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11.0k · Mar 2015
Danielle Barlow Mar 2015
Days spent with an invisible friend,
and nights spent with an invisible lover.
I'm just really lonely
2.6k · Jan 2015
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
Autumn is coming to a close,
and winter is drawing near.
Life is as fragile as a rose,
and mine is withering, I fear.
I just don't even know anymore. The pain is bad, but this feeling of hopelessness is worse.
2.5k · Feb 2015
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Still life portraits to hide the real life pain,
because many times art is a reflection
of what is and isn't meant to be.
2.4k · Jul 2015
Danielle Barlow Jul 2015
Once upon a starlit night in May
I caught the eye of a stranger.

Once upon a day in June,
that stranger was a stranger no more.

Once upon a mid-July,
I fell in love with a stranger.
I can't seem to get my creative juices flowing anymore.
2.2k · Feb 2015
In Seven Days Time
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
In seven days time
my entire world will change.
My future rests on just one day.
And I can't sleep or even eat,
due to the sheer pressure
that will come in seven days time.
2.2k · Oct 2014
My Black and White Heart
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
A dance in a black and white dream.
I am lost in your eye's bright gleam.
Time seems to be going in slow motion,
a show of your endless devotion.

A boy in a black and white suit
makes me wish the world were on mute.
You hold me near you in your arms,
and in that moment I am safe from harm.

A lock on my black and white heart,
but somehow you've broken the lock apart.
You have must have stolen the key,
because you have my heart completely.
Thoughts? This could use another stanza or two maybe
2.0k · Oct 2014
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014

The weight of the world is off your shoulders now, dear
Lift your beautiful head and hold it high
Demand the respect you know you deserve

Oh, but don't forget to breathe

Smile that smile that is as bright as the sun,
and make sure he sees you when you do
Turn every head in the room with your confidence

Just be sure to breathe

When you cry, do it proudly and without reservation
Show the whole world how strong you are
You are unbreakable. You are not a footnote

Now take a moment to breathe
So, this is actually about me breaking up with my boyfriend. I CAN FINALLY BREATHE
1.9k · Nov 2015
Last Choice
Danielle Barlow Nov 2015
I don't understand
why being the last choice is so painful.
To know there is always someone better
is tearing my soul apart.
What happened to me being special?
I guess you lied just like everyone else.
Truth is, I don't give a ****.
I can't.
Because the more I care the more it hurts,
and I can't take another hit.
Wow, life is hard. Something to write about, I guess.
1.4k · Feb 2015
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Never have I felt as alone as when you're beside me.
I'm lonely
1.4k · Feb 2015
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Stages and dance rooms,
makeup and costumes.
Auditions and lead roles,
complete self control.
State capitols and groups
of professional troops.
Judging my acting,
attention attracting.
Sweat, blood, and tears.
Realizing my fears.
Blocking and accents,
and never an absence.
Rehearsing for hours,
the feeling empowers.
I live for theatre,
but may be too eager.
Just a poem about all the crazy theatre stuff going on right now. I'm playing Lucy in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. On top of that I have the biggest audition of my life in a week. PLUS I'm preparing to direct a play. Whew. Maybe I'll get somewhere in acting.
1.3k · Sep 2014
Yo Soy
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Yo soy Danielle.
Soy artística y estudiosa.
Quiero ser atrevida y muy talentosa.
Según mi familia soy reservada y seria a veces.
No me gusta nada practicar deportes.
Me gusta mucha actuación.
¿Cómo eres?
So I'm learning Spanish. If any of you guys know could you correct me if I'm wrong? This was kinda difficult. XD
1.1k · Apr 2014
Unanswered Questions
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Who is wiser
the heart or mind?

What speaks louder
emotion or thought?
Different from what I normally do.. but ***** it
993 · Aug 2014
Beautiful Liar
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Dark hair and light eyes.
I hope you choke on your lies,
Causing your demise.
Beautiful liars are the most dangerous kind
918 · Feb 2015
White Flowers
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Dancing through a field of white flowers.
Doing nothing more than whiling away the hours.
I sit in the grass as I wait for your return,
but suddenly, the field started to burn.
White flowers begin to catch light,
and the birds of the world being to take flight.
That's when I realize that you are not coming,
and suddenly, I find myself running.
I run in the direction I think I'll find you,
but am left wondering if your love is true.
I can't understand why you left me here
but I understand that I love you, my dear
I actually really like this poem a whole lot.
916 · Dec 2014
Fever Dreams
Danielle Barlow Dec 2014
Let me guard your fever dreams,
as nothing is ever as it seems.
Your mind is open but the inside screams,
so let me guard your fever dreams.
Inspired by the quote "I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams" - Immortals, but Fall Out Boy.
911 · Sep 2014
Worthless (10w)
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Why are you so good at
                   making me feel worthless?
I feel like ****
895 · Oct 2014
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
I see you coming,
and time begins to stand still.
I will protect you.
Ugh. That Person you feel like you have to protect..
829 · Jul 2015
Extraordinarily Unordinary
Danielle Barlow Jul 2015
I love you.

