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 Mar 2014 xxxx
 Mar 2014 xxxx
the warm feeling in your throat
when you drink
is the best
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Abigail Keenan
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Abigail Keenan
Pound after wretched pound.
i live on the scale.
the pain in my receding belly becomes comfort.
the mirror tells me I'm fat.
but when i lay curled up in bed,
i feel so small.
so insignificant.
so imperfect.
concern from friends and family,
worried doctors,
they're working against me.
i thought they wanted to help,
but ana whispered the truth in my ear.
why else would they shove food at me.
months after i met ana.
I'm thinner.
no, not happy, but im reaching my goal.
she helps me.
she haunts me.
I'm slower. I'm hurting.
I'm never good enough for her.
try harder.
eat less.
If you don't feel fragile,
you're probably fat.
i can't escape her.
I'm so hungry.
I'm so cold.
I'm so alone.
everything makes me angry.
why bother living?
I don't care if I die as long as I'm thin.
The doctors said I might die anyways.
All I have left is ana.
her hold on me is strong.
stronger than me.
being thin is all that matters.
not love.
not life.
not even family.
they just want to make me fat
and I would rather die.
I personally do not struggle with anorexia. Years ago I did, for about 2 or 3 months, but because of doctors and my mother closely monitoring my food intake i was saved in early stages. After very close association with someone who does suffer, and has suffered for over a year, I understand the logistics. Anorexia is no longer a choice after a few months. It becomes a mental illness, causing the afflicted to lose trust for their loved ones, and hate themselves. it's very difficult to grasp the full horror and pain someone with an eating disorder goes through. you must have slight experience either with yourself of a loved one, or have done a lot of research. there is no cure. medicines do not help. it is a matter of how strong someone's determination is, and whether or not they want to get better. About 70% of eating disorder cases in the US proved fatal last year. many patients who try to get better relapse after a month of healthy weight gain. The way they see themselves is warped by the mental illness stage, and they can only see the fat left on their bodies, even if they're only 5% body fat. Laughing at anorexia, or saying those affected by it are attention seekers can cause someone in later stages to become suicidal or self-loathing. many cases burn or cut themselves because they hate their bodies. It is nothing to laugh at. after only a year, if the patients are in the 60th percentile, they will suffer a heart attack, seizures, stroke, or fatal ***** failures. please watch what you say to someone suffering from anorexia. if you tell them they look healthy, they'lo take it as you calling them fate and will become self-loathing. if you say they look thinner, it is encouragement and they will strive to keep losing weight.
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Alicia D Clarke
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Alicia D Clarke
Ana speaks to the ones who listen
a fallacy of fictional happiness
a gamekeeper of your life
she secretly kills you
keeping you alive with the hopes that one day you might get want you've always wanted
to be thin
you die
Ana lives
tormenting always
Ana never dies
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Willow Branche
Beautiful and hungry,
They proclaim my fears.
They scream out of the darkness,
They whisper into my ears.

"A moment on the lips,
Adds ten pounds to your hips."

It rips into my sides,
It makes my stomach churn.
I guess I'll always think this way.
I guess I'll never learn.
 Mar 2014 xxxx
Dallas Allen
Poetry is expression of self,
but it is not one a major
social network, it is here
this peaceful place of nice people

Self expression with words,
not with some stupid Facebook
status or a tweet, not a tumblr
or Google-plus, just Hello poetry

this place is amazing,
full of life, full of hope
full of.....writers
so why can't we expand this site?

Let people know its here
let the masses know that you
can express yourself through writing
wouldn't it be amazing

to wake up and log on
and see all your friends
do something productive
and fun like post a poem
not a half naked pic
what you guys think, and this site has changed my life... just saying
Pink confused with white
flowers and flowers reversed
take and spill the shaded flame
darting it back
into the lamp’s horn

petals aslant darkened with mauve

red where in whorls
petal lays its glow upon petal
round flamegreen throats

petals radiant with transpiercing light
the leaves
reaching up their modest green
from the ***’s rim

and there, wholly dark, the ***
gay with rough moss.
 Mar 2014 xxxx
oh beautiful spirit
 Mar 2014 xxxx
cherished kisses,
romanticized problems,
memorable episodes,
of lost self control.

holy spirit,
of greatness.

embrace me,
with your words,
of sweetness.
 Mar 2014 xxxx
 Mar 2014 xxxx
nothing speaks
like silence
the build up
of emotion
how it sets you
in a state
of deep thought
 Mar 2014 xxxx
creative writing
 Mar 2014 xxxx
for every minute,
brushed against,
the cold glass,
I spent a moment,
what I faced,
the ghost,
of a past,
I had no knowledge of,
until I found the letters,
and it struck me,
all the notes,
were from someone,
you used to treasure,
until the cold,
separated you both,
and left you each,
with a half heart,
and gave you a mission,
a mission to complete,
to find the other piece.
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