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428 · Mar 2014
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Is anything really infinite?
Or does it merely spend?
It can either be gone in a minute,
or here until the bitter end.
I know this is really short, but what do you think?
420 · Oct 2014
Scene I
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Together, in a sea of black and white flowers,
we listen to the seconds tick by.
They tick away almost as fast as my heart beats.
As we lie so near each other,
gazing into each others eyes I can't help but smile.
You, oh you.
You laugh that adorable awkward laugh of yours,
the one that sounds just like everything good in the world.
But you stop when you see that I can't take my eyes off of you.
You slide just a bit closer to me as you ask "What is going on?".
Sleep is dragging me under like an anchor into the ocean,
and the only words I could utter were "I think I like you".
I close my eyes and hang on just long enough to hear you say
*"Good, because I've already fallen."
So, I wrote this for a friend. I figured I'd try out a new style. Please tell me what you guys think
415 · Oct 2014
And Then The Earth Crumbled
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
And then the earth crumbled.
The pieces fell around us as gently as snow,
but were as hard hitting as the blow God had landed on our world.
You held me near you, so near in fact all I could feel was your warmth.
The world is collapsing, but all that is left is us.
As we lie on the ground we are buried alive with the ash of what once was.
What the world could have been, what we could have been
hardly matters when your fighting for you last breath.
I want to let the world take me away with it,
but you are pulling me like your life depends on my survival.
The world is a swirl of black and white,
and the debris of our memory is spiraling into space.
Life is over for us the instant you stop holding on.
You were the last thing binding this world together.
If I am going to die, I want it to be with you.
Help me make this better
404 · Apr 2014
If The Sun Went Out
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
What would happen if the sun went out?
The world as we know it would end, no doubt.
It'd be strangely like losing you, I fear.
Along with everything else that I hold dear.

All the light in the world would be gone,
and I would loose all my will to carry on.
The entire world would be a cold, cold place
and for the end we must all brace.
A conversation I had  with a close friend made this come to mind..
392 · Jan 2015
How Time Used to Fly
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
There has to be more than this to life.
More than empty lies,
and more than eternal strife.
But, oh, how the time used to fly.

It used to fly by in happiness,
an endless dream of expression.
Now it creeps by in nastiness,
an endless road from depression.

Oh, if I could fly as the time had
I would already long be gone.
Without me time would be glad,
and the world may see a new dawn.
I literally don't even know anymore
378 · Jul 2014
Virgin Territory
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
I'm not interested by ***.
Frankly I find it disgusting.
I do not wish to be defiled,
No matter how you are lusting.
Ugh. Sorry this poem is awkward. Even talking about *** makes me feel awkward.
372 · Mar 2014
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I just can't win with you.
Everything I do makes you mad in some way.
Now I believe an apology is due,
and you have to mean every word you say.

Your words are like daggers,
and they cut me to the core.
It truly hurts when away from you I stagger.
For me I know there is something more.
372 · Feb 2015
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
I've lost my mind, I'm afraid.
And the longer I search, the madder I get.
354 · Feb 2015
Wasted Days (10w)
Danielle Barlow Feb 2015
Wasted days,
       squandered nights,
             waiting for the end in sight.
349 · Jan 2015
Strangely Beautiful
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
There is something strangely beautiful
about the way the snow falls.
As it drifts slowly to the ground,
it does not make a single sound.

There is something strangely beautiful
about the way the rain falls.
Drops of water plummeting to the earth,
leaving behind the hope of new birth.

There is something strangely beautiful
about the way a kingdom falls.
Everything you know quietly shatters,
leaving even your hopes in tatters.

There is something strangely beautiful
about the way the world falls.
To be honest I don't even know what this is about.  It just kinda happened..
346 · Sep 2014
I Just Give Up
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I lied.
I'm not doing fine.
I need you here with me,
but I just can't see
why you won't stay.
Am I in the way
of your greater plan?
But my love for you still spans
over the entire earth.
Can I share your mirth?
I'm sinking in my depression,
but you haven't learned your lesson.
I don't know what to do
since you can't see us through.
So for now I just give up.
I know this *****, but I needed to vent.
339 · Oct 2014
Stranger things (10w)
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
"Stranger things have happened" they say.
Well no, not really.
This is so weird, but I think I'm liking it
338 · Apr 2014
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
I wish everyday could be like yesterday,
but I know it is bound to fade away.
Being with you there was a great pleasure,
because your company is something I treasure.