I love you because of the way you love me.
Without exception, without expectation, and without boundary.
The way you know how to be everything good in the world.

I love you because of how extraordinarily unordinary you are.
Without concern, without embarrassment, and without regret.
*The way you are never scared to be the wonderful you you are
He may just be perfect. Perfect for me, at least.
826 · Jul 2014
Cracks In My So-Called Life
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
A bullet coming at me in slow motion.
Spiderweb cracks appearing in my so-called life.
Glass falling and puncturing my porcelain skin.
Rose colored blood seeping through the cracks.
A metaphorical bullet
817 · Nov 2015
Danielle Barlow Nov 2015
Like the first ray of sunshine after a week full of rain
he is a beacon of hope for all of the world.
As we are just caving in to the storm
he is able to bring back the light.

Like a lighthouse protects the ships from the shore
he protects me from the troubles of the world.
As I am beaten down by the waves of life
he lifts me up just like the tide.
I'm not sure that I care much for this one. It's been a while since I posted, though. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I could make this better please let me know.
796 · Apr 2014
My Knight
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
The things he says leave me speechless,
and his kiss takes my breath away.
These nights are long and restless,
waiting to speak to him in the day.

The days before him were dark,
but now my world is full of light.
For he has certainly left his mark.
And forever he will be my knight.

With him I am safe and warm,
and can not help but smile.
He is the calm in the midst of the storm,
and what makes everyday worthwhile.
Guys he's wonderful. I really hope he likes this..
791 · Apr 2014
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
That kiss is one I will remember forever,
no matter what we have to endeavor.
You make me happier than I ever was before,
and when we are together I soar.
761 · Mar 2014
Trust Is A One Way Street
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Who should I believe in this world full of liars?
My need for someone to trust completely now is dire.
You may say one thing, yet he means another.
Which one is true? Or are you two plotting together?

Do you two together have a master plan laid?
All I need now is for one or the other to come to my aid.
Neither of you know that inside I'm nearly dead,
or that the two of you are the source of all my dread.
I may add more to this one later
722 · Nov 2014
This Love
Danielle Barlow Nov 2014
This love is pure,
like a kiss on the cheek in the snow.

This love is exciting,
like the first drop on the roller coaster of life.

This love is bright,
like the meteor shower we watched that night.

But most importantly,
*this love is true.
This boy makes me feel a type of way. You'd think after almost two years these butterflies would have gone away.. but he still makes my heart flutter
719 · Apr 2014
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Secrets are meant to be kept to oneself,
not whispered to the entire world.
To be breathed into bottles and placed on the shelf,
not to be seen and unfurled.

Secrets are meant to be cherished,
and to bond the ones who share them.
They should be kept until your perish,
and not be used to condemn.
What do you guys think? Secrets are meant to be kept. Are they not?
681 · Feb 2015
Who Am I?
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
I am the least talented.
I am no one's first choice.
I am the girl who never speaks.
I am the one who feels the sadness in the silence.
I am the child who craves her mother's attention.
I am the one who just wants to feel like she is loved.
I am the one who is always lonely.
I guess this is who I am..
I'm not even my best friend's best friend
680 · Nov 2015
I Don't Need You
Danielle Barlow Nov 2015
As rivers of mascara run down my face I think
What did I ever do to deserve this?
Tear stains on my once rosy cheeks
serve as a reminder that nothing good can stay.
No, I don't want your sympathy.
I don't want your ******* pity.
You can take your knowing smile
and shove it straight up you ***.
I am enough on my own.
I can make it without your help.
The fact of the matter is,
I don't need you.
You only wish I do.
You're a ****. Get out of my life, please.
658 · Feb 2014
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
I feel like something is very wrong,
but I just can't figure out what.
No one else seems to see what I do.
Maybe it's better they don't know what I go through.

Am I just going crazy?
Everything seems to be going by in a haze.
Nothing seems to be the same as before,
I feel it deep down to my core.

I feel like something is very off,
and I just can't seem to figure it out.
What in the world could it be?
No one seems to feel it but me.

Some people think I'm insane,
but I know what I feel is right.
How do I handle this?
I'm falling further into this dark abyss.
656 · Feb 2015
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
You can go straight to hell.
See you there, *****.
655 · Mar 2014
You Are The Sun
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
You bring light and warmth into this world,
and without you life would cease to exist.
Without you in darkness we would be perpetually swirled.
To me your warmth is impossible to resist.

