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 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
I grew up
by the seashore
Never learning
how to swim
Saw sunrise
turn to sunset
As the lazy waves
turned in

Years of watching
the horizon
Spent changing
with the tides
The ocean breeze
still pulled me home
The deep blue
still mystified
this is my song of sorrows
where my heart weeps
and my body collapses
where i fall to the ground
and become one with the earth
where mother nature takes me in
and wraps her roots around me
making me feel safe and secure
but still my heart aches
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
10 failed poems later
I go running to free verse
whose arms are always open
in welcome, in acceptance,
unconditional and forgiving.

Perhaps a little cocky,
it frees me from the ropes
of syllables and meter,
allowing me space
to build, shape, and tie
my poem together
as if doing me
a favour.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess?
Heartbreak after heartbreak,
each one hurts less everytime.
And I don't know if it's because I've forgotten
the very essence of love,
or if I'm simply going numb.
This one is for no man. This is for me.
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
When she died a part of you did too

His voice that rang like shimmering church bells
Fell oceans deep
A  water well
In the darkness of what was
Broken little pieces
From up above
Departed; Leaving
Stories retold
Smiles retrieving

When the skies are blue
I'll look for you
I wanted to try this style of writing even though it's not my playing field. i apologize for the choppy rhyming.

I'll love you forever Ursula.
 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Dear Fearless Writers--Fighters,

Never in my life
Have I felt such an
By those both
Like-minded &

I've written more since
Joining you all
Than I ever have before
I hope to publish
My works in time
Thanks to you

Thank you to Eliot &
To the rest as well,

Happy to be here. You are all so supportive and inspiring. I'm beyond excited for this app to come out. <3
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