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 Jan 2016 Dee
My Words
 Jan 2016 Dee
I'm lost in search of comfort
I'm tired of looking and being tense
Can someone put in effort?
All this longing doesn't make much sense

All I want is relinquished fear
My cries are on the inside
How could I ever expect anyone to hear?
My wounds and words coincide

And I would never want to burden you with my words
So walk away and stay never
My thoughts are the worst instructions I've ever heard
Just take the high road and avoid this deep river
 Jan 2016 Dee
Bianca Reyes
I'll be like
Every other poet
And compare you
To the stars

Because you shine
So bright and
Very beautifully
Just like them

But you and
I both know
Behind that glow
You're dying inside
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 21, 2016
Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
 Jan 2016 Dee
Thomas P Owens Sr
Through the walls of narrow minds
walk the paths they guide
within these walls
the sparrow finds
a nest to feed it's pride
burdens drag as dusk descends
sleep may hold the key
for in the dark
the bravest bend
the weak a chance to see
follow that which follows you
pull the deepest root
dilemma soon must leave the nest
to bear forbidden fruit
 Jan 2016 Dee
Charles Bukowski
I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd
 Jan 2016 Dee
Storm Raven
 Jan 2016 Dee
Storm Raven
I am falling...
...into the darkness...
I can't see a thing
...of my own mind.
there is no light

Am I insane?
Save me please

I am falling
*deep into the darkness
 Jan 2016 Dee
Bianca Reyes
I bury my face in the pillow
While the pillow smothers my dreams
And my dreams devour my heart
But none of this can be seen
When it's covered by my sheets
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 20, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes.
 Jan 2016 Dee
Matthew Rousseau
You're sitting across the table,
Even if I wanted to look away, I'm unable,
The thought of meeting you again fills me with joy,
My body is play dough, and my mind insanely coy,

I've searched for a long time for you,
On winter nights alone, with ice in my shoe
On spring days with friends, never wanting it to end,
I could search forever, my time well spent

For you're the only thing to make me happy,
You're familiar, nothing is off or ******,
You look less foreign than I originally conceived,
I thank the heavens I no longer need my grief,

Like I said you're right in front of my figure,
but when I reach out, you're 1000 times bigger,
There is no way we fit together,
but when you hold me your love is so tender,

You must be a mirage, oh Narcissus
You must be imagined, a sorceress,
There's an end to this game you play, oh give me a taste
It's staring me right in the face
 Jan 2016 Dee
Dhaye Margaux

You are my forever
You made me live with smiles and not with tears
You made me trust again and believe in myself
You strengthened my faith and took out my fears
You put back the laughter and smile on my face

You are my forever
And I promise to God I will fight for you
I won't make you sad or make you blue
I won't let you feel unimportant, and won't let you go
I won't be tired of saying "I love you" and "I do"

I love you forever
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