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3.5k · Feb 2016
Dina Zivkovic Feb 2016
How dare you reduce me to one race
how dare you judge me based on my birth place?
I may not be wealthy, but I am rich,
oh have I learnt that life can be a *****-
born to a Muslim father,
raised by an Orthodox mother,
but why I do I bother,
all you can do is smother
me with your negativity,
you won't understand,
that those two go well hand in hand,
I live in Slovenia, it all makes me Slavic as hell,
If you are willing to listen to the story I'm about to tell,
It all used to be one big entity
until they destroyed it, blurred my sense of identity...
So as a kid I was ashamed
'cause I didn't belong,
I couldn't be tamed,
my pride was too strong,
I was confused,
I didn't get it,
that three cultures in me were fused,
they made me hate it, regret it,
now that I'm older I can finally see,
all that **** was irrelevant, cos I am me.
2.2k · Sep 2015
Life is a ferris wheel
Dina Zivkovic Sep 2015
I need to say that sleeping is...
hard to achieve when your goals are set high, and yet something prevents me
to convey just how difficult rest is to apply to your day to day life
trying to get by
Every year around this time I get weird without knowing why...
Leaves start to fall and my body starts shutting down in depression that won't let me live my life happily without dodging the darts, here's my vain confession, I'm scrolling through a lie, reading stupid people's denials... just an advice:
don't let them tell you that you don't suffice... you **** well know what you have to do, just shut them up with a smile that says "I hate you too" ;)
1.2k · Feb 2012
my advice to you
Dina Zivkovic Feb 2012
stay loyal to the dreams of your youth
know where you stand and what is your truth

be who you are and watch what you do
for many will want to know what you knew

but you must let them live their own lives
learn for themselves when their chance arrives

remember : you never slow down, you never grow old
no matter what you are told or what future may hold

just want you to know and never forget
you are smart enough to do things you'll never regret.

don't worry 'bout future, don't live in the past,
'cos this life was never meant to last

therefore it makes much more sense
to live in the present tense... :)
1.2k · Dec 2011
kids these days...
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
you are such a show off.
claiming to know the meanings of true love.

invasion of men
calling me at ten.

wanting to get something they don't deserve
and you  not really helping by also being a perv...

where were you when I was there?
I am now here.

yeah, go ahead, pretend to care
calling me "dear"

it won't help this time around
for I will stand my ground

won't sell my body for a couple of compliments
you don't really mean...

It's actually more of an insult if you think I'm that keen

where has this world gone
everyone lusting for
a ****

but when it comes to me, I guess you're outta
luck ! ;)
1.2k · Dec 2011
an old cat lady
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
an old cat lady is all she will ever be
an old cat lady who was too blind to see

what was right there
someone who really did care

what she was all about
but all she ever did was shout

she didn't know any better
cos all she ever had was people who didn't get her

when someone finally did
she didn't know what to do

so she ran

ran away

she didn't let him stay.

although 50 years back she begged him to
but 49 years she pushed him away

and now she is nothing
but an old lady with a bunch of cats

praying they won't eat her face when she dies...
1.2k · Dec 2011
that melon tree
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
All the melons of my tree are falling
once again they got me crawling

begging for a minute of thrill
only a minute , not more
for a second chance I would ****
just to get safely on that shore

God I would even smile
for a tiny bit of a melon right now !!!

I know there's a great pile of mandarines
behind me, and I haven't yet peeled them
not yet


wait  , ******* it, I AM WORKING ON IT !!!

I know I have many mandarines to peel
and still a lot of pain to feel

but just let me have a little tiny bit of a freegin
melon !

not lemon !

1.0k · Sep 2015
Dina Zivkovic Sep 2015
when insomnia strikes, I try to hide
it shows streams of restraint that need hiding...

it. I.  me. do. The. Beginning.

I don't think I really know.
I just wanted to be left

do it for the cause.
do it for those who can't
make it look effortless
and do it without a pause.
it can't be done overnight

but remember that you have to go through this week without being right.

Forcing rhyme won't help you this time... oh well, here it is...

can't say I didn't try...
I tried...
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
I love you more than words can say
you always take all my pain away

you deserve a monument, you see,
that's how much you mean to me.

you gave me more than enough
even when my life was rough.

You deserve way more than you got.
The way you treated me means a lot

I love and worship you for not only taking me
but LOVING me just the way I am.

You don't always understand,
sometimes I know you do pretend ;)

But you are forgiven
because of everything
you've given

to me, your child,
so innocent, yet wild.

Mati, volim te !
960 · Aug 2013
what goes up must go down
Dina Zivkovic Aug 2013
here she is once again,
the thrilling bliss of southern rain

he saw he conquered he came
he left her in the toilet without a shame

she cried many times for all the
promises and lies he told them

they said chin up madame,
you have to move on, the train stops for no one

even if he is gone...
G, you really were something...
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012






That will help

hearing his voice on the phone
having no other choice but to listen.

me want to scratch my skin off of myself
makes me want to poke my eyes out with a spoon.

