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 Mar 2015
As  broken  and hurt as I might feel
I'm holding myself together
No matter how hard it may seem
-holding back my every tear that wants to slither
learning to be strong, knowing this will pass-
Sometimes I end up with more pieces
Than my own
Realizing I'm carrying yours as well
Helping you feel whole again
As I hold myself too
I can't help to help others before I help myself
 Mar 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
That frolic pronunciation of words
Moving the Tongue in Motion
The Palate has become Smooth
Excess Saliva in the mouth doesn't come
And the melody is made
Without the knowledge of the mind
That is Called the Songs of Heart,
Songs of Freedom
Outburst the Words
Of Love

Find Fascination
Grown the rhythm of life
Where Peacocks unclogging their feathers
The rain drops on the desert
Flowers bloom in hope
Dreams to fly on wings
Seeking Love
There Peacock has found his Peahen

Flowers Spread Fragrances
Music melts into melody,
In words
In Souls
Moving the River into the Sea
And where there is floated
A Fearless
Love Boat
From one end
To the another Horizon
And where we found our lost existence

@Musfiq us shaleheen
when words moving the tongue in motion
 Mar 2015
Imperfect Desire
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
 Mar 2015
She brought me such pleasure
Sole mate of my soul
Her touch I so treasure
Her pain I so loathe

True love of my journey
How long has it been
Time cannot measure
As pleasures transcends

I’ll break down the walls
To be where you roam
I can’t wait to taste
The seeds we have sown

As I wait watching
The stars for a sign
My grip it grows tighter
Across space and through time

Her voice soothingly echoes
Lucid charm of my dream
Her body lies temptingly
Wide open for me

Prohibited by conscience
Still the gods they do dare
Shrouded in mystery
Shadow lovers beware
Traveler Tim
 Mar 2015
Rafhael Vieira
To my eyes,she's a stranger
To my heart,she's the love of my life
The day I met her,my life changed
My rotted garden became a forest
My petrified heart start beating once again
Where once I was a ghost,I became an angel.

Even though I never met her personally,
I feel her by my side
Without seeing her face,
I know she's smiling at me everyday
Just by talking to her,I feel my day completed
My heart with life
My life with a meaning.

I solemn swear,
That even at my bad days,
Even at my worst,
I will do everything
To make her happy.
 Mar 2015
Neko Majin
Awoken from a dream that never ends, aware of the lies that disguise the worth of mortal lives. Taught to mimic what's seen without ever knowing what it means, I watch the masses shift between souls with free will, and machines with a set of programmed commands.
Robots on a conveyer belt, the world is spinning we are all trying to hold on to our sanity. Humanity individuality, what makes us different is slipping this constant need to be different. Is what makes us the same.
A collaboration between myself, and grey storm
 Mar 2015

On the wings of adventure
and channel planned visions
In bonafide pockets
with envelopes streaming

When sidewalk dividers,
the colors of sunset
bring peace to the valley,
now penned in a post card

          “…wish you were here”

And bricks line the mansion
with cats in the garden,
alongside the seashells
and beaches we’ll wander

I look to the sunshine
to see its reflection
upon your sweet features,
your beauty it holds me

          “Vacation photographs cannot do justice”

In rhythmed oasis
of sweet waters churning
and moments we’re seeking
in all we are wanting

With shadows behind us
as we go out walking
to love every minute
adventures are flying

          “We find that our dreams lead us on our journey”

I follow the smiles,
that don’t belong to me
of hot seasoned concrete
and t-shirts emblazoned

With images captured,
yet still fashioned frowning,
until you arrive
and my heart swims the shoreline

          “My vacation destination is your heart”

Feathered dunes outline
finding the side streets amazing,
hibiscus and bougainvillea
and fragrances swaying

When every sunrise
does find you here with me,
of bright painted post cards
and moments eternal

          *“We shall forever live in love…”
 Mar 2015
Javi Claycombe
The beauty of every heart
lies within the stories behind them

every shadowy secret and deeply scared wound,
gives reasonable doubt that with every impossibility

you have a beating heart of your own

our heart never stops beating
as long as you let it be known
 Mar 2015
SG Holter
Pine trees free from snow
Stretching green branches
Towards a baby blue
Spring sky's
Sun now warm
Against faces and
Other exposed

As if worshiping, or
Asking something much,
Much larger
To be
Hugged and
Held. Just
Lifted, hugged and

So harsh is winter.
So not is
Spring when
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