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  May 2020 Gabriel burnS
Autumn pours her vintage, red

and rippling, into casks

of rough-hewn oak;

smokey avenues damp

with the exquisite balsam

of the gleaning season.

A variation on a theme. :)

‘I was drinking in the surroundings: air so crisp you could snap it with your fingers and greens in every lush shade imaginable offset by autumnal flashes of red and yellow.‘
- Wendy Delsol, Stork
  May 2020 Gabriel burnS
love, i dream of you
often. my
mind is lost in a
haze aphrodite
cast upon me;
my skull is a
waiting to be
up by some loving
  May 2020 Gabriel burnS
Cecil Miller
I see you changed your tune
Fast as phazes of the moon

So true,
That you

Should-a seen it comin',
Should-a heard the hummin

Right through,
Bright blue...

Must-a been my voodoo
Cause I sure did do it to you.

Oh you,
You're through.

You're through.

Must-a been my voodoo
Cause I sure did do it to you.

Oh you,
You're through

I can cross the river
'Bout-a any time I feel.
Nothing's gonna be a break
A-slowing down my wheel.
I'm gonna take you out
Any time I want
And it won't cost a pretty dime
Because inside of you, I haunt.
I have a few brief pieces of verse to post this morning. I hope they get read.
  Apr 2020 Gabriel burnS
Madison Greene
I find remnants of the dreamer I used to be in-between the mundane
twelve years old and my eyes had seen more than most will in a lifetime
but I loved with every fiber of my being
I loved the cities I'd never been to and the life I hadn't lived
and all the things I knew I was meant for with the sweetest ignorance for how to get there
you can find me underneath all the evidence of my surviving
my heart just as thirsty as the little ******* her bedroom floor
The Father of the Earth awoke,

And gave a gift to each of his sons.

The first was knowledge,

So that they might triumph.

The second was will,

So that they might rage.

The third was hope,

So that they might endure.

And his sons gazed on high to ask,


And the Father was silent.

For no answer could justify the pain that would be his final gift,

So that they might see what it is to be alive.
  Apr 2020 Gabriel burnS
now I'm alone
it's what I wanted

why does it feel colder
why does the light shine brighter

you can come and turn the music louder
what's so funny
am I boring

keep me distracted
I don't want to go back upstairs

don't leave me alone
even if I ask for you to leave

I'm sorry
I'm the reason everyone leaves

no one is reaching out to me
I can't find the strength

I can't find the moment to say
  Apr 2020 Gabriel burnS
Black Lilacs
blooming -

a blossoming
of grief -

dark fallen pollen
on the breeze -

I can see it falling
all around me -

there on the wall
for us to see -

April will be
the cruelest of them all.
“ April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land...

I will show you fear in a handful of dust...

...And other withered stumps of time
Were told upon the walls;...”

T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land, 1922.
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