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Alexander Nov 2017
It’s there,
Where water meets fire,
Where lightings strikes the ground.
That’s where my heartbeat goes.

My chest feels like it was filled
With tampered strings.
Once so sharp and precise,
Now dull and inconsistent.

Mother always asks where my love is.
I tell her it hasn’t moved in years.
Her dumbfound look
Meets my half smile.

How do I lie to a broken mirror?
Where even my reflection is fake.
How do I mute the cannon fire,
Deep within my chest?
Alexander Nov 2017
What a good boy you’ve become.
Hide your feelings, let your heart go numb.
The fiery sprint,
Now a worthless stint.

You scream for the warden to set you free
While you, in your own hands, hold the key.
Your room becomes your prison.
Drown your soul, before it has risen!

Scrape the flesh of your ribs,
Reveal what lies beneath,
A cold heart with no care for life,
An empty bag, filled with blue blood.

In your eyes once shined a light
Now your thoughts fade to dark, a starless night.
Your screams pierce my ears.
They remind me of my own fears.

One day the sun will rise,
And with it, the meaning of breath.
Why we live and why we die
Has to be more than to say goodbye.
Alexander Nov 2017
Love is no longer a warm room
It’s more of a fridge.
Once hot and steamy
Now cold and wet.

Some might say
That, love is, just an emotion
A chemical process
A biological fact

And… They’re right
However, to us
It is so much more
And so less

Love can be higher than life
The light in a never-ending tunnel
The fire in a sealed jar
The warmth in a concrete cell

Love is hearing your name through her voice
It’s knowing the truth and being happy with it
The inspiring feeling, pushing you further and further
It’s the silence in your head, because it’s too busy with thinking about her

To us
Love is
More than
A feeling
Alexander Nov 2017
Blood and bone be my witness,
The heart is struck with great an illness.
Waste, is her name.
The time of day would go away just as it came.

Seeing the hours tick
And hearing my watch’s click,
Would give me more reason
To accuse my mind of high treason.

Its only duty is to obey me,
And yet my ideas drift, as though they were on sea.
Strange is this mind.
Too often cruel, rather than kind.
Alexander Oct 2017
How can you be so bold
As to paint with your tongue?
Silver words turned to gold,
Serpent long.
After me you’d go for more,
You’ve never seen true war,
The one which rages deep within.
Why does your love taste like sin?
Go to his arms,
See if I care.
His lungs don’t need any air.
I can’t bear any more of your charms.
How did diamonds turn to dust?
Just like, into air, did too our trust.

How can you keep a smile,
After you warrant so many tears?
It’s become something vile,
A curse, lost to the years.
My heart feels the breaking of chains,
My veins are the train tracks and your eyes, the trains,
A full stop is all I need,
But that’s no problem for you, you’re filled with greed.
Go, pull your inept strings!
Your melody can’t soothe me.
I don’t have to run anymore or flee
From all the scorching question and eerie things.
My embrace was crafted for you,
I tell myself that sweet lie that will never become true…

I loved you…
Trying out the Onjegin rhyme, too bad it had to be something sad...
Alexander Oct 2017
I can paint no sky,
Nor sing any melodies.
What I can do however,
Is create life, from where, there is none.

I offer you no timeless pieces,
Or ceiling paintings in grand chapels.
What I offer you is so much more,
Yet so little if you can’t feel.

I offer you entire worlds.
Oceans of words and
Mountains of thought.
Hills and fields of love,
An entire sky of hope.

Every cloud, grass and leaf
I’ve made for you.
All the rivers which flow and the rains which fall,
I’ve crafted with these two hands.

My work I give to you,
Motley, live and lush.
For you to read and to live through,
In any way you’d like.

Be careful however,
For my reality is vast,
But still is made out of yellow paper.
It burns easily,
And my heart is full of sparks ready to start a blaze.
Unlike any forest fire,
My love,
Will never,
Alexander Oct 2017
Next time
Stop me
From loving
Someone who’d
Feed me
Sand instead of

Next time tell me you don’t care.
So I don’t start caring.

Next time push me away before I,
Come close to, you.

Next time won’t be like before.
I’ll rather my heart meet a dagger,
Than go through what I did with you.
I’d wish such rage, such anger
On no man, your presence left an insatiable hunger.

So please, next time we kiss,
Don’t be shy.
Spit your poison into me,
I’m no longer afraid to die.
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