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Haley Rezac Jul 2013
disrupted slumber
I finally
what I've been
to think
for quite some time
whether it's
the truth or not
I've yet to
but this tormented state
usually has a way
of lasting.
Haley Rezac Apr 2013
I used to wake up
wishing I could sleep forever.
I used to dream of
living in the stars, away from pain,
away from air
and all things human.
I used to dread what I loved most,
used to think of death
with every possible encounter.
I even used to get genuinely mad because
I was still breathing.

I stayed up late most every night
because my mind would not shut up;
it would taunt and whisper
promise peace with just a handful of pills
or a jump off a bridge.
The devil lived inside of my head;
sometimes he comes back for a visit
but not too often lately.
He's left too many thoughts behind,
thoughts he'll never bring back with him
(wherever he goes)
because they're etched
and scarred
in dusty corners

I've written a note
the one that says goodbye to everyone I love
the one that people will remember
and cry over most
if I ever wanted them to find it.
It's all there, all these past memories
and tortured thoughts
sprinkled on my personality to stay.

Sometimes it all floods

makes me feel like I'm decaying from the

but I pull through.
I always pull through
I always come back up for

But Depression,
she's no quitter.
She'll always be here to try and

It's just my choice if she
Haley Rezac May 2013
I'll never tire
of watching each other's lips
behind closed eyelids.
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
Although you've locked yourself away
and your whole world has turned to gray
I hope your mind has settled down
and you no longer feel you're bound.
I hope the seraphs in the sky
give you lessons on how to fly
and even though we are apart
I pray that you still cross your heart;
that you'll not try to follow me
and you forever hesitate to be
another angel in the sky:
one that's clueless on how to fly.
Haley Rezac Jun 2014
I spent the first few
hours of summer lazing
with the boy I love.
Haley Rezac Jun 2013
like sheets of glass
as clear as how
those eyes used to
look at me
under thinly-veiled
barely hidden
that happened by the dozens
in under two minutes.

with the stars
that you wished upon
every night
until I felt the urge
to collect myself within
your skin
your arms
as pale as the moon

into those spontaneous plans
we had of visiting
unknown corners of
the universe
in hopes of finding
our old secrets
stuffed between wrinkled
begging to emerge.

as quickly as the sun
when she wants to give life
to the moon,
our passion faded with the
strum of phantom heartbeats
keeping the same rhythm
in closed caskets with
intricately woven stories of
how we never said goodbye.
Haley Rezac Dec 2013
He will tell his
brown-haired, green-eyed sweetheart
"you are the most beautiful girl in the world"
and hopefully she won't believe him
hopefully she'll think of a few months
maybe years
from now
when they're distant from each other
with loose strands of broken bandages
between them
and he's calling
a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl
the most beautiful girl in the world

hopefully she'll spare herself
the false truth
faster than
I did.
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
did I break your heart in to
I'll buy you a broom
help you sweep the shards up
but I won't assist in
gluing the pieces back together

that's the way I am
I guess:
I will love you
until I realize
that you love me
--then you're on
your own.
Haley Rezac Nov 2013
We drove for miles
through the Utah desert,
past the Rocky Mountains
and looked at cities
swimming by in a bokeh blur--
I fell asleep to him softly
humming to an unknown song
while we traveled below
the stars.

We stopped at a diner,
ate clammy pancakes
that weren't worth the wait
but we made the best of it
admiring the authentic view
and pointing out
newfound places in the ghetto
that didn't exist around home.

I woke up in the backseat
to the sound of a scenic
rest-stop stream
and gazed at the mountains
towering over me:
silhouettes against the
starry midnight sky.

In the following afternoon
we scaled plateaus
as tall as God
with a view of which made me
want to die
within that very heaven.

We survived for thirty hours on
junk food,
gas stations, rest-stops,
each other's music
and cramped, makeshift beds.

Looking back,
I would give anything
for another thirty hours
in that car.

I would notice the differences
between each place we stopped
ten times more.

I would close my eyes
to cherish those pictures in my head.

I would write a better poem about it all.
From a 9-lined stanza to a 1-lined stanza (consecutively).
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
I'll dream of his lips tonight,
the way his skin touched mine,
I'll remember all the little things--
our fingers intertwined.

His smile is for sale right now
(has been for half the day)
though used so much for someone else
it's bound to be thrown away.