Because of what I have caused.
This movie now cannot be paused.

A drinking problem?
I wouldn't call it that...

I would just call it drinking
trying to drown my sorrow
before tomorrow.
just being dramatic, I don't drink. That much...
829 · Nov 2011
melons on a tree
Dina Zivkovic Nov 2011
If I would see melons on a tree,
I would take down every single one
and let the tree cry
for nothing good could ever come
if we'd let anyone see
melons on a tree.

If I would hear a falling star
I wouldn't tell anyone,
would just let it die
'cause I wouldn't get far
if I told anyone I HEARD a star.
783 · Nov 2011
Uvod v padec
Dina Zivkovic Nov 2011
Uvod v padec,
ki ne sluti konca.

16 let minljivosti.
10 kazalcev, ki kazejo

4 zareze v svinjskih
rebrih, katerih srce
kuka iz kletke...


begunec, ki seje, a
nic ne pozanje
in 15 dag tirolske.
It's in Slovene.
672 · Jan 2012
it's my life
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
so I couldn't be bothered dealing with anyone else.


I like others dealing with me
and proving them how wrong they are.

when I walk
I at all times


in a clockWISE manner

to the right.

because it is my right

to live my life exactly how I want it.

walk on only the white lines of the zebra

peeling my mandarines
and not letting you peel them

letting you in

but not letting you out.

you are mine.
and I am yours.


<3<3<3   <3   <3   <3   <3<3<3  

save my heart

and bare my soul.
655 · Jan 2012
not so Dorian Gray
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
they made me a painting oh so pretty
but they did not make it out of pity

they painted a man
I always wished to have.

He is now everything to me
he is all I want to see

I stay in my room day and night
just not to let him out of sight

afraid of what might happen

he is me

I am him.

I wouldn't want him brought to life.
He is better off with a perfect wife.

While he's just canvas...flat.
but if he was real, he'd snap out of that.

For I am not even near to perfection.

But it's all humans ever want.




I have my painting of my perfect man
and that is all I need

for he will never let my heart starve
like you all did.
612 · Jun 2013
a bag of sea?
Dina Zivkovic Jun 2013
She thinks of the way he kisses
with eyes wide open not wanting
to waste a second of seeing her
She is too stunning and luminous
To look away...

The bird flies... with a certain thrill
The  bird sings... And it always will.
The bird left the nest...
The sky gave it
the real reason to do so...
the life made us rhyme, so...

there is no She without "He",
as there is no nest of mine...
G, you were the "he", the sky, the thrill...
595 · Nov 2011
ode to pain
Dina Zivkovic Nov 2011
I find it tyring as hell
but I promised I won't tell

anyone about this pain
again - love in vain.

I have to speak to someone
out there
anyone with whom I can share

this sorrow inside,
this agony that feels

It spreads through my soul
it runs through my veins

It is making a black hole
for all the remains
of happy thoughts
and bright thinking.

I feel it rots
and it is sinking.
Dina Zivkovic Dec 2011
take me away before my life crashes.
don't make me stay in these filthy ashes.

help me refind the me I once knew
help all my long lost dreams come true

for hope I'd give my everything
for hope I'd sell my soul

for love I'd do nearly anything
with the heart he once stole

I have it now in my chest
broken, shattered, put to rest
580 · Jan 2013
∞ D.
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2013
Will appear strong she will be seen as rotund, small
She will rock your world and and be your fall
She will wait for you to return
Seeing as past will burn
Is what she will be
She will never be your A
Yet something will make you stay
Never wonder why
It's more fun that way…
568 · Sep 2015
Dina Zivkovic Sep 2015
bag with filthy clothes that smell of deranged violet and fistful of thoughts

breaking down in a million different ways trying to prevent a collision of teardrops.

hanging in there was never so hard
glass was always more fragile to break

my soul was never the one that stops yet
it's higher in someone else's regard,
so I am repeating the same mistake.

the rag stinks of defeat and my mouth carries a taste of someone else's words I can't repeat...
just trying to go through a rough patch
554 · Jan 2012
Dina Zivkovic Jan 2012
"alone : whether you like it or not,
alone will be something you'll be quite a lot"

is what Dr. Seuss said.

and I am hanging on a very loose thread.

I am falling.


it hurts with every breath I take

have you ever loved anyone so much
you wanted to scratch your eyes out
because they are the window to your soul
and you were afraid the person you love
will want to jump out of that window?

simply because they are not bold enough
to take you just the way you are...

with all your nasty habbits

when every look they give you

cuts deeper pain
the kind of pain
not even the rain can...

wash away.

you just want to write everything that ever happened to you on one big pile of papers
before someone can read it.


because you HAVE TO believe
it will make it better.

until you wake up next morning
seeing nothing changed

and the pain is still the same...

— The End —