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Colm Feb 2021
Love this timeless feeling free.
Within the ebb and flowing
conscious world of unknowing.

Here in memories showing.
All of the reflective be
Brought within this common wave

Which cannot help but steady
It’s deep sky clear as daylight
Crashing nighttime off staved off


All is water here my friend
When that is let go within
This all-encompassing sea
107 · Nov 2021
First Sip
Colm Nov 2021
When they make my drink
With exuberance liquified
And season, in its entirety, personified

Regardless of the turning days
Or the morning upside
So much, so down

When they make my drink
I can hardly blink
In raptures taste makes me want to smile
Fifteen Feelings. This one is the gift of coffee.
107 · Jun 2022
A Winter Rose
Colm Jun 2022
Human beings grow and grow
Until we don't
And won't

Outside of nature
We are not trees
Just as every winter will consume the rose

We bud where and when and with whom we please
Boxing Poems . 3
107 · Apr 2022
Umm, your girl...
Colm Apr 2022
If shes loves the ocean and late nights. Is constantly coming out of her shell. And if, her voice has been, described as the bows of violins. She is down with all the omega-3 fatty acids, then.

That's not your girl, that's a lobster
107 · Mar 2020
Let Love And Coffee
Colm Mar 2020
Let love
Command what the heart desires
And for everything else
There’s coffee
And for everything else
107 · Nov 2021
Cold Footsteps Approach
Colm Nov 2021
The grass, fearing lots,
Packed up and headed southwest
Having snowy thoughts
K8 Haikus
107 · Oct 2022
When left alone
Colm Oct 2022
There's absolutely no proof
That if left alone
Human beings will be
Or course correct more than anyone
Who have lost themselves
Most resoundingly at sea

If anything we
Need more guidance than ever
In this time of being most encouraged to be

Whatever we feel
Whatever we dream

When really we are actually not at all these things

We are just that which sees
Humans who be
We stray
107 · Dec 2021
Rest Full
Colm Dec 2021
Rest is neither for the living nor the dead
No, rest is a response
To both the condition known as life and death
Rest is something entirely different
And neccessary, and comforting, and terrifying
Such rest is not always best
But needed nonetheless
We rest
In each other, away from each other, with each other

All the best
107 · Jan 2020
Seeing Backwards
Colm Jan 2020
Until the stars crash, the clouds wave back with whisking foam. Twinking, glowing, black with morning dew to greet this coming you alive.

Until affections rise in reflective ways, as moon and stars unite, with pinions that of a lovers embrace.

To stay, I must until such heaven returns, and reunites with soul to be, believed. Know that I want to, but for me. I will only think of you beneath walking trees, with thoughts small as bugs beneath celestial day. In my own time and wantingly, quietly way.
Seeing Backwards
106 · Dec 2021
The Distant Relationship
Colm Dec 2021
Happiness is the obnoxious cousin of Joy. And her not coming around often is a blessing, not a curse.
Count it all joy.
106 · Mar 2021
alone on this
Colm Mar 2021
saying I have been through a lot
is like saying my lungs have been through oceans of air


Being . Is . Fair
Colm Jan 2021
After all of the summers spent alone
The turning autumns approach
And the attempts at running through walls
(which would not give way)

It's by lakeside fires which glow and grow
In crackling sparks lifted up

And in finding no more found
This diminishing day, once ends

For no matter how hard I try
Or wish or pray
It's always you who I don't find
As I just can't seem to make you mine
Colm May 2022
This anxious memory of my own
Is a wish to be free
Like a cloud to return
How it longs to be rain
Set resting on the forgotten ground
Presentme . 3
106 · Jul 2021
Seek It (now)
Colm Jul 2021
Comfort is the greatest killer
Of every dream and wish unborn
Be not afraid of end of days or of Sundays spent in mournings morn

Embrace, embrace
Walk calmly this
Over the living earth and lifeless breeze

Of this dominion, breathe
Out the nothingness
Discomfort you seek
Colm Jul 2021
Saying I'm tired
Is an insult to sleep
Just as ignoring our what hasn't been said
Is a insult to me
She falls back into my life like a crashing satelite.