I'll dream of his lips tonight,
the softness of his cheek,
how love became a bitter taste
in just less than a week.
Written on 09/04.
Haley Rezac Oct 2013
Gloomy weather effects people
more than
sunshine-y weather,
maybe because rain drops
hit the ground harder
than sun rays do.
The ground being our
literal separation from
it is a fragile barrier that assists
in carrying me to you,
and with the ground soaking wet from
a naturally reoccurring water cycle,
I am bound to slip.
It will take me longer
to reach you and your smile,
warm like those bright days
the human race is
so fond of,
and because of this--
because of the extended
length of time it takes
for lovers to reach sunny,
entangled, tender future-memories,
people are wary of
Mother Nature's bad moods.
Haley Rezac Nov 2013
Today I woke up to you breathing softly on my shoulder; your eyes were closed, though they fluttered when I kissed your temple gently.
You shifted, parted your cracked lips in a sigh as you drifted back towards slumber, and I do recall wondering how on earth you don't see yourself as one of a kind: entirely extraordinary to every impossible extent.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
I fear the love and
the light directed towards me;
I'm used to darkness.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
they appear more frequently
your sad eyes
and I seem to be
the cause
more and more often
God, how have I kept
you this long
even with pierced
circling your neck
and chains weighing
my palm down
to the ground
farther and farther away
from your tears
how are you still
Haley Rezac Apr 2013
If I am tortured longer than originally planned,
Hell has surely taken over.
The demons are released to destroy every particle
That may be coursing through my veins
And my skin is pale from lack of light
As though that is what shakes awake the color of my cheeks each day.
If I am tortured longer than originally planned,
If the devil dances amongst my shoulders,
Fear not, for I will surely defy my fate
And plunge into oblivion.
Fear not, for death will save me for the very first
--and last--
Haley Rezac May 2013
Rich bark
clinging to oak
I am perfect
not yet destroyed
by chainsaws
tearing me down
and suddenly
I'm torn away
goodbye brown sap
and sturdy roots
collapse inward
form into a
beaten log
discarded into many
like myself
thrown into a pit
sold for warmth
not my own
time to disintegrate
into ash
flames surround me
lick burn scratch
so suddenly
I turn to nothing
turn to dust
buried with earth
Haley Rezac May 2013
I saw your jaw clench,
your next breath out
shaking like a leaf
we stared at each other
and I only watched
as the first tear spilled over
onto your cheek
but that was all I could take
before climbing into your lap;
let me kiss your tears away,
I'll try to subside the pain
any way I know how.

I kiss your lips
salty from those silent tears
dripping from your eyes
I hold you close;
*it's okay, Love.
It's okay to be sad
for once.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
I saw a girl
in the park
she was wearing
to cover her
but I knew they were

loose strands
of blonde hair
curled around her neck
and her T-shirt
had a bad word
on it
but a bad influence
was the last phrase
I had in mind
to describe her

I bet she listens to bands
no one's ever heard of
and maybe cries herself
to sleep at night
when she thinks no one
can hear

she probably wants to
she probably wants something
an adventure
something that isn't
but I'm okay with that

I didn't expect anything
Trying to write what people see me as.
Haley Rezac May 2014
I can't sleep tonight
but I'm dreaming of you
and it's 12:51 AM
I'm so upset because you're my only
safe haven and yet
you're so faraway
at 12:52 AM

my heart is split in half:
one half is with you in your bed
across town
while the other is broken
and yet to be found

God you don't know
how much I love you
and even I don't think
I can piece it all together
but ****,
do I really have to try now
at 12:55 AM?
can't I shut down my brain
like the rest of the city has already
and figure it out when the sun is shining?

It's 12:58 AM
and the Klonopin is kicking in
these words are swirling
and I'm fighting it because
I need to finish these conscious thoughts of you--
who knows what I'll conjure up
when my eyes are closed?
all I know is
I won't stop loving you
not at 1:02 AM
or God knows when

I'm coming back to you my love
though first if you don't mind
I'll close my eyes and
drift away to Slumberland

keep your half of my heart safe
in your bed
while I'm gone,
won't you?
This is quite possibly the worst poem I've ever written, but that's what I get for babbling on into a microphone while I'm half asleep.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
You won't look at me at first
so the tears aren't real until I see
the moistness of your cheeks

