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Dennise K Mar 2016
If you knew my story, beginning to end, would you keep reading.
If you could see the plot unraveling in front of your feet, would you follow the bread crumbs.
If you could see each fall before gravity took hold, would you continue to pick me up.
If you could feel my heartbreak in your fingertips would you be there to comfort my cries.
because every one loves a happy ending but only a fool loves a tragedy
working on a different direction with this, probably going to edit later
Dennise K Mar 2016
the deepest of green lies below his forehead
waves of emerald and evergreen laced around his pupil
they are the kind of eyes that tell you it will be all right
the kind of beauty you want to be the last thing you see each night and the first each morning
he holds the kind of eyes that posses the power to change your mind
somewhere between the specks of argyle and the streaks of julep
his eyes tell you to stay
Dennise K Mar 2016
I believe God spends the most time on the sky in an effort to remind us to look up
every day the sun rises and the sky turns from black to purple and pinks
orange cuts through yellow and white
every night the sun sets and again the sky is painted blues and reds
purple and pink cover the horizon until the sky is black again
and still he lights the night with millions upon millions of stars
begging us to simply look up
Dennise K Mar 2016
she so often carried those around her on her shoulders
it was habitual at this point
because she knows what it is like to have no one to lean on
one second you are there the next you are falling
and your arms reach out for anything, anyone
somewhere along the way she fell and no one heard the crash
so she picked herself up and vowed to never let those around her feel this way
oh, but beautiful girl, who holds your hand when the world closes in
at night when there is only you and your thoughts
who eases your mind
a girl is only as strong as those around her
Dennise K Mar 2016
Give me the kind of love where my cheeks hurt from smiling to much
the kind of love when time is irrelevant
where my heart feels like it wants to leap out  and in its efforts pounds against my chest
give me 2am on Tuesday just because
Give me the kind of love where your kisses send shivers down my back and your hands follow suit
send my cheeks blushing
call me so you can hear my laugh cause your favorite song just doesnt do it anymore
i want to memorize the spectrum of your eyes
take me dancing in your living room with the lights on because i dont want to miss a moment of seeing you
Give me the kind of love that makes me smile when no one is around
dress up just to dress down
watch tv with me even though my team is winning
give me friday nights and sunday mornings
Give me the kind of love that covers my skin in goosebumps when i think of you
i love, love.
this still feels unfinished ahhh
Dennise K Mar 2016
I left a part of me along the cobble streets of Sicily.
Somewhere between the night clubs and the beaches I fell in love.
It was all at once, this uncanny emotion welled deep inside of me.
the sun left kisses on my skin by day
kisses on my cheeks by beautiful people at night.
my heart had never felt so light.
I left pieces of me through Italy
work in progress still. but sick of it being in my drafts
Dennise K Apr 2015
he only loves me when he’s drunk and I know that is wrong but i cannot stop my hand from pouring the bottle

and maybe if I wasn't so afraid of being alone I would not answer his 3 am call

perhaps if I could feel his skin against mine one more time the numbness would go away forever.

his kisses taste like raspberry ***** but that’s not why I get drunk off him

there is something intoxicating in the way he slurs my name
beckoning me to his dark silhouette

as his nose is pressed against mine his hot breath fans over my lips
      “i love you”
and in that moment I forget that he is on drink number 23

in that moment I cannot remember the taste of the tears spilled over him

I cannot remember the decibel his voice hits when he’s had too much and the dog is giving him that look of disappointment and the the TV is too bright

when he kisses me I forget the time he forgot my birthday and the temperature of his hands when he leads me upstairs

there is something in the way he holds me that gets me drunk off him, but he only loves me when he’s drunk

and maybe one day i’ll love myself enough to not need his love
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