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Was it the proud full sail of his great verse,
Bound for the prize of all-too-precious you,
That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse,
Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew?
Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write
Above a mortal pitch, that struck me dead?
No, neither he, nor his compeers by night
Giving him aid, my verse astonishèd.
He nor that affable familiar ghost
Which nightly gulls him with intelligence,
As victors of my silence cannot boast;
I was not sick of any fear from thence.
    But when your countenance filled up his line,
    Then lacked I matter, that enfeebled mine.
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
Mothers day, to me
is just, another memory,
gone to waste.*

A day to stop and pause
and remember a lost cause,
only to move on, again.

Because to me, mothers day
is "my mother left me" day,
so, not a joyous occasion.

And try as I may, to hear
the words, "but another is near"
it's just not the same.

Because while I found another home,
my heart still tends to roam,
to other places.

And my thoughts just can't forget
about the life that I didn't get,
no matter how bleak.

But still I try to push past,
and make the smile last,
even if it's fake.

Because I know that someone loves me,
even if she did not birth me,
and now I call Her  *Mom.
Mother's day isn't happy for everyone. It's hard remembering that I have another mom out there that gave me up but as any good poet I try to convey this frustration to all of you. Thank you all so much for the support. Love you guys! Smile.
our lives
we try to
win over the

hardest person
of all
love is
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
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Be like raindrops
Never be afraid
of falling
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Excerpt from a famous saying of an unknown author
A fire raged in the darkness that resembled a postcard sent from hell
It was destroying the once beautiful vision that was the old town Carousel
Large striking white horses that in the past stood like angels in the night
Were all now fiercely burning as they cast an eerie sight
The smell of the charred wood and the plume of ash in the air
Left a tearjerking memory to the workers on the fair
A disturbing insight into mindlessness certain people possess
The flames rose in the air caused by those who couldn’t care less
Blistering heat was getting stronger with every hour that past
The sounds of loud sirens finally filled the air at last
Gone was the wonderful paintwork resembling times gone by
Now there were black patches that made the ancients cry
What now for the old Carousel?
With so many stories yet to tell
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
No man is an island
But I am a colony
Of an empire who thrives
Off of its own jealousy.

I am always being governed
By what people think
Could I get out of it?
Alone I might sink.

Am I your ally?
We're not treated the same
I'm sorry for my history
But you're part of the blame.

I have to get away
I'm sick of hearing who 'won'
I don't know how I'll do it
It's not going to be fun.

I don't like this policy
I should be governed by me
I'm a superpower
Not somebody's colony.

No one is an island
And we all need someone
But maybe from a distance
Vive ma révolution!
When you've got friends who low-key control you.
 May 2016 Damian Murphy
I heard about them
'bout your cries
'bout your weepings
and your tears

I've heard about them
bumping into everything
on the sleek narrow bridge
on the frail dock by the bay
on the gutter when it rains

I've heard about these
muffled screams below
the sheets
and silent sobs
beneath the moonlight
and the pitch black
darkness of tonight

I've heard about you, too
walking through the
sharpest stones
limping through
the darkest shores
drowning yourself
in deepest points
of misery

As I step up
close to them
on those gloomy
sights of yours
and let myself be
lost in the agony
of the tune that
you keep humming
through the doors,
I felt the worst

There, in that very moment,
I've heard just one solo cry
One so devastating
One so heartbreaking
And in that one moment
I know just the reason
—and that reason is me.
I know. I am. And will be. The reason why your heart breaks. And I'm sorry for that.
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