It was my fault again
but instead of you gripping me tight
with worry
you are really
by my actions

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

I only hope you feel the remorse in
my kisses
                   my touch
                                     my voice
I hope you know that if love were liquid
I would send you an ocean
and I would not stop giving
until every drop is gone
with the world thirsty
and you content.
Haley Rezac Oct 2013
Little girl
hears them
wraps herself
in warm blankets
(music can't
block this one
little girl
her Mommy's
so fragile
he's breaking her
in half
with words
little girl is
clenches her
grabs her
combat boots
by the bedroom
she dresses
puts on
a hoodie
stitched in
grabs mittens
for her
tiny hands
little girl
grabs her
looks in her
doesn't register
who the hell
she sees
if anyone
is even there
at all
opens her
storms right
past her
hot tears
spill on
her cheeks
sliding door
slams shut
little girl
looks up
into icy rain
doesn't look
walks down
hard gravel
friendlier than
little girl
Haley Rezac May 2014
These scratches on my arms
are just pitiful attempts
at even a grasp of sanity

The marks left behind
are reminders that I'm still living
an unbelievably weary existence

I would've used a knife
or a match
but my nails were the closest
the most convenient
the least likely to draw attention

I went too far and now
my arms are decorated in
long talon scars

who knew I'd dig so deep
for a little dose of purity?
I don't know where to go from here.
Haley Rezac Apr 2014
Lover I am yours and you are mine
and I will love you 'til the end of time
but I can no longer deny (I can't deny)
I'm diseased, I was conceived
under the blood of night.

This balcony is cold so can we please go inside?
Love, I'm not a fan of this game of seek and hide
I see you in the shadows hunting for a soul to sell
but Lover, are you not aware that we're already in Hell?

I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm screaming out your name
I warned you that this balcony was only cold and grey
It's got secrets I wish I could scream etched beneath its skin
it was the final surface of a jumper, crazed as hell by all his sins.

Lover I am yours and you are mine
and I will love you 'til the end of time
but I'm afraid my time is all used up
so with that, my love, I wish you the best of luck.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
Coccooned in my own warmth
of something that's not
my own
I love you
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
He fell in love
with a poet
and prayed for a meaning
to her words
but God, her insight
what was their's
and soon her words
were gone;
so was
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
He fell in love
with a poet
tried to understand
the seemingly random
continuously tumbling
from her mouth
but he could not keep up
with her thoughts

she was eventually tired
of waiting
left him behind
as he was still processing
her final

Barely even noticed
her absence
lost in a sea of
irreparable, misunderstood
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
He fell in love
with a poet
and that is enough
to last a lifetime.
Haley Rezac Jun 2013
If walls could talk
they would say I dream of you
much too often,
and if corners could speak
they would pour over the fact that
I spend too much time beside them,
writing words I'll never show a soul,
and if stars could holler down to earth
they would announce just how many times
I've turned to them,
wishing for talking walls and corners

--solely so I could remain
an introvert.
Haley Rezac May 2013
At night I think of wandering
And as I lay there pondering
I question where I'll go.

Will I press within my freakish mind?
And if I do, what will I find?
I question what I know.

Maybe I'll go to another place,
One of a more physical state,
Perhaps under flakes of snow.

The more I think, the more it's seeming
Like I should sleep and go to dreaming
But thoughts are steady flows.

And I hate to lie awake at night
But insomnia puts up a fight
Which means my mind puts on a show.
Haley Rezac Sep 2013
Love tumbles quietly down the small of your back
interrupts our mumbled arguments
and lingers in the pads of your fingertips.

You've been waiting for me to notice,
dropping little hints of worn gratitude--
segments that have been used in great quantities;

the previous recipients were oblivious
to the warmth of these words and actions
but I'm starting to sense fire under my skin--

I can smell the smoke.
Haley Rezac Oct 2013
Depression is not
beautiful, though it can make
one hell of a poem.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
the feeling is gone
now I only live with the
fear of it's return.
update from '5:39 a.m.'.
Haley Rezac Aug 2013
I'm depressed, Baby
but that's what every teenager says
these days
who knows if they
truly have the slightest clue
of that neverending
emptiness, how it
you out
until you're the spitting image of
your worst nightmare
while it grabs you

pins you


with a ******* ferocity that even Hades himself could not endure.
This illness makes you
makes you
bleed out all of the strength
that's left in your wilted form

if there was any in the first place                              

and it won't be satisfied
until every inch of your mind is infected
with pure venom
lovely poison.

