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 Mar 2016 Colleen Mary
 Mar 2016 Colleen Mary
everything will fall into place, you just gotta be patient..
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
i've forgotten how
to forget all those
memories we made
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
when I'm ****** up
thats the real me
You are not defined
by the pain in your stomach
or the tightness in your chest,
and your shaky hands
and the inability to breathe
are not signs of weakness,
although you have convinced
yourself differently.

Every masterpiece was once
a work in progress,
and there is more to you than
a disorder.

-k.w//An Open Letter to my Anxiety
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
It was not until I was forced to taste the shades of gray
Lying like a death shroud across your face
That I truly embraced the full spectrum
Of every other color
I miss you every day.
What a terrible feeling it must be
to know that you still could've had me
if only you loved me like
I deserved.

-k.w//December 5th
I'm finally starting to love myself and know my worth and it is very exciting.
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
His love is like a drug
She knows it cause nothing but pain
But her body aches for more,
As if she never had enough.

His lips taste like caffeine
She knows she might get addicted,
Yet she yearn for more than a kiss.
Inspired by you. coffee. cigarette. our love.
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
Thank You
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
I used to be angry
that you did what you did,
but now all I am is grateful.
You saved me the heartache.
Someone else got your attention
so you went after her.
You stopped the lies and the games and you left.
I used to be angry
because you of all the empty promises you made me.
But you just gave me a second opportunity at life,
because any life I would have had with you wouldn't have really been living.
It would have been settling.
I deserve more than to settle.
You told me to go find someone better, to find someone who will give me all that I wanted.
Don't you worry, I will.
I have no doubt I'll find someone
who is ten times the man you are.
I'll find someone who means it when they say they love me.
I'm holding out for the one who loves his Creator more than
he loves his life itself.
I'm perfectly fine with waiting for the one who can't
without me.
I'll wait for the man who
is who he says he is.
The one who doesn't have to lie
in order to get what he wants.
I'll make him feel
excited for the future,
and happy with the life he has.

You think you ruined me?


You showed me
what I actually deserve.

And baby, you weren't it.

So don't come back with more lies because you realize
I would have treated you like the king
I thought you were.
Don't come back for any reason.


I'll find someone who puts me first.
Who doesn't feel the need to lie in order to conceal his true self.

Don't kid yourself, you're not worth it.
Written 11.24.15
 Dec 2015 Colleen Mary
At this point, I don't even care that it's over.
I know it had to end.
What I don't understand is how you could lie to me.
How you could sit there and tell me that there was no one else.
How you could say that you loved me, when you really didn't care.
I don't get how those words were just words for you.

But maybe, since you've repeated them to - only God knows how many - different faces, those words, that I held close, lost all meaning to you.

I don't want to be another girl that you loved.
I don't want to be another girl you cared for.

Real or not, I don't want to be that girl.

Maybe the lies became too much for you to keep up with. Maybe you honestly realized I deserved more.

I refuse to believe that it was all a lie, but I can't distinguish between fact and facade with you.

I think it was like I said in the beginning: you loved the idea of me.
Written 11.30.15
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