My atmosphere isn't honest enough.
106 · Nov 2021
Two Seasons
Colm Nov 2021
Rainfall is not Fall
Just as snow does not Spring forth
But returns to Fall
K8 Haikus
106 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
she would look at me like I had stars in my eyes
though I know not why, what I love is what I know
you see I love rustic hills, forgotten and still
i love breathing nothingness in, out the quiet, and the ease
i love freshly cut grass and forest meadows never meant to be tamed
i love the snapping fish most talkative and the slim bodies of waters beneath grasping trees
i love he quiet sky above the 3 a.m. streets
and the flickering candlelight whispering things
and above all of these things I hope not to love, is me
though that choice is a which I do heartily admire
and give it still my most willingness forward
if you'll see and let me also see
please do
Hi LP. Two very different stories, I'm sure. Yup.
106 · Aug 2018
Colm Aug 2018
Some flowers wither
Others bloom better
Far away from the garden of perpetual care
The father, the mother
The assaulting, influential weather
105 · Jul 2020
Colm Jul 2020
Want is not of the most natural, always
And in line with the intended almost never found
Beneath the trees or above the sky
You'd be more in lost finding
Searching words for books
For in losing this you will surely find

A tertiary thought
Colm Aug 2021
Clouds know not how soft
We think they are and praise their
Being a vapor
Visions and lights (2)
105 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
The night won’t look the same
        It hasn’t since
You up and walked the stars into another man’s cave
        Where your flames embrace
        A future warm without
        The same old sky of me
So cold
Cold memories are cold
Colm May 2021
Deep water found
In a wellspring of being
Would you be, and want
To be refreshed and renewed
Not as immortal songs
But as the sound of running water
On a washboard bed of stones
Turn over again
I, in sleeping here, next to you
105 · Aug 2020
Colm Aug 2020
You are not just the hero within the pages of your own story. You are the vessel of intuition. The growing understanding of self-undiscovered, be it in the conscious or unconscious arena. Competing with all under the sun. You live not to forget or yourself become the great shining deeds by which you may never achieve relics. But to bear witness to the self and its finite attempts to grow steadily alongside the tree of life. And in standing therein, rooted, smile at your own death. Knowing a more practical end awaits you moving.
Though not everyone is aware of it, or even capable of such contemplation. We are all so very different. With our many vice-passions and obsessions.

Colm May 2022
This is a beautiful light which keeps
Itself alive for hours yet

By reaching out its beautiful hands
And arms within these windows clean

With tall and pensive shadows left
And glowing fortress right with ease

The last of this long important May
Outstretches its own spirits keen

And my eyes see
Be they only they

This lover of sights says
My eyes see
Current feels in these final rays of sunlight
105 · Jun 2020
Infinite Value
Colm Jun 2020
Words are worth
Infinitely more
When they’re etched in your own currency
(time well spent)
Write For You And You Alone
Colm Jan 2021
The greatest mind above your clear life
Born in openness and bright alight
Is the darkness within but a wink
Passing fast, her being free of time
And with loving eyes obscured, the sky
(is she and looks out, not down on us)
104 · Apr 2022
It's Only Natural
Colm Apr 2022
Hovering you is the drug which I dont know
Like the fever I could never shake
And the afternoon light
Just above the bitterroots below

How you fall like rain into becoming snow
And land with grace as I l've never seen
And believe me I've looked
Upwards and for as long as stars aglow

Careening down in dreams
Flowing supple streams
Whisper softly to each
The other of which we've yet to know

Carvings name of each not
In the remaining stone
Till the windy, trembling, peaks above
Comes crashing down, we awake alone
104 · Aug 2021
Colm Aug 2021
I can be a wave crashing upon your shore
But when the coastline shakes
And aches its back both towards and in, with force
That shakes me, moves my world
104 · Apr 2020
Colm Apr 2020
My words most dry
Call nothing
And certainly not out
Or about
To me
103 · Sep 2021
Faith Of Man
Colm Sep 2021
Without (faith)

There is no sky to fall .
No earth to stand .
No breath to breathe .

Without (faith)
My self .
Isn't me .
From a believer.  (:

The most unplanned set. 8/12
103 · Apr 2021
Colm Apr 2021
His tune returns — Anew and ever strong
(like telephone wires in the wind)                                              
Not infallible —but swaying still                        
With a lyrical cadence there
(he is ready to begin)
Colm Feb 2021
Write my old name
Brand new in a book
For your serendipitous
Ultra ompintotus almost belief
Until our discovery it does keep
Within the dark deep abyss of this
Not knowing as it is, you will one day see
That boy oh boy, was Barnes & Nobles ******
102 · Apr 2022
The Creators Created
Colm Apr 2022
Makers will make
And create the most marvelous things
For their loved ones to enjoy
And for their own purposes purposed
To be found

But I do not make
Out of brick and stone
Out of mortar or meat or performance to the world of known


The worlds I create are within others
And through the stories of which
In their memories they
Will never be, or find themselves, alone

I build people
Not places
102 · Jun 2020
A Comet I Couldn't Name
Colm Jun 2020
From a place of light
I pray she falls