You'd expect that with an illness
treating you so **** awfully,
it'd throw you away in a heartbeat
like the trash it wants you to call yourself,
but instead it
sticks by your side
morphs itself into your own head

you won't know which thoughts are yours*            

and it becomes your
the only constant
in your temporary
the only thing
you can
count on

Haley Rezac May 2013
It seems that nothing
suffices anymore.
disc­ard everything as
useless, don't pay
attention to the
screaming in my
dusty brain. Seems I
endure the simplest
tasks, I break and
feel as if the world
is swallowing me whole.
It's so hard to get
out of bed, let alone
up and face whatever
lies in store for me
that day. Feels like
rolle­rcoaster is stopping
soon, coming to an end.
[My stomach can
stop lurching now.]

The fun is done, the
is over.
Haley Rezac Jun 2013
I would just like to
release my demons
one more time
because I think
some still
Haley Rezac May 2013
I fall in

with your       heartbeat,
the thrum-thrum-thrum of
your chest against mine
the pulsing whisper
that your lips leave
against my cheek
my forehead
my nose

Never have I desired
anything more than to
curl up against you
fall asleep to that thrum-thrum-thrum
wake up to
your                            kiss
your                         touch
your                    warmth.

It was on
May 17
of 2013
--a stretch of time--
somewhere between
11pm and 12am
that I
fell              into
love              with
And it's scary as hell.
Haley Rezac May 2013
People are dying
children are crying
and Mommy's weeping
while Daddy's sleeping
then there's me:
too scared to flee
so I'm stuck here
in an atmosphere
that's filled with death;
why can't I rest?
The clock is ticking
as I am thinking
and my heart pounds
as gunshot sounds
and with every beat
I think I'll meet
the heavens.
Haley Rezac Jun 2013
I refuse to believe in the mere thought
that I will wake up tomorrow feeling
like my body has survived one thousand
hits, one thousand bruises, because God knows
surviving first consists of living, and
He and I both know I've just barely lived.
We both know existing is the closest
I'll ever be to feel fully alive.

It's as if Satan came and took my soul
that was once wrapped in innocence and hope,
tore it apart, left it ****** and raw,
sprinkled salt on my bare and open wound,
sealed it with anger and euphoric pain,
returned it to my body, ordered it
to destroy me from the inside out, and
watched me--earnestly--cave in like a corpse.
Haley Rezac Jul 2013
It's eating her alive
gives her hallow eyes
divides her mind and heart
--seperates them worlds apart
they disintegrate to dust;
she's been waiting to readjust
attempting to be fierce
but dignity has long been scarce
and the minute she stands tall
is when Heaven declares its fall
upon the very land
that tore her limbs and both her hands
though perhaps with its demise
she will see with stricken eyes
what's been hidden all along:
peace was waiting, brave and strong.
Haley Rezac Jul 2013
Maybe it's a good thing
you're keeping this from me
Then I can pretend that
everything is fine, that
I don't feel like my lungs will burst
at each mention of
if it's only just a possibility

I hope it's worth it
I hope you come back to me
Haley Rezac Apr 2013
If you persist to be mine,
I hope you enjoy the smell of rain;
I hope you take pride in
A love for Disney movies,
And I hope we can go
Antique shopping
And perhaps discover unknown caves
Against the ocean's tide.

If you persist to be mine
I'll dream of having tea--
Or coffee, if you prefer--
In our cozy apartment
On the coldest winter days.

I'll dream of taking walks
Under overcast skies;
We'll travel down Haight
And breathe in the
Friendly atmosphere.

If you persist to be mine
I will gladly be yours
And we'll create faint memories
Beneath the California sky.
Haley Rezac May 2013
You make me whole
in ways I cannot comprehend,
in ways that I am forced to keep inside
because once they are physically spoken,
it seems as if they are inadequate descriptions
of how I really feel.

You make me whole
in ways I cannot comprehend,
like how one cannot fathom
each constellation
and how every star plays its
significant role,
like how one refuses to decipher
the ringing of their guitar
as the sound fades into that of
energized atoms
which make up the air around
each vibration.