As we walked down the creek it was sheer bliss
and that smile is one that I will sorely miss.
I will remember yesterday forever.
It will never be forgotten whatsoever.
Yesterday was so amazing. I'd gladly trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday
337 · May 2014
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Droplets rolling down my skin.
Suddenly thinking of you again.
Tear drops blend with the pouring rain.
As I let it wash away all the pain.

The wind tears through my matted hair,
Neglected in these days of despair.
Depression sinks in like the cold.
Thoughts of feelings left untold.
Pardon any grammatical errors
333 · Mar 2014
Everlasting Love
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I love you more than words can tell,
without you my life would be hell.
I don't know what I would do,
had I never fallen for you.

You own the key to my heart.
Not until death do we part.
There is still one thing that I must know,
but I just can't get the words to flow.

So tell me now, my dearest friend.
Is our forever coming to an end?
Have I made the deadly mistake,
that has finally caused your love to break?

My love for you is everlasting,
though your feelings seem to be contrasting.
Thy love is sweet on the tongue,
and loudly to the world should be sung.

I hope you will forever be mine.
Because what we have, it's so divine.
So tell me dear, what do you say?
Will you be mine for the rest of your days?
I'm actually very proud of this one..
332 · Jan 2015
What the Hell (10w)
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
What the hell
                have I managed to do this time?
Someone came to me and said we needed to talk..
332 · Oct 2014
Dear Friend
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
I just want you to know,
that you are a friend who means a lot to me.
You are here through thick and thin,
and now I intend to do the same for you.
I just don't know how to show
the way I feel but I'll make you see.
I don't mean to get under your skin,
but I'll make it up to you.
Pretty sure you know who you are. Anyway this poem is dumb, but oh well
331 · Dec 2014
Sound of You
Danielle Barlow Dec 2014
Alone in a room full of people.
I am invisible to everyone but you.
Silence in a room full of noise,
yet I yearn only for the sound of you.
I don't even know anymore
327 · Jan 2015
Without Condition
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
Someone please.
I just need someone to care
without condition..
This is just me being pathetic but I feel as if I am completely alone in this world.. There are people who claim to care but it feels so empty. I don't know why it's this way, it just is... I probably shouldn't even post this but I honestly don't give a **** anymore.
311 · May 2014
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Memories lining my shelves.
Constant reminders of my former selves.
Letting me see back into the past.
Further even than my memories last.
Feeling kind of sentimental
306 · Apr 2014
Somebody Please
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Somebody please help me stop.
Stop seeing those things that haunt me day and night.
Somebody please help me out.
Out of this place that fills me with a terrible fright.
So I've been thinking of this one for a while
305 · Oct 2014
Don't Give Up
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
We are lost in a sea filled with black and white shadows,
and you and I wonder aimlessly; hand in hand.
In the midst of the world of gloom your eyes still manage to shine,
and my hand locked in yours is what is keeping me grounded.
As another blow lands on our earth we are knocked to our knees.
The air fills with the ash of our hope, and all of it is lost.
As you lie down on the ground in surrender I know it is over,
because if you give up I have no reason or desire to live.
It is in that moment that I know.
And there is not a question left in my mind.
*I love you
This is a continuation of my last poem.. This means a lot to me, and it's really all symbolic..
303 · Mar 2014
The Masses
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Broken promises everywhere I turn
prove there is always more to learn.
I thought I knew who I could trust,
but this whole thing has turned to dust.

I just want this all to be fixed,
but your emotions still seem to be mixed.
I know that it is not your fault
and that your love can not be bought.

But if at all by any chance,
that you still love this complicated dance
I will try to be only your friend,
maybe forever, or until you feel it should end.

