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 May 2016 Damian Murphy

         •we sleep
                 we manage               tight•
           somehow      to wake            late at
       •and...                  cradled             night•
      the bed                    in the ci-          we toss
   ngle off                      cle of ea-           and tu-
   ms da-                     ch oth-             rn•roll
our ar-                  er's a-             away
sheets•            rms•           and re-
with the                   turn...•
our legs tangle

Words by me.
Arrangement by the madly gifted ryn; more of his talent at writing and concrete poetry showcased at
Thank you ryn(:
There are times in my life
When all I want to do
Is to disappear
No plans
No questions
And no recriminations
Just disappearance
To nowhere

                            By Phil Roberts
I like to dream in colour
with sparkles on the side
I like to think in rainbows
even when I've cried

My thoughts forever sunshine
no matter that it rains
daisy chains and starlight
make me happy once again

Softly soft my words
are uttered as a song
sorry sorry sorry
whenever I do wrong

Buttons will fix everything
just sew them on with love
freckles glow with sunshine
that's what they are made of

The world to me's a daydream
with starry skies above
a universe of wonder
paints the heavens with it's love

It might not be the truth
but it feels that way to me
just imagine with your heart
dream in colour and you'll see.
playing with fire
was like
sharpening the knife
only just
to cut your own

nothing remains
only just the ashes of
your regrets
In every “Poetry Place”
There is a Copycat Corner.
We know it’s a disgrace
So here’s another “Warner”.

Why they do it I’ll never know,
Those Copier and Pasters.
Their words they seem to glow,
But they’re a bunch of Wasters.

Taking all that praise,
For stuff they haven’t written,
It seems to be a craze,
And many do get bitten.

Just Google their “fine words” or use those plagiarism sites,
And you will find the original poems
Bedecked with copyrights.

I’m sure this place just isn’t free
Of people like this,
Just look and see!!!

The Admins must get their fingers out,
And give these villainous rogues a massive clout.
Me, I will show all due diligence,
But my job here,
Is to show My brilliance.
(NOT someone else’s!).

Paul Butters
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