A star in another mans backyard
Wholly, for she was bright enough for all

I just prefer the daylight bright
Just as the Summer prefers the Spring over the latter Fall
Be well!
102 · Jan 2021
Incapable Capable
Colm Jan 2021
Where capable love - becomes compelled to try
And turns into "he acts"
Even when she is "intent on inaction"

There is no-one so capable - this nothing more senseless
Than the song upon deaf ears
Which falls in a beautiful hum, regardless

Because you made up your mind about me long time ago
In this day and age, you only get one shot at certain things. Which is fine, but not always fair. Meh, this is life.
101 · Jun 2021
after years rewrite
Colm Jun 2021
I'm dying at this opportunity
trying not to think, as I
my old self would
with anxiousness and wonderous worry
at these days to hurry
so that this history might
rewrite itself
and this time, this time
might not pass us by
Hopefully neither of us are still running.
101 · Jul 2021
Colm Jul 2021
Though my hand my waiver
And my pen fall silent as smoke
For an age as long as the disenfranchised believer

So all fevers break
And to wellness, sky, and oceans turned gray
My mind will take

Just as my heartbeat knows no break
And my memories moreso ache
As the thousand stars burn

It's your turn
My friend
101 · Feb 2019
Words For A Wake Up
Colm Feb 2019
Yellow comes to mind
When I hear your voice
How it sounds so alive
Midst the dawning day

With eyes like morning sunlit rise
And a squinting glance which cannot stay
You are short and breathy as the mist
Which always tries but cannot reside

And when I wake up you're all of this
Within me and most definitely mine
101 · Aug 2021
A book for whom and why
Colm Aug 2021
A write is such a wrong
If found (in) to be nothing more
Than a turning out
Not of ideas
Or truths
Or questions
Or desires
But of disregard for craft
And the pretensions of these selfish liars

Create to make, not make sum
Visions and lights (7)
101 · Jan 2020
December Words
Colm Jan 2020
Deeper than skies
Taller than oceans
Wider than mountain ranges high
Are these words to me
And to you also
As ever eyes can be between pages
Your Frost to you
My E to E
Old words rediscovered. I like what these have become. Much more neutral. Much more true to who I am. Thank God, I am free. (:
Colm Feb 2021
The further you get
from the vision of dream
The less you can see
clearly as a calm content being
Your own self currently therein
The further toward the inaction you grow
the more tree like you become
So BREAK FREE and be free
while you are still young
Tomorrow is for old age and memory
I struggle with this, because memories can be such a powerful drug.
Colm Oct 2022
Such a human concept

For when you wish on physical stars
(which exist) -
For so long that
You wouldn't know what to do if you caught one
I'll tell you this -
At 3,500K, you wouldn't be so quick to wish

Maybe tell your lover
"I summoned you from an ocean stare" instead

Much cooler
When a falling star catches you
100 · Jan 2021
How To Hear Life
Colm Jan 2021
Don't let the loudest voice be only
A demanding cause
Or you'll walk to falter instead

But balance all harshness with evenness and grace

Incarnate, the limits you put on yourself
Are all just you
Are all just injustices in your head
Sometimes the loudest thing sounding out in your head, is just you. Most of the time it is. Or so I find.
100 · Feb 2021
Skin Deep, a Haiku
Colm Feb 2021
Beauty has no name
Or surface questioning whim
Like yours engrained in
Colm Feb 2021
Feeling is just a matter of time
as we are all caught
(one and the same)
Colm May 2020
Just as birds envy trees for how they never seem to leave
And trees envy birds for how they move around

Deep waters envy shallows, and the shallows envy the dark abyss

And the stars, the stars, they envy us
Because we get up from our burning existence
And breathe after every time we fall down
I like this one. Meaning noone else will lol. This is life. (:
100 · Jun 2020
Never In Between
Colm Jun 2020
When you write
Write for no one
Or for someone
Never in between
Never In Between
100 · Jan 2020
Grinning, A Haiku
Colm Jan 2020
No smile is wide
Enough to pass through the air
As quickly as yours
100 · Oct 2021
October Irony
Colm Oct 2021
It's not even funny
Though I'd like to laugh
At such a bright sunshining irony
Which glows like orange leaves at noon
And stays like casting skys of over
Until the day is at an end
I'll know and laugh overly
Almost glowingly
With you
Oct Headache 5
100 · Apr 2022
Skiing in the summertime
Colm Apr 2022
A crashing motive
Knows no fear
When downhill slide
Demands intent
And as intently as
His spirits ride
Through halls of snow
And hard packed trench
He flies
Like bluebirds
Picking fast
At the suet of life
And so the mountain beneath him
Speeds right past
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