But I guess it's already decided,
by the rules  I should have abided.
That no matter how much time passes,
I shall once again rejoin the masses.
I wrote this about a year ago, but forgot about it until now..
303 · May 2014
3 am
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Writing poems at 3 am
Because I'm depressed and lonely again.
I can't cage the thoughts running loose in my mind.
Forever stuck longing for a solution to find.
I should really be asleep by now..
303 · Nov 2014
Danielle Barlow Nov 2014
Cracks appearing in my porcelain skin,
probably because I'm thinking of you again.
The beauty of innocence will soon disappear,
and I will be left with eyes not as clear.
I don't know anymore what is going on. I feel like he took my innocence.. I associated porcelain with innocence.. I don't know why..
302 · Sep 2014
In Our Way
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Red and white lights passing in all directions
at speeds that shouldn't be humanly possible.
As I try to clear my head of any distractions,
the thought of what used to be is unstoppable.

A black blur whirling and winding all around me
reminds me that nothing good can ever really stay.
Occasionally, there are times when I simply can't see
just what trials and obstacles lie in our way.
I don't understand this poem.
301 · Dec 2014
Thought of Love
Danielle Barlow Dec 2014
Walking beside a boy called life,
holding hands with perfection.
A kiss on the cheek from serenity
leaves me blushing at the thought of love.

Sitting with a boy called happiness,
with my arm wrapped around excitement.
A kiss on the lips from beauty
leaves me blushing at the thought of love.
This boy makes me feel a type of way
301 · Sep 2014
The Stages
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I don't have a problem.
Of course I eat every day.

I don't need your help.
I eat enough to get by.

This isn't a real disorder.
I can't bring myself to eat.

I do need your help.
I haven't eaten a thing in weeks.

Please help me.
I think I'm dying.

I asked for your help,
but it's too late now.
300 · Apr 2014
An Untimely End
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
It's been months now since you passed,
and since our whole world caved and crashed.
I hope you know that you're dearly loved.
What do you see from the sky above?

When you look down do you smile?
Or do you sit and think for a while?
As you lay in your bed of clouds,
do you see us in the crowds?

We think of you each and every day.
We all had so much left to say.
You came to an untimely end,
but you will forever be my friend.
My Aunt passed away last October. Those wounds don't seem to heal
300 · Jul 2014
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
Maybe I'm to fragile to fight anymore.
I'm beginning to crack and break.
How much more of this can I take?
So while I lay here on this cold, tile floor;
I'm thinking
*"God, please finally spare me from this ache."
298 · Jan 2015
I Needed You
Danielle Barlow Jan 2015
I needed you..
When I was lying in that hospital bed,
but you were busy with her.

I needed you..
but I don't think I need you anymore.
How could he do that?..
292 · Oct 2014
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
How do you live
when the world turns upside down?
And gravity is the only thing
that cares enough to hold you.
This.. this is odd
291 · Sep 2014
Stairwell Love
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Secret stairwell love.
Falling for you at the park.
Sunset spent with you.
Woo. Gotta love those kind of sort of relationships
289 · Aug 2014
The Rain
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Rain falls silently onto my cheeks,
As it washes away the pain.
Diamonds caught in my eyelashes
Remind me only brighter days remain.
Actual rain or tears?
285 · Jun 2014
The Dark
Danielle Barlow Jun 2014
What lurks in the darkness before me?
Things that I can feel but can't see.
It leaves me afraid to face the dark,
I think these stories have left their mark.

I'm full of dread of being alone at night,
Because my heart is stricken with fright.
In the dark what monsters creep?
As the dark into my soul does seep.
I am very scared of the dark. That's very embarrassing to admit...
285 · Apr 2014
Here's To You
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
You asked me to write for you,
so here I'll let my emotions shine through.
You made my heart skip a beat today,
and I  just can't keep this at bay.

You make me smile even through tears,
and it seems I've known you for years.
Through all the hurt and all the pain.
When I'm with you it never rains.

As  I held your hand in mine
I felt something quite divine.
The look you had in your eyes
left me breathless and paralyzed.

