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 May 2016
Maddii Lloyd
take a selfie
to show the true me
no make up messy hair
baggy T's

but no this is the way you see me

take a selfie
add some ****
with my hair in my face
and over done makeup

to me i see myself as "perfect"
and everyone will love me..
yet night after night
i tear at my skin and cry myself
to sleep..

but you will never know the real me!
you judged me before you could
find out,
so *******
and your judgemental
******* thing you call your personality!

im so ******* done, with you
your **** and my life...

so dont act sad when i dont
come to school,
dont act sad when you find
out i passsed.
because honey you dont really care!
 May 2016
Just Melz
Two spiteful lovers in a raging battle
Fighting against the tides of war
Lost within themselves and images
Of the serenity from the ways of before
Not knowing how to come down from the high
Never needing much, just a little bit more
In love with the idea of opposites attract
Until it leaves them both lying on the floor
An emotionless pit of skin and bones
   Sunken eyes and pupils made of stones
She can't hear the judgement or grief
       Silently she sits with stares of disbelief
    She can't understand what she feels
         or say what she thinks
    Illiterate emotionally, unstable and drained of dignity
       Sleeps so sound she can't even hear her dreams
             Life continuously surrounds her yet can't seem to slow down
       She can't remember where the last place her sanity was found
           Dug herself into the ground just struggling to breathe
        Too lost in her mind to find the time to grieve
           An empty shell of the soul that she used to be
       And no one will be on the other side
 May 2016
I know sometimes I do not meet expectations
I know sometimes my voice quivers when I speak
I know sometimes these words can not fix all the broken things I have made,
I just want to patch the holes in the ceiling
I want to keep the storms away just a little while longer,
So you can dream of all the good you have left to give
And I can watch as you share your joy without a worry.
The song we sing is one that reinvents itself as time goes on
As long as the instruments stay tuned, than this song
will be the only music that I will listen to
 May 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I stop in my tracks,

  A hollow
clinking in the darkness.
In an alleyway, somewhat familiar,
Vacant and forgotten in the twilight hours
Except for the lingering cigarette smoke
And the scent of frigid, dehumanizing hate

  And a
Low and somehow beneath the dense, dank dark

  A sound disillusioning and honed to a fine point, like that of a blade meant to harvest death

And another

                           There is a man sitting near the end of the alley
                           At the back of the throat of Hell itself
                           He has his head down
                           But through the thick black smudge of night
                           I can still see the base of a brown glass bottle tap the bottom of an upper row of teeth

He stops, and looks up at me with eyes that resemble mine a little too much for my comfort

                                    He brings the bottle down, and lowers his head, gazing at it as if for the first time
                                    Suddenly he snaps his eyes up to mine, instantly staring into the deep void of apathy that looks back.
                                    He smiles a knowing smile, and slams the bottle against his teeth.

              It does much more than *
 May 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I picked a flower in May just to watch her blossom all for myself
Beautiful and brilliant I sat her in a glass on a shelf
I added water so she wouldn't go dry
Magnificence such as hers I couldn't let die
I watched as she grew
Time flew and flew
Her petals orange and blue like a vanilla sky
As she prospered and danced I noticed a change
Something very strange that caught my eye
Her stems became vines intertwined simultaneously with my poetry and life
In place of green,
She overflowed out of the glass in white sheets of paper
And it was there she made her illustration so divine
A perfect drawing of a heart
That turned out to be mine
 May 2016
i've been nauseous every day this week
because i've been staying up until
the sun rises trying to remember
the way your eyes look
when you're in love

and i know
the universe is huge,
i'm always moving from place to place
but of everywhere i've ever been
the only place i ever crave
is your creeky back porch,
with the chipped green paint,
that i'd always peel back
when we were fighting
and i was anxious

still when my heart drops
and my hands shake
i wanna peel back
that chipped green paint


the night before you
slammed my front door
for the last time,
you were curled up in a ball
on the opposite side of the mattress,
and i was wishing you'd hold me
but i kind of knew you never would again

i said,
"i know nothing lasts forever
but i thought we were worth a miracle"

and you said,
"my apathy just got the best of me,
i don't feel you in my fingertips,
you don't send shivers
down my spine,
not anymore.
& i just don't miss
you when you leave,
your kisses never stick,
not anymore."


today i woke up
feeling like i never slept
and yesterday i went to bed
feeling like i was never even awake
venus keeps cartwheeling
backwards and no one knows why;
stars keep falling right out of the sky
and you're the only thing
that's been on my mind
I saw her crying in the window
It is none of my business to ask why
I guess it is the reason you are here
Drinking your sorrows at this bar, my friend

I've known you both for so many years now
Neither of you have ever had a cross word
You are the heart and soul of what is love
Drinking to hope it goes away never works

I'm guessing all that pressure at work you have
It is getting you and it is dragging you down
But as a man, you believe you have to carry that burden
To never share it with her to cause her to worry

Dry those tears that are starting to fall, my friend
You know she will forgive you, go and talk to her
You married through good and bad, share it now
She is the one keeping you strong, be strong for her

Remember that she loves you, she always will
You love her for she is your World, my friend
Remember that she loves you, her heart is yours
Go home to her, hold and kiss away the tears she cries
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 May 2016
I see you in the stars
Somehow you have been changed
From how the mortal eyes have seen you
Your mouth which used to speak
Of hatred and hope oblique
Becomes a beak without your teeth

Rage was born
But it will die
When its thrown into the fire

A brittle constellation
An ancient observation
You invite your guest to **** them
The poison of your being
These wounds caused by your sword
Let Heracles avenge them

All night
I look at you
Such beauty born from hatred

The knives in your hands
Cannot be be held by wings
Your arms that change until you drop them
The blasphemous skin
And fingers meant for ripping
These are the feathers that replace them

The sound of blood
And ugliness
Becomes beautiful music
Cygnus the swan. Greek mytholgy. You as a reader, I doubt you'll understand.
 May 2016
Priam Smith
Memories formerly a pleasure to think about
Have become a sharp knife to carve my heart out
The thought of a look, a place, a moment in time
Serves only to recall what is no longer mine
Everywhere I look, and every thought I have
Reminds me of the lost happiness I had
Every morning when I open my eyes
Unwanted thoughts of my anguish arise
And I do my best to cast them aside
But it seems to me there’s nowhere to hide
A standard breakup poem.
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