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 Dec 2017 han
She Writes
I either give one hundred percent
Or nothing

With me
There is no in between

I love with all my heart
I lose myself

Always putting others feelings
And happiness above my own

One of the hardest lessons
I have had to learn is

That you can give someone the world
And still not have a place in it
 Dec 2017 han
too much
 Dec 2017 han
i feel too much
i love too much
i forgive too much
i'm good too much
I kinda love it though. :)
 Dec 2017 han
Katie Solomon
 Dec 2017 han
Katie Solomon
The moster underneath my bed,
She comes to me nightly,
Gently plants her arcane kiss of fear,
Upon my pacing heart -
Her name is anxiety; she's with me again.
Oh why won't she just leave me alone?
I beg her to go, but instead -
She sentences my mind, to the darkest punishment.
An ongoing cycle of panic -
She consumes my rationality
She paralyses me, with terror.
I'm trapped in my own body
I lay restless.
Leave me alone.
Please go away.
Please go away anxiety.
She doesn't listen to my pleading.
What if you die in your sleep?
Did you google these symptoms yet?
She asks,
You're dying.
 Dec 2017 han
Katie Solomon
 Dec 2017 han
Katie Solomon
You say, that love is a weakness.
I think my soul is your prisoner.
And my heart a slave of yours.
Pounding, to the rhythm of the notes you play.
 Dec 2017 han
Mishael Ward
As I sat there praying on my knees.
I thought of what Jesus did for me.
How he shed his blood on calvary
So that satan's shackles on man would be broken free.
How could someone so powerful and perfect,
Have so much love and compassion for the unworthy?

This is the love I want to share with others
He said "delight in giving to one another,"
“be quick to forgive"
So I lift my hands in joy for what Jesus did.
his love hung for hours on a tree
so that people all over the world could be set free.
That, my friend, is what Jesus did for me.
Poem by: Mishael Ward
 Dec 2017 han
 Dec 2017 han



Dear coffee,
Oh so lukewarm and freshly brewed,
Feel free to leave me in a sweetened and satisfying mood.
© December 5, 2016 deprivedkat
 Dec 2017 han

A wire round your neck...
Unable to scream..
It gets tighter.
And you just watch yourself being consumed...
Only wishing to be consumed by a hug..
Not this Depression.

Strapped to a chair...
Beaten and broken down..
You forget who you are, what you enjoy, you become unrecognizable.
Numb to positivity...
It is a nightmare, to only disappear in a crowd..
To only be consumed once again.

By this monster
Called Depression
© January 10, 2017 deprivedkat
 Dec 2017 han
I'm tripping the breaker.
Soaking in the burn of the wires,
Tracing the line back to an old fuse box
With a broken switch
And a battered shell.
Grey with ambiguity and boredom
Seeping productivity like an oil spill,
Diluting the green.

Twenty one centuries.
And some pocket change
Just so we can all act
Like the pressure was worth the diamond.
We were never supposed to be this connected
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