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EP Robles Apr 2020
ALICE  all your friends are slow
if you follow then you shall know
but if you choose the rabbit hole:
   All our friends are there
-- they all ask of you; even
   The One you know
he has Sudden Moves

   IF you wait for reality to ask
then the universe will feel abused
but if you choose your hand
   o v e r   a    g  r  e  n a d e
the blood of the psychopath next
to you will release all pretension --
  ask him;  look at the eyes
oh daddy i love you
but outside is the boss
   i think he is one of us

:: 03.30.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
a creeping chill throws me cold: the
skies have turn  SEPIA AND i  completely
utterly melt into each word
birth'd -- this elegie betrays the poet;
a confession unburdens the Spirit -- you
are reading about the me of 'i' have always loved you |mia /i shall meet you again to-now within the theater of my Soul  sure, sometimes
i have concern for the world as it continues to devour my Feelings and sensibilities.
   when can i love you again?

:: 03.24.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
i complied with Life
but i did not receive
loquacity -- not of me

  go ask the baker if his
dough is dry  he will kindly
say, "Ask any Poet, to perish
-- sans verbosity!

:: 03.25.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
the mouthOFnoise eats the silence;
everywhere NOise!)turns my insides(
out/-of Tears i said to the mother
holding empty children's shoes

EyesofSorrow drowns her sight:
only to eternally see all horror
with sightless eyes that diligently
cry-/i once had a great Love that died

                      the Ghosts of
Antikythera's Cell Machines burn
the sharp edge of decaying reality;laboriously
the longest Legs of Time march forth as it
steps over my shortest Thoughts within the

:: 03.26.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
It's a complicated world
ruled by pain and fear
Everything's 'will you swim
or will you fade'
the smallest things
hold us back
the madness outside
these walls
are nothing compared
to what's within my halls

Brain traffic: s/o confused
grid-locked & neurotically fused
Drain my Soul
Brain traffic: over/used
fear-****-fed till your dead
then Life's on hold
it's all Inside your head

:: 03.27.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
Madness has found it's circus again.
What? - Panic.
It is where fear holds hands with

To watch how the world changes,
as though it has never had wings
And the enemy is full of nothingness
but it's shadow is cast across
the mind's of those without Faith.

To allow the Sun to shine down
revealing all the Beings who Sleep
Nature's keen sight -- no thing
hidden but all revealed.

Since the world has stopped
Since the music has stopped
Since the traffic has stopped

The world is alone / inside itself
that no one says it the Skies Scream
"orietur! orietur!"
the words come alive!  Alive!

:: 03.15.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
Peel me off my balanced scale
add chocolate morsels to my -->  WOUNDS
Kiss me my puffer fish Lips
THANK YOU my orchid-eye'd mess;

  i've enjoyed your moss pit ACT
  We're all characters
  writing stories ---
  Life's Pact!

:: 03.07.2020 ::
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