Though your light is bound to fade,
you have done more good than ever told.
I will never hesitate to come to your aid,
if you ever again need a hand to hold.
I may go back and add some more on to this one later.. but what do you guys think?
635 · Aug 2014
Ice Queen
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
I only realize how cold my heart is
when I feel the warmth of you against me.
Only then does the layer of ice around it
begin to melt.
Sometimes the only time I feel a thing is when he has his arms around me.
632 · Jan 2015
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
I have to press "pause"
on this wild, wild game called life.
Or else I'll choose "quit".
Ugh this is too much for me and I don't know what to do.
619 · Sep 2014
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
This is dumb, I know
580 · Jan 2015
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
You used to be my morphine.
But now..
*you can't even heal the hurt
576 · Oct 2014
They're Coming
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Everyone run!**
The Pirates are coming!
Run or be hanged like the Jolly Roger
This is kinda stupid. But Treasure Island is being preformed tomorrow for the first time!!!
567 · Feb 2015
Hugs and Maybe Kisses
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Random texts, confused conversation,
and practically dying of this anticipation.
Secret glances, embarrassed blushing ,
and trying to calm the heart that's rushing.
I wish I knew what was going on. There's just so much I don't know
551 · Mar 2014
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
If you love me let me go,
otherwise you will never know
if it really matters at all
or if soon apart we'll fall.
If we fall we're sure to break,
so let it go for your own sake.
540 · Oct 2014
The Joy of Theatre
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
The anticipation, and the stress.
The waiting to be told.
The butterflies in your stomach.
The shaking hands.
The tripping over your words.
The feeling of all eyes on you.
The joy of theatre.
534 · May 2014
Learn to Smile
Danielle Barlow May 2014
I love  you more everyday.
You are my thoughts and dreams.
I just hope that you will stay,
and that this won't fall apart at the seams.

You have all of my heart,
and you have for a long while.
You are funny, kind, and smart.
I just wish you'd learn to smile.
He's such a sweetheart, and he deserves to be happy.
521 · Mar 2014
Turn The Page
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
How do you know when to turn the page
or to just give up and close the book?
When does it all become just pointless rage?
Or other feelings that can't be overtook?
So yeah.. I know that isn't good but oh well
514 · Apr 2014
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Do you feel anything at all for me?
Or is this just a plot for me to hurt?
It must just not be meant to be,
but either way I feel like dirt.
495 · Jan 2015
The Way it Heals
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
I love the way it hurts,
and I hate the way it heals.
For when the wounds do heal
a scar is always left behind.
If I'm going to continue to get sicker and sicker I want to die already. At least in death I would not be in this pain.
491 · Jan 2015
Here's To Giving Up
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
My fight has lasted far too long,
and I simply cannot go any further.
This disease has taken all I have,
yet the doctors say I can't be helped.
So here's to giving up,
and here's to lying down.
This world is a cruel place,
but I may not be here long.
So if tomorrow I do not wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.
This is more of a rant than anything. I'm so tired of this.. I'm so **** tired. I don't want to live like this anymore.. I can't eat or sleep or even move without pain anymore. It's not worth it. Nothing is worth it... So here's to giving up
469 · Feb 2014
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
Why must I do this?
All the pain I cause for you..
It kills me inside.
Oh look, it's a haiku. Kind of pathetic, I know.
463 · Apr 2014
All Said And Done
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Now that it's all said and done
I only wish I had had more fun.
You are gone, but I'll be fine.
Freedom for me is something divine.

I only hope that you don't hurt
because of all the feelings I did blurt.
But after all you did cause me pain,
so I hope for you everyday it will rain.

Please keep in mind that I don't need you,
and there are other things I'd rather do.
You're to blame for all that was wrong;
and I will be nothing less than strong.

You never cared when you hurt me,
and I don't think you could even see.
You always used what would hurt the most,
and by the end I was merely a ghost.
I never really looked at the bad until it was over and suddenly there was relief..
462 · Aug 2014
Something Good
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
You had something good,
But you lost me.
While you wallow in your misery,
I'll be doing what I should.

*which is anything but think of you
Haha. ***** for you
460 · Mar 2014
How Dare You?
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Everything I was has been stripped away,
and I really hope you're satisfied with what you did.
When you gave me no choice other than to obey,
did you know that you were scarring an innocent kid?

All my self-confidence thrown out the window,
and I'm sure that to this day you don't give a ****.
You are nothing but just a sick ******.
How dare you call yourself a man?
Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. but a lot has been going on
450 · Oct 2014
Feelings Developed
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Feelings developed.
I tried not to let them.
You marched right in
and tore down my walls.
But you did it so gently..
like no one ever has before.
With that kiss you took half,
but the other is still mine.
*For now
**** it, Francisco.. Why did you have to say that? I was so blissfully unaware that there were any feelings at all, and now..
447 · Feb 2016
Danielle Barlow Feb 2016
"Will you marry me?"*
Why no, I'm afraid I can't.
I just need some time.
432 · Jan 2015
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
This feeling is strange,
and maybe came from nowhere.
Is this happiness?
I was.. happy? And I don't get it
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