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Your assumptions consume me
I'm on fire burning from within
I keep blocking the blows you throw
But i'm soon caving in.

I'm weakened by your hits and words
There's nothing worse than this
I'm slowly collapsing, but in the end
My only hope is to find bliss.
Have you ever been so scared to breathe in too deep,
with the fear of falling apart?
My ribcage restrains my heart from leaping out of my chest
every time it beats.
Yet i sit awfully still,
as if i'd cause a spillage
if i moved abruptly.
(v.) to make one's own heart hardened or resistant to someone's pleas or advances, or to the idea of love.
There are words scribbled on every inch of my skin.
They seeped too deep,
so now i can't speak.
Even if i did,
i wouldn't know where to begin.
(n.) "what is to be observed"; the things that should be seen or visited, especially if because they mark the character of a person or place.
Always thought you were 'one who leads a crowd.

Now i see that you only lead when you're sure everyone will follow.
(n.) what a person pretends to believe; the behaviour and opinions one must display to satisfy society's demands.
Sometimes it feels like you've emptied all your loneliness into a bowl and kept it close by your side.
Never really leaving it.
But you revisit it every time you feel sorry for yourself,
taking a sip,
waiting for the pain to subside.
I inhale all the conversations that could fill up this room,
but i opt for silent stares.

You exhale your words of disdain,
your negativity,
your rants,
casting deathly glares.
Missing you comes over me in waves of emotion.

When the tide is low,
you outline the corners of my mind.

When the tide is high,
I cannot contain all the overwhelming feelings of sadness and nostalgia.

Sometimes i tiptoe along the shore,
until a wave hits me and i'm drowning.

But i dont hold my breath,
because i know it will soon pass,
and the fresh air will hit me once again,
temporarily distracting me of my dismay.
(n.) what the wind or tide drives in from the ocean upon a wave.
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