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 Jun 2016
Far into the night
I spied a long dead star
like that dark light
I saw through the pane
of your window,
like a signal for me
that it was all clear now
to move on to another exile,
another woman, another
island to banish myself,
another liaison with dawn.
 Jun 2016
VS aka Jason Cole
The last time I saw you was the very last time that I ever saw you
I'll never forget that look you gave me
Like you were looking at some stranger

There was something about your eyes like a thousand thorny sighs
You didn't say a word
To you, our love was absurd

Still, I want you to know that I never meant for you to hurt me
Today my good friend told me I've been waitin' to die
He's halfway right- I've been waitin' to live
Ahem! My name is Doldrums
The mighty perdurable king of kings

King to the realm of despair
Loneliness is my lovely queen

So far we’re blessed with three kids
Our first born was christened heartache

The second born retrospections
And the last born nostalgia

We dwell in a beauteous wonderland
A world with beauteous flowers
Flowers that all bloom no more

A world with amazing rivers
Rivers that all ceased to flow

A world with emerald forests
Forests where birds never chirp

A world blessed with plenty of streams
Streams that all dried up

A world with eye popping mountains
Mountains that all crumbled to dust

A world blessed with soft rains
Rain that rains no more

A world with beautiful starry lit deserts
Deserts where you’ll find not a single oasis

A world with beauteous emerald islands
Islands all marred with despair hence desolate

A world blessed with myriads of stars
Effulgent stars that all ceased scintillating

A world blessed with beautiful seas
Seas where you’ll find not a single fish

*A world enveloped with glamorous clouds
Dark clouds of hate scudding
Athwart our wild blue yonder
Hence it never dawns
By Kikodinho Alexandros
17th June 2016
 Jun 2016
David Swinden
At the graveside the grieving man knelt
Remembering the feelings that he felt
And in all the grief and all the pain
In this painful time on his knees he remained
Face to face they had never even met
But for a year they chatted on the internet

The tears flowed down from his eyes
Some would never understand or be surprised
How can this poor man have a broken heart
When in his life she has played no part
Although face to face they never even met
But for a year they chatted on the internet

Friendships blossom relationships grow
Where will they lead? Nobody knows
But this poor man's grief that's in his soul
Has opened up a gaping hole
Even though face to face they had never met
Once upon a time they chatted on the internet

 Jun 2016
m i a
i will forever be a prisoner,
in this cage,
for my cry for help is nothing but a whisper,
it's as if,
it's as if,
everytime i need someone,
they all disappear,
but yet when my smile,
and postivity comes back,
everyone reappears
but that's okay, i can survive.
 Jun 2016
Mike lowe
Fairytales are stories that never finished. That was the last thing I said to you as I walked away. Our story had an ending. An ending like a car crash. Like knowing the train is coming but it felt more comforting to stay parked on those tracks. Sifting my fingers threw your hair as you looked up at the stars and I just couldn't seem to look away from you.
I smiled as you slept and we laid under the stars that night. You would soon tell me that the weekend you went out with your friends you made a huge mistake. I imagined burning buildings and sirens. You told me another man had explored your body. I imagined you inside of the burning building.
I remember the hours after like smoke filling my lungs. You pleaded your love for me and the amount of sorries said were like cutting through glass. You had told me "you're my fairytale ending!" As I walked away and imagined that burning building getting ready to collapse, I tell you, fairytales are stories that never finished.
Once upon a time
There once was a little painter
With novelty paint
That she began to paint
Painting the peripherals of my heart
Magnificently with her novelty paint
But she ran out of paint
Thus the rest remained unpainted

Once upon a time
There once was a little potter
With novelty mud
That she began to mold
Molding the peripherals of my riven heart
Beautifully with her novelty mud
But she ran out of mud
Thust the rest remained gaping

Once upon a time
There once was a little bird
With novelty wings
That she began to fly
Flying away with me
Merrily to glorious clouds
But she drifted out of sight
Thus can’t fly anymore by my self

Once upon a time
There once was a little star
With novelty light
That she began to scintillate
Scintillating beautifully
Upon my wild blue yonder
But she ceased emitting her light
Thus dark as a grave are my nights

Once upon a time
There once was a little river
With novelty waters
That she began to flow
Meandering through my world
Thus all flowers thirsted not
But she ceased her flow
Thus all flowers withered

Once upon a time
There once was a bee
With novelty nectar
That tasted with all sweetness there is
Nectar distilled from all flowers of heaven
Nectar no other bee could ever bear
But she drifted away with her nectar
Nectar that had me feel*

**For I might have sipped a philtre
#Melancholy #Her #Philtre #Heartbreak
#Poem #Poetry
 Jun 2016
Justin G
Despite the heart which is froze
Hatred runs fluidly
Like the water in shattered glass
Like the blood in broken bones
Like the flames in our homes    
This hatred
It speaks to me
Like drugs to an addict

When it tells me to shoot
                                         I relapse and
                                       aim for the sky

I said..
In spite of my own humility
Hatred runs deeply
Like the roots beneath the dirt
Like the pain beyond the hurt
Like this poem before your eyes

I despise 
                Way too many lies
                And so little truth

I said..
I hate beautiful  
It cripples me deeply  
For you are my pity
My pain and their pleasure

When I am high
                           I'll collapse and fall
                        Far from this place
                        Of rotten bliss

I said..
Look at me        
Blood misrepresents me    
For I am cut differently
This pain isn't felt
Like the emptiness
Residing in your cup
It is felt
Like a toxic
Living inside the gut
Like these words
Traveling directly
Towards the stomach

I mean..
             Although this addiction kills me
           Hatred is also the remedy
          It is all I need to truly appreciate
          The little love I have left.
 Jun 2016
Its a darkened room
The candle you lit
Is not a light for me
I have a memory

A lantern
If there's no oil does the fire go out?
I have no doubt
In all this doubt
I'll be left in darkness

Not a helping hand
A knife in the back
I feel you twist
You tell me that you miss me

A lantern
If theres no oil does the fire go out?
I have no doubt
In all this doubt
I have my broken hands
I'm punching walls

You aren't you
I'm not me
Never again
So why pretend?

Why now in the darkness
Can I see shadows?
 Jun 2016

I fell in love with a poet
it was a magical day
Hanging on every stanza
taking my breath clean away

Head over heels I had fallen
reading her each day and night
Lost in her beautiful poems
feeling each word she did write

Hoping her phrases were written
sending affections I'd see
I fell in love with a poet
the poet she loved wasn't me
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