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 Jul 2014 harlee kae
Sometimes I just want to
**** myself, just so I can see
the world unravel itself,
to see all the people I love
get the news and lose feeling in their knees
and drop to the floor, or silently cry to themselves at lunch
or think about me whenever they hear or see a certain thing,
reminding themselves of an inside joke we once had.
To imagine those who disrespected,
took advantage
and carelessly stomped over our relationship like a hardwood floor--
as if I was ever stable enough to hold up the both of us--
let the merciless furry of regret scorch them and melt them from
the inside out, like acid on skin,
wishing that maybe they'd
shown how much they appreciated me,
instead of showing true to the prophecy:
You don't know what you have until it's gone.
Maybe I want this because I long to be the center of attention,
or maybe because I'm curious.
Or maybe because I just want the world to suffer.
I named this #1 because it's a selfish thought of many.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
your teeth scrape against my neck,
and my fingers clench your taut back in anguish,
will it keep me above water
safe from drowning in the abyss of what's left
and that which you have given up to me
legs twist and weave
arms tangle like ivy
winding its way up an abandoned house that hasn't been lived in for ages,
our lips possess an urgency,
I know you feel the tremble beneath my rib cage
as I struggle to tread the water
I thought it was under control
but this tide dragged me out further than I realized
and something
something about the way you keep pulling me under,
until the waves start filling my lungs
you are destroying me
from the inside out
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
here it is,
i'm laying it all out, just for you;
all my cards are on the table.
and it's not a winning hand.
yet it's all the things i desperately want to say
but won't leave my lips,
all that I need you to know,
to understand.
i swear im not pushing you away.
my fingers grasp your shirt because I'm so **** scared you'll slip away.
your wings are made for more and you deserve to see them spread wide.
sometimes I wished you never met me
because I've clipped them and now you're here
close to the ground,
next to me.
if i blink
will you be gone ?
and then with whom will i share the parts of me i've tried so hard to destroy
but none of it matters in the end because the damage is already done
the walls have shattered and collapsed all around me
and i see you through a single crack, standing,
waiting on the other side,
blood staining the knuckles of your crumpled hands
so here goes...
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
I sit alone, but with the company of my worries floating around me
every minute I am here time slows down even more.
I don't know what I'm looking for..
but I know I need something;
Something that will take this pain away for at least a couple days.

When I'm with him It's like the times I have felt alone never happened
It's like I've only ever been happy my whole life
It's like loneliness ceases to exist
It's like I finally know how it feels to know I am really here.

But of course, when he leaves I sit alone waiting
Waiting for that change inside me
knowing it will never happen..
but still always having some hope in my heart that I will get better
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
You totally forgot about me
And I just let it be
You're now completely happy
And I'm just happy, temporarily.

To be honest, I'm happy that you are happy,
But don't you know that you're happiness is hurting someone else?

Dont you know that you're happy, but someone else is broken
broken and thinking about her words unspoken.
Yup, her. The one who's hurting is her.
I know youre  wondering now.
The show is over, take a bow.

Wait I just want you to know that
the her im talking about is me.
Do you give a ****? Yes, no, or maybe?
- PD
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
And your smile
it rises like the sun
stretching far
across the beautiful planes
of your face.
It's so bright,
so beautiful.
I'd stay up all night
just to watch it
in the morning.
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