I just can't hide it anymore.
The way I'm feeling leaves me on the floor.
I miss the feeling of being yours alone,
but out the door that has been thrown.
Well you wanted to know how I felt..
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
Blood drips slowly to the floor,
Staining it a bright, sickly red.
You couldn't quite make it to the door,
You gave me the perfect chance, so now you're dead.

You were a murderer too in your own twisted way.
He had it coming
283 · Oct 2014
Let Me Go Home
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Please let me go home.
I don't feel like I belong.
I feel so lost here.
The sad part is that I technically am home.. but I don't see this house as my home...
277 · Mar 2014
This Means War
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Sweet and innocent is only my facade.
I am stunning, and yet entirely dangerous.
I will pull you under leaving you gasping for air,
leaving you no hope. Only despair.

I may look fairly harmless,
but trust me, I'm not.
I can **** you faster than you can even say
"I will love you until my dying day"

If you ever try to hurt me again
you will be begging for the mercy of death.
In the end it is I who will have the higher score.
This means war.
270 · Nov 2014
Danielle Barlow Nov 2014
How did we go back so easily?
Back to everything we once were.
I think this is what I want,
but what I need is another thing entirely
268 · Feb 2014
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
I can do so much more than him,
his future seems so very slim.
His end is going to be slow and grim,
and his chances of survival are none to slim.

He can kiss my ******* ***,
because I have no time for his ******* sass.
I'd like to put him beneath the grass,
and this feeling is never going to pass.
Pardon the language. I used this poem to vent all my anger.
264 · Jun 2015
Danielle Barlow Jun 2015
You killed a piece of me.
Every time I gave into one of your demands
I felt my heart break a little more.
You distorted my idea of love every time you said I was the one.
Kind words always came after the cruel ones.
"I only act this way because I know what you want better than you do."
Then you should have gone through with your threats
If only I wasn't too scared to fight back.
He can kiss my ***. Actually, he doesn't deserve that luxury. If someone could suggest a title that would be lovely.
263 · Sep 2014
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I can't be alone.
The stillness and the silence
chill me to the bone.
I'm very lonely and lacking some inspiration right about now
253 · Mar 2014
Something Is Wrong
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I’m not sure what I could do
If it were all up to you.
Would you stay or would you go,
Or never even let me know?

Though our love is very strong,
Do you sense that something is wrong?
Do you feel the way I do?
Every time I think of you.

Every day I love you more,
And mores the fear you’ll close this door.
I just don't think you understand
how I see things and where I stand.
I feel like this one could be better. Do any of you have some suggestions?
252 · Sep 2014
Thinking Backwards
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I'm thinking backwards.
And he can't make sense of me.
Choking on my foot.
I know this sounds odd. I just put my foot in my mouth so often I'm choking on it now...
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Tables turning a full one-eighty
Holding your hand and thinking "maybe".
Things could be the way they seem,
but what on earth could it mean?
Wow things are weird
250 · Oct 2014
Last Year
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Last year at this time I would have been wishing you happy birthday,
but in two days it'll be a year since you left us. Left me.
I hope you're happy where you are now,
and know that everyday still feels like the first.
I hope the angels sing to you their beautiful and sad song,
and I hope when you look down you see what you still mean to me.
This poem is bad, but I miss her so much..
245 · Sep 2014
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Sixteen years old.
And still feeling like a child.
Will I ever grow up?
So I just turned 16 last week and I still feel 6 XD
241 · May 2014
When Does Time Begin?
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Where does time begin and end?
Then the memory will start to fade.
Does it on our lives depend?
Or can time even fully spend?

Does time begin where memories do?
Memories of games we've played.
Do we have it misconstrued?
Will time forever continue?
Seriously though. It's food for thought..
239 · Jun 2014
The Land of Magic
Danielle Barlow Jun 2014
I am lost in the land of Magic, I fear.
Blocked from Reality's bite.
So do me a favor and wake me, dear.
For the land of Magic is also the land of Fright.
I'm sorry I'm not pasting regularly anymore. Life is getting in the way..
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