You make me whole
in ways I cannot comprehend,
in ways that are too grand
for as average a mind as mine,
although I hope to have enough time
to wrap my head around
the idea of being complete
*--if there ever comes such a day.
Haley Rezac May 2013
When will it happen?
What will happen?
Will I
for it,

Will I experience a
consume my final moments in
a furious anguish,                            
barely able to come up for
one last intake of sweet oxygen,
a barely audible 'goodbye'?

Will I become so comfortably
hear static imagination collide with
sudden reality
as I slowly glide into
my eternal oblivion,
all with one slow

**How will I succumb to Death's cold embrace?
Haley Rezac Feb 2014
I can no longer
get my point across without
sounding desperate.
Haley Rezac Jan 2014
I find peace in the
sunrise on this eastern coast--
it doesn't last long.
Haley Rezac Jul 2013
Remember that first day
at your house
teaching me how to skateboard
at a park by the river
on a chilled spring afternoon?
You gripped my waist
guided me along the
told me I'll get better.
-I've only gotten worse.

When I gave up on falling
we took a walk
down by the river
sat down at a bench
-I found your burns,
made you tell
the stories behind them-

it felt like hours.

I sure           as hell
don't love you anymore
but maybe I miss who
you and I used to be
just a tiny
Haley Rezac Oct 2014
Looked in the mirror
knew I was drunk 'cause my face
was a pretty one.
Haley Rezac Jun 2013
Born deaf or born blind
they perceive it
as normal.
Wake up everyday
to silence
to blackness.

They know they're
but what does it matter
when different is what
you've always known
as normal?

Adapt to it
live with it
bask in it
and maybe you'll discover
there's nothing to be sorry
Haley Rezac May 2013
Oh, I love you,
wish you well,
hope and pray
that life ain't hell
for your pretty eyes.

'Cause there's a devil in disguise
'round this town,
hides in buildings
broken down,
So Baby, don't you dare
go where
the sun don't shine.

Keep your heart safe
'cause the devil's taken mine.
Oh God, he's taken mine.

I'm falling
down, down where
no light lives there--I'm scared
Baby, but let me go
I know
you'll come out of this alive.
Oh Darling, you'll be fine.

What doesn't **** you
builds you up
--the rest would ****
to make a couple bucks--
but you've got eyes
to guide you up,

and when it feels
like you could give a **** less
I hope, I pray
that you confess
the fears that drag you down
from this town.

And with poison in our lungs,
sorrow on our tongues,
we'll say goodbye
yeah, we'll fly,
but for now
I'm falling

[2nd chorus:]
down, down where
no light lives there--I'm scared
Baby, but let me go
I know
you can make it out alive.
Oh Darling, you'll be fine.

I'm hearing you scream
from across the room
Oh, I wish I didn't have to
go so soon
But Lover, my last advice to you
is to close your pretty eyes
hide them from the devil in disguise.

Yeah, he's still roamin'
'round this town
so keep your distance--
he's vicious now;
He's got his own eyes on
why I sacrificed
myself, myself.

I'm falling
down, down where
no light lives there--I'm scared
Baby, but let me go
I know
you'll come out of this alive.
Oh Darling, you'll be--

[2nd chorus:]
I'm falling
down, down where
no light lives there--I'm scared
Baby, but let me go
I know
you can make it out alive.
Oh Darling, you'll be fine.

You'll be fine.
Oh Lover, you'll survive.
Haley Rezac Oct 2013
I folded your hoodie neatly
set it in a brown paper bag
addressed to you

it doesn't have
the smell of your cologne
--it probably smells like dryer sheets
and fresh towels.

The last time it smelled like you
was the beginning of september
the only thing comforting me
when I walked down those
white, unfamiliar halls

I really hope that you don't notice
the absence of those red laces
looped through the neck of it
--the nurses wouldn't allow any strings
(shoelaces, lanyards,                                                      
others of the like)                                                          
because potential nooses
are a hazard to my health
                      (who knew?)                                        

I held so tightly to that hoodie
each night I slept in a plastic cot
                            (four nights. four.)                              
and even after your smell faded
even after its embrace simmered down to something so faint,
it was still my only comfort:
a shining beacon
in the gray fog of my hazy mind

I'm finally returning it
to you
and along with it,
the safety embedded in each stitch

I just really hope you don't realize
the absence of those red laces
looped through the neck of it;
it's not what's missing
that's important
but the way it kept me
from giving in
at my lowest point.
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