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 Jun 2016
The weeks are hard,
The nights are long
I can barely sleep
I can barely breath
All the bottles are empty
Scattered on the floor
Im back to my old ways
Before you rescued me
from all of this
And every second
Hurts like the last
 Jun 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
Once when I was young,* I was told you could swing so high you'd be able to just *fly away.  

   I learned early on
               That not everything we're told is true
               The fantastical can sometimes amount to a pile of plastic bags scattered in the wind
                    The end isn't always happy and there's not always closure
      Punctuations are more often question marks than definitive periods
                And looking for a definite explanation took prevalence over allowing our imaginations to fill in the blanks.
         Play time was replaced with study time,
             And before we knew it, it was time for work
                      We strayed from the playgrounds of our youth,
      Never returning to the top of the slide, we'd hit the ground a bit too hard to keep the enchantment of seemingly endless possibilities going
                                              Carriages became pumpkins long before midnight,
              And the school bell rang before we could finish our fun
                       But to tell the truth, sometimes,
     When everyone else has gone inside, back to the real world, full of logic and banalities,
         I sit on the old swingset kicking my feet
    Hoping it will let me *soar
The evening comes in on a slow train
stopping on this track
on and on and on it comes
there is no looking back

for I have lived the day
and long the day it was
now to go into the night
it was a day and what a day
early morning
did we play?
I'll say we did and
played it well

the day it grew as we grew too,
now snow lays on the ground
on the rounda roundabout

close my eyes
and listen to that joyous sound.

The signal's green
the train comes in,
but I have seen
my fill.
 Jun 2016
I rode my veins like the highways
Got off at the nearest exit
Somewhere to rest these bones for a little while
I stayed too long..
My body felt heavy,
My shoulders didn’t know up from down,
I was searching for something more than what was inside of myself
Maybe that thing I was searching for was
the arms of a woman who knew enough about everting
and not enough about all the little things in life
I tried to teach her those things.. I still am.
Maybe I am the ocean and she was the seaside
I kiss her like the tides, over and over again,
All I am is a mere observer to her love
And I watch the tides roll in, how she calls me by name
Oh how I love her dear,
Oh How my heart sings with ocean songs
whenever she enters a room
 Jun 2016
Maddii Lloyd
i chocked when
i found the test...

it was laying on your
bed, next to your
now lifeless body...

you didnt just end your
life, you ended
our unborn childs...

im sorry baby i
really am, i couldnt
help you sooner...

but i promise you,
ill see you soon
i love you...

I am writing our Amour saga
Of longing of my heart

Painting the colors of sky
On my soul,
My eyes seeks only your image my BELOVED

When you are not around me
There is absolutely nothing in my LIFE
When you are not with me
There is nothing in the nature & its beauty
There is nothing in this universe
Nothing in the flowers, moon and sun
Nor a sparkle in the stars
Not even the soaring of the wings

Do you wish that
Like this - YOU should deny me
Even the right of watching the beauty of nature?
Will you also deny me
Even feeling your breathe within mine?

Without YOU
I wish I should not even open my eyes
Nor I should feel anything inside my heart
Nor I should be alive...

Rendering the colors of your sky
On my soul,
My words only sing your Iliad of LOVE

In one way, I've everything
One requires to live LIFE:
With all the wealth & luxuries

But see where my fate
Has brought me
I'm like a mendicant
Waiting everyday for you
On the path you walk
Your path of LOVE

Painting the colors of sky
On my soul,
My heart feels only your emotions of LOVE

Please come back to me
My soul-mate

See the tears rolling my eyes
All the emotions are
Over-flowing your shores of LOVE
Can't you see the oceanic waves of my tears
Touching the feet of your heart?

Painting the colors of sky
On my soul,
My BLOOD paints only your portrait of LOVE

I am writing our Amour saga
Of longing of my heart

Lazy dreams of far away night
Amorous embraces by candle light
Tango desires of bodies of two
For I am nothing without you

Memories fade of the past
We believed it would last
But now, what can I do
For I am nothing without you

Lovers come and lovers go
You're the one I got to know
All the good times we went through
Now I am nothing without you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
One minute life seems so precious
You hold her close and feel wanted
Feeling her heart beating near yours

Then you say something wrong
Her feelings seem to be torn apart
You taste the lonely call of the heart

Making up, you love the feel of her body
You both put away those pains that hurt
But you play the game of upset again

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, so do you

Let those tears turn to her kisses
Because you want her to feel better
She is your world, she is your universe

You hate spending one day without her
Because the hours seem to be endless
She is always there, haunting your thoughts

Your life needs her to complete it
But you never find the words to tell her
So find the strength now to let her know

Do you believe in love?
I do, yes I do
Do you believe in love?
I do, because it's true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
She is the brightest Sun.
She is the web the spider spun.

She is the candle light.
She is my second sight.

She is the beauty in my mind.
She is my faith in human kind.

She is the blue of the sky.
She is the voice of a seagulls' cry.

She is the leaves on the tree.
She is the movement of the sea.

She is the clouds high above.
She is the woman that I love.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 May 2016
Michelle Garcia
There exists an abundance of neglected apologies stuck lodged at the back of my throat that remind me of how much I have forgotten the sensation of breathing deeply since you have. Words, how flimsy and inadequate, form into lethargic shapes that sit helplessly in the stomach and desire only to matter to you. I have painted for you a golden sky that stretches beyond horizons that can no longer be noticed by the naked eye and I guess we have both grown tired of prowling the heavens for potential endings.

I have seen dandelions sprout freely within the dimple on your cheek and I wonder how you can go on so casually convincing yourself that you are not made of sunshine. I have felt lightning channel through your fingertips far too many times to believe it is just an illusion you have designed to make the dark clouds feel a little less intimidating.

There is a certain danger embedded within the comforting blanket of safety. I want to tell you I am sorry that the metaphors and lines of poetry I have crafted will never begin to describe even the smallest fraction of your limitless importance. I am sorry that my words cannot make you see the icicles that form in my bloodstream when your tears whisper that you are exhausted of being alive. I want to shout I love you, I love you, I love you, why can't YOU love you? until I run out of air in my lungs, the chords of my voice continuing to strum the same promise inside and out until it forgets the tune. But doing so is impossible, because your soul is an old song that cannot be removed from the brain once it is stuck and I am so sorry, my love, that yours has lost the memory of innocence.

I am a broken vinyl record spinning the same expired words over and over again, hoping your tomorrow will be void of pain so that there will be enough leftover space for you to listen.
 May 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
As talent drained from every inch of my mind
I found reading other's work only made me jealous
                   I started to feel unpopular
          Not enough ideas left to create anything at all. Not a single drop of inspiration.

      As all of theses emotions and realizations mixed together

I became okay with copying your work.

       I can imagine you slaving in the dark
Racking your brain to find the perfect words to finish the last line

       Lucky for me I have it all right here, completed and ready to post
     Finished and polished and prepackaged with a message I didn't think of but everyone will commend me for.

    *I hope you enjoy it.
Not actually plagiarized. Just tired of seeing others plagiarize on here.
Night rain drips from the window
No light in a room of shadow
He left her there, facing her tears
He left her there, living her fears

So she hated thinking of life alone
Used a knife, cutting to the bone
Sits down with no will to resist
Blood like a river from her wrist

The tears have dried, no longer weepy
She closes her eyes, she is feeling sleepy
All the good times come into her head
Now she no longer dreams for she is dead

Night passes into the day time hours
A man comes to the house with flowers
Last night he is sorry if he offended
Unprepared for how those actions ended
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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