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 Jul 2015 e ot
Artic killer
Everybody has a drug
Mine is you.

Mine is your touch,
No matter how rough.
Mine is your voice,
In my ear,
So only I can hear,
That I'm yours,
From head to toe.

Mine is our love,
Your lips on mine,
Hot and heavy,
Your hands over my heart,
Making all sense fall apart

But now
I don't see you
Not that we don't want to.
I'm detoxing
From the best drug

And it is Painful
How much I want you
How my chest burns
How my stomach turns

I can't eat
You've got me beat

I can't Sleep,
**** counting Sheep.

All I want is you,
My drug,
My love.
This is sort of a Romeo and Juliette thing, based off my life.
 May 2015 e ot
in my head
 May 2015 e ot
She is the smoke I inhale that burns my lungs
She is the icy water that makes my body numb
Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?
 May 2015 e ot
You tell us to be ourselves
you tell us to be free
that we own our lives
that our mistakes are ours to make
and yet you still hold us back
and yet you yell when we arent you
when we dont do what you want us to
when we arent as perfect as you
but are you even perfect?
but who is ever perfect?
No one is ever perfect
no one is ever going to be perfect
so stop expecting us to be
so stop treating us like the lesser
like we have no idea what we are doing
like we are children
we are adults
we are ourselves
just like you are
just like you wanted us to be
us the new adults of the world
us the future of the human race
know how to live our lives
know how to ask for help when we need it
can make our own decisions
can fail on our own
but we dont have to fail,
but we also dont need you breathing down our necks
leave us alone
leave us to live
our own lives like we are meant to
our own mistakes to make
cant we all just get along
cant we just live in peace together
instead of constantly fighting
instead of the forever war in our relationship
we are adults
we are people
treat us like we are
treat us like we are
and we will treat you like you are
and we will learn how to be in our future
be the example we need
be the people we look up to
dont be the people we hate
dont be our enemies
let us join together
as adults
and rule this world
parents and children together.
I have been fighting with my parents a lot since i have turned 18. so i wrote this sort of slam poetry as a way of me speaking my mind
 May 2015 e ot
Keva Minus
No Thanks!
 May 2015 e ot
Keva Minus
Men:   I will bring you the moon.

" Can you just bring me a sandwich?"
Those Promises are empty.
I hate empty Promises !
Where is that moon you promised me?

By: Keva Minus ©
 May 2015 e ot
Sara Jones
 May 2015 e ot
Sara Jones
What would you do if I said I missed you?
Would you laugh?
Scream at me?
I wouldn't be surprised, honestly.
Nor would I blame you.
Because of all the people in the world, the world's biggest train wreck chose YOUR heart to shatter.
Not once.
Not twice.
Not even three times.
But four.
Over and over again.
If you wonder how someone could do that to someone, it's not because I wanted to.
It's not that I was waiting for you to fall in love with me for me to destroy you in a different way every time.
It's that even if I give my heart a thousand chances, it'll break itself a thousand times.
It's that I was and am confused by my mind enough to hurt those around me and for that I am sorry.
I don't think I could apologize enough for you to believe me for a fifth time,
because darling I'm the girl who cried wolf and I always will be.
I may want something but *******
I'm too scared to follow through with anything and I see that now.
Not saying I didn't see it before but oh god do I see it now.

And with my monologue complete for now I bid you farewell.
And I apologize that I'm such a train wreck.
 May 2015 e ot
Erali Pisce
Guess Who
 May 2015 e ot
Erali Pisce
He is good.
He suprises me with how good he really is.
He makes me,
Can you believe it?
Sometimes I can't.
He loves  me.
gender fluid,
that I am.
I didn't really think that was possible.
Not because I am not deserving of love.
Just that I am different.
He loves my different.
He is in love with my different.
 May 2015 e ot
quinn collins
san francisco’s known for its fog
and new york, its cities
and me, i was known for you

there was no me without you
perched at the end of my name
like a comma
incomplete and anticipatory

but every now and then
san francisco beckons in the sun

new york is more than just
one mass of blurred street signs
and the loud comings and goings
of nameless, faceless people

and i’m more than just
one guy who once upon a time
told me he loved me
 May 2015 e ot
quinn collins
I. i tried
rolling around
your name
in my mouth
but quickly
spit it out
because the taste
reminded me of
something like
bitter coffee and

II. last year
around this time
i would have
gladly given you
my heart
on a cutting board
screaming at you
arms wide open
to do with it
what you will
but my
how the earth
has made its way
around the sun
so can you
just imagine
the distance
that i’ve come

III. slowly
you’ve become
something of a
lone star in a
vast constellation
to me
an empty idea
something that
died thousands
of years ago
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