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1.9k · Feb 2018
Painful "Love"
Grace Feb 2018
The words that drip from my mouth
Are not lust
But words of love that I long for
As I search the earth
For another lonely soul
I stumble across yours
You give me words of love and life
And in that very moment I believed you loved me
But I was amiss
Because what my love was blinding me from was the fact that
You only talked lustfully to me
And here as I lay dying on the ground weak and weary
I finally realize that
You truly did not love my soul
But everything else
645 · Feb 2018
Broken Heart
Grace Feb 2018
As millions of broken pieces fall from my heart
Like leaves falling from a tree on an autumn day
And a tsunami brews in my eyes
Ready to destroy everything that comes in its path
I lay silently in the dark
Wondering what I did wrong
Not realizing
It was him all along
Because when you are deep in love
Deeper than the deepest depths of the ocean
You never see the other person's mistakes
You only see your own
My feeling of my worst heartbreak
567 · Jan 2018
Grace Jan 2018
The bursting sun

With so much to hide

Is more beautiful

Than what meets the eye

The sun has glories

Beyond what we see

The sun has power

To what we may not believe

With our eyes

We need to see

The true beauty

That we are given everyday

Without the sun

There would be no us

And the world we live in

Would all turn to dust
I wrote this because my love of nature reaches far beyond the ends of the Earth.  We should all love and take in the beauty nature holds before the only nature we have left to see is on our screens and in pictures.
469 · May 2018
The Voice in My Head
Grace May 2018
The voice in my head
Is a cruel monster
Ripping away at my brain
And filling the open wounds with horrible thoughts
As the wounds heal
I can hear his voice
Screaming out to me
Telling me murderous thoughts
When will this stop?
The pain, agony and brutality
I have no one here to help me
Because no one dares to reach their arm out
And pull me from the fires of hell
So here I am
Fighting my own battles
Day in and day out
Hoping I come out alive
When will I be okay again?
When will he leave my head?
What is happening is beyond me, but I hope I make it out okay.
434 · Feb 2018
Devil's Games
Grace Feb 2018
On a night where no one was by my side
The devil danced around my room
Giving me a weapon to abuse my skin
Telling me everything would be alright
He knew what I needed in that time of desolation
So I did what he told me to do
And ended up with scars upon my skin
He told me to keep going and to never stop
For that is how I'll find happiness
In the darkest of hours
408 · Mar 2018
Grace Mar 2018
As his ocean blue eyes
Stare into my coffee brown eyes
His lips whisper words of love on mine so delicately
And as his arms barricade around my fragile body
He protects me from the demons lurking around my broken body

As his is soul runs through my veins
Filling my body with the love I always yearned for
He kisses my broken pieces and fills them with love
He is living proof of a miracle in desguise

As the night creeps upon us
And we are forced to split paths
I know I am safe
From the demons surrounding me
From his every lasting protection and gentle love
My own love is a miracle I longed for in the darkest hours
340 · May 2018
Broken Thoughts
Grace May 2018
My mind is deranged
Filled with demons and sin
Making me believe the things I do will help me
If my brain was not held by the arms of the fallen angel
Would I actually be happy?
Or would I still think the thoughts that haunt me everyday
What is real
And what is not
Will never become known to me
For my mind has taken over my life
My mind is its own person
335 · Feb 2018
Pillow Talk
Grace Feb 2018
As the smile vanishs from my face
Thousands of feelings scratch at my mind
As I close my coffee colored brown eyes from the dreary day
Images race across the black canvas that lies in front of me
As I let my muscles relax one by one
I feel the world hold me in her arms
As I slowly drift off from my reality
I let my soul free
Capturing my sleep in words.  This is my pillow talk
296 · Jul 2018
Shattered Pieces
Grace Jul 2018
My shattered heart
lies lifelessly on the floor
With no one
but myself to clean up the mess
Is this what a heart break feels like?
having no one to help
When you need it most
because this is what happens to me
All the time
Heart breaks are the worst kind of pain
284 · Jan 2018
Grace Jan 2018
Mirror leaning upon my wall
I know all you want to do is make me fall
I look into you and guess what I see
A girl who is tall, fat and ugly
She falls onto her bed both day and night
Crying because society tells her she doesn't look right
Her skin isn't light enough and nor are her teeth
Her thighs are touching and her stomach is too big
Her smile is a mess, just like her life
So why don't you end the pain, the mirror says, and make your wrist's a ****** sight
I shatter the mirror and lying on the ground I see
A girl who is more broken now and just wants to leave
I pick up the broken glass and take a piece to my skin
To help mend the pain I always lives in
My life never got better and soon went to hell
I was so alone no one even bothered to help me when I fell
My soul was dying both inside and out
I felt I was strong enough
And I didn't needed anybody's help
I wanted to be brave and do it on my own
Only to end up in front of the mirror who once broke my soul
Yes, the mirror did break, but like any house hold item that mirror was replaced
For this mirror that laid so innocent against my wall was far worse than the first one and even I could see
This mirror was going to have me dead before the end of my life.
We all go through tough times and sometimes things get tougher than we expect, but when things get tougher so should we no matter how hard.
268 · May 2018
Nothing Shines for Me
Grace May 2018
Tonight the stars do not shine for me
Nor have they ever
Today the sun does not shine for me
Nor has it ever
This evening the crickets do not croak for me
Nor have they ever
Tonight the moon does the rise for me
Nor has it ever
Everyday nobody cares for me
Nor will they ever
My mind is a whirlpool swimming with the same deadly thoughts
250 · Apr 2018
Tonight He Wins
Grace Apr 2018
Tonight I might slip
Into the Devil's hands
I don't feel God
Reaching out to me
I hear a battle in my head
And Satan is winning
Please help me
Before it's too late
Tonight has been hard.
224 · Apr 2018
Numb Nights
Grace Apr 2018
As I lay in bed
With not a single feeling in my body
I lay there
Wondering when this feeling will dissipate
I try to feel some type of feeling
But I simply cannot
My mind, body and soul will not allow me to
So I lay there waiting to sail away into my mind
To wake up with a new emtion
The night will always surrender to the strongest, not the weakest
210 · Apr 2018
Grace Apr 2018
As the night comes alive
And the demons come out to play
They viscously attack my mind
Filling my brain with dangerous thoughts
Only a crazy person would think of
Does that make me crazy?
I try to drown them out
And for now I believe it works
Until I close my eyes
And that is when their fun really begins
This is not the end of something ugly
Because this is only the start
Most nights end up like this
175 · Jan 2018
Grace Jan 2018
Burn my lips with yours every night
Make me feel like I'm always high
When I am with you my soul feels free
Running around happy as can be
Comfort me like a mother comforts her new born baby
And make me feel at home
When I am with you my heart stops aching
My mind falls into peace
And I can finally sleep
Without you my soul is lost
Aching for love
Getting sick without you
Like an addict addicted to drugs
I need you as scary as that sounds
Because without you
I am nothing

— The End —