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 May 2015 e ot
Nebulous the Poet
You spent endless time
at your desk in the sun porch.
After your diagnosis we
turned the porch into
your own personal scrapbook room.
I could tell you didn’t
think about your disease
when you were in there crafting
because of how focused
you always looked when at work;

lips puckered out, oblivious
to the commotion of our backyard.
You were granted God’s greatest gift
to see the end of your
days as you wished.
You did just that.
The memory of you lives on
in all those whose lives you touched.

When you left we didn’t
know what to do with
the overwhelming heap
of scrapbook materials
you accumulated over the years.

They took up too much space
that could be used for other things
like furniture and storage.
Plus, they were hard to
look at without being
swarmed with empty
thoughts and sadness. But,
we didn’t want all these
valuable accessories to go to
waste, forever forgotten.  

When it came to deciding
what to do with your
leftover supplies, we knew
we couldn’t toss them out.
We wanted them to carry out
their intended purpose
just as you would have
had time permitted.

The Ronald McDonald House
in Minneapolis had an unused room
they were looking to fill—
we knew that was it.
We donated nearly all your supplies
there and now that empty room
is a scrapbook room bearing your name;
carrying on an important piece of you
so other families can
craft memories into treasures—
just as I carry a treasured
piece of you wherever I go.
 May 2015 e ot
 May 2015 e ot
& There she was
the subtle reflection without a mirror
my soul sister
with words to offer me
that once choked my esteem
silencing the bull horn full of my insecurities
you are enough
you always have been
you always will be
& the second I tried to question the truth
it spilled out and over me like rushing water
cleansing me of the layers
piled up
from years of laying underneath potential
I can breathe here
above expectations
amongst my faith
I know that life is worth living here
I know because I've felt the air thin
Like rustling paper in a silent classroom
I've been too embarrassed to be seen
too unsure to be viewed
but you
my sister
you ignited the fight in me
stretched my smile  
like turtlenecks over the heads of school age children
more protection then fashion statement
I remember now
That my words pulled the same tears
from my face
from the eyes of strangers
trying not to be seen
in crowds across the world
while I stood on stage
& stripped myself of all the ill feelings
all the dark nights
and bright moments
short lived
I will never forget why I chose love
why I can't settle for less
a reason to live
I don't know you
yet I'm familiar with me
I, you, we... &
 Apr 2015 e ot
 Apr 2015 e ot
I am human.
I am one strip of skin stitched together holding active organs in line,
I am 206 bones.
I am one brain.
I am one overly active heart.
I am one lung and 2 ovaries.
I am the same as you.
but how dare you compare me to you.
I am independent thoughts,
I am autonomous actions
I am a story.
I am history and future.
I am human.

— The End —