chooses you.

If we can't be till the end,
I'll stop myself from loving again.
If we can't be together,
I'll prevent myself from loving you.

If it is not you,
Who will cry every morning for you?.
If it is not you,
I'd rather left.
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