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 Jul 2016 Colleen Mary
 Jul 2016 Colleen Mary
slow down.

    do not

         into the trap of

                          instant love.
 Jul 2016 Colleen Mary
 Jul 2016 Colleen Mary

she’ll always have a part of me
tonight, my sister found
that the boy she loves
is kissing another girl
goodnight, and i held her
at 1am as she got used to
the feeling of saltwater
staining her cheeks.

you can not tell me
love is always kind, for i have
never known love to be
anything other than this.

-k.p//we fear what others chase
 Jun 2016 Colleen Mary
JR Falk
For the fourth time this week,
I drove down J imagining you were in the seat next to me,
Telling me how much of a nerd I was for mouthing the words to the song playing.
Bayside had always been our favorite band,
This ride did not change that.
I mouthed that you were my rock so long as I was yours and you just smiled.
I awake from my reverie.
Fourteen hours later and you’ve hardly spoken to me today.
It’s normal, though, as you’re a busy guy.
This is what I’ve been telling myself for three years.
I apologize to the voices in my head for your behaviour.
“We’ve talked about this,”
I say,
“We’re not going to try anything because of the distance.”
I sigh to myself and erase the message I’ve typed out for you.
It’s the fifth time I’ve done it this hour,
Seeing as you never responded to the last.
Last time you said you loved me was three days ago.
I told you I love you two hours ago and you called me a nerd.
I take a deep breath at the thought of the word.
I try to replace it with something different.

You’ve called me beautiful, right?
I scroll through our messages, looking for a time where you might have.
I only find you telling me my smile “kills” you.
Those words still make me melt, and I hate it.
I hate myself for loving you like this.
I hate myself for hating myself for loving you,
As I convince myself again,
For the hundredth time,
That you do.
I’ve been begging for a sign that you do.
One aside from your words.
“Actions speak louder than words,”
I remind myself,
And think back to an action.
What have you done?
I can’t help but wonder if the songs you wrote about me,
Loving me,
And us,
Were sent to another.
The lack of specification in said songs makes me swallow hard.
I think back to the night you told me you broke down with your friend.
You told him everything,
How you’ve loved me for years,
How you’ve never been able to do something about it.
How you tell me you date so many girls but always think of me.
How I believe you.
I’m scared, now.
Every day that we’re apart,
I can’t help but worry and doubt.
Am I just some... toy?
I can’t help wonder to myself if I am,
And I scroll through our messages.
I’m torturing myself, really.
As I scroll I reflect on the amount;
Thousands of messages collected over the past three years.
Three years--
Why would you spend that much time ‘toying’ with someone?
My heart swells,
As do tears.
I erase the message I’ve typed out to you.
That's the sixth time this hour.
The cycle will repeat until I fall asleep,
One last unsent message sitting in my palm.
I stare at the screen, waiting for my eyes to close.
They don't.
"active now"
it reads under your name.
I stare at your display picture.
For the fourth time this week, I pretend you’re staring back.
And for the... what was it?
I’ve lost count.
I pretend you’re listening and I turn off the screen.*
“Goodnight, I love you. Sweet dreams.”

 Jun 2016 Colleen Mary
you've got me feeling
light headed
like some kind of coke freak;
but i'm not drunk
and i don't want to be.
i want to
lay in the back seat of your car,
weave my hand into yours,
and make you say my name
as if it were a bible verse.
 Jun 2016 Colleen Mary
 Jun 2016 Colleen Mary
i am
the sky,
and you,
a sunset.
i know
you are
but i'm
begging you
to stay. nobody
knows how to
appreciate me
without you.
At the intersection
of Thirteen and Sheyenne.
I'm heading West, him East.

I had a vision:
His motorcycle twisted
under my SUV
pinned to the asphalt,
pinned to the sheets,
Back flash to
the assault,
all my fault...

The light wasn't red,
but it wasn't green either.
His fault for being in
my moral blind spot.

We made eye contact,
mine stayed dry,
he broke first
and for a second time,
he ran the red.
I've named this pain after you.
An ache in my belly, it burns,
Simmers below my heart that
Keeps beating in spite of it.
**** I wish this was a metaphor.
 Mar 2016 Colleen Mary
I'm not the same person I was when you left; and honestly I don't know how I feel about that.
I'm not broken, lost, or confused.
But on the other hand, I'm not at peace, whole, or content either.
I'm not the same girl who would welcome anyone with open arms.

I see the world differently now.
I see the pain... I feel the pain.
We're in a battlefield.
The confusion and sorrow are like fresh wounds to my eyes.
I see them in everyone.

You used to tell me that I lit up the world with my smile.
That however, is a talent I no longer posses.
I'm not fearless anymore.

I am not the girl who continues to see the world with unstained glasses.
The ones I wear are covered with dried tears, residue from heartbreak,
loss and love.
The way I see the world is no longer through the eyes of a 15 year old girl who heard of love but experienced it.
I'm not the same person I used to be.
I'm cautious, calculated, careful.
I realize that even now the decisions I make will last me a lifetime.
It has become real to me: this world.
It has come alive to me.

Understand, that if I could go back and be the girl you knew - the girl who loved you - I wouldn't.
She was naive and uneducated in the world. I still have so much to learn, but I hope I never again become that girl.
Written 2.12.16

I'm sorry I changed, I'm sorry I am not the best version of me.
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