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 Mar 2015
Brother Jimmy
I am a fixer; I want to repair,

I want to remedy your woes,

And take you up to highest heights,

The place where my heart goes

Each time I hear your voice,

In the timbre that matches your playful eyes,

Dulcet lovely tones, so choice,

It expands my mind, you must realize,

Ah, but instead I damage more,

The very muse I hold so dear,

So uncomfortable I become,

At the sound of the tiniest tear,

And yet, I love you, Muse,

An oafish child, though I am still…

You inspire the best of me,

You’re my Venus in the clamshell!

I want to frame your face,

When your smile allays my pain,

And gentle words drip from your lips,

Like drops from leaves after the rain,

You quicken my belief,

And make me want to try,

To be the best that I can be,

To make you glad, and keep you nigh.
Valentine's 2015
 Mar 2015
elizabeth capital
Snow day's are so surreal, a moment of frozen time.Where All my worries get left behind, I climb so high frozen toes and icicle nose frostbite and all the winter woes. But it's worth it as long as I can behold the beauty that is snow.
TX is covered in snow right now.
 Mar 2015
Allie Scirrotto
He left the house with a sense of rage
not knowing that soon his world would change

Sitting at the station a call comes in
The turn of his life was about to begin

He arrived at his duty and starred at the sky
Frozen, in shock, he let out a sigh

People were screaming in fear for their lives
He stood and listened then held his hand high

with courage, He made his way into the building
Now wishing he didn't fight with his wife this morning.

He thought of his kids as the building began to shake
He now sheds a tear from his extreme heartache.

There was nothing he could do, his job was done
He knew that this building would weigh a ton

He sat in the stairwell and waited in misery
His thoughts in his mind were all he could see

He felt the train wreck coming down
His wife sat at home and heard the sound

Both of them left with a feeling of regret
This is the day we'll never forget
 Mar 2015
All week busy, noise, no rest
People coming and going
Life abounds
Friday comes
The weekend is here
I'm by myself
Now what?
I didn't make any plans
Everyone's out
And I'm not tired
The weekend is over
And so it begins again
 Feb 2015
Neko Majin
I told you once, that you were a light as bright as any star, and that you could shine even brighter, however I doubt you remember. When we were nothing more than children, I could already see the light in your eyes, and I did all I could do to protect it as we grew.
As time moved on I watched you become what I knew you were meant to be, a jewel forged in the fires of life's trials, a golden treasure refined in adversity. You became a light in the darkness, and the desire of many.
I warned you not to let them change you, not to let them extinguish your light, but it never mattered.
As time moved on, I watched the light leave your eyes, as the world spun, I watched as you were used, as months turned to years I watched you become something hollow, someone I never knew.
I'm telling you, I miss who you were.
Just a poem I wrote for a friend, this is my first stab at it to tell the truth.
 Feb 2015
Down in the Hills of the
Mississippi River Valley
Between the Bluffs and
The river bank in Lansing
Is a Friend named Joe Price,

Born to Play the Blue's
Raised on Farming as a Boy,
Yet was a need he could not lose
He listened to Muddy Waters
And ran out to buy a Guitar

An old 1947 12 String National
Resonator with the Steel Core
He rapped his fingers around
Till his blues skills got honed

He was Destined to play with
Legends like John Lee ******
Willie Dixon and Clifton Chenier
Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee
Along with Muddy Waters and Me

I know I'm no legend but I can't Refuse
When Joe ask me to Sit in on a Knee Slappin'
Hand Clappin version of the Hobo Blues
His work boot stomped a beat
On an old flat piece of wood
As that steel Slide made that Guitar Cry

A Legend behind the Scenes he's
Played from the North down to
The Louisiana Back Bayous
And everything in Between

You'll Never Know that feeling
As the Hair stands on your Neck
This hardly known old Hobo
Was a Legend what the Heck

Till you get a chance to listen
To his Train whistle slide Moan
That 12 string Steel Guitar Tone
That sounds so very Nice
From an Unknown Legend
Name of Joe Price

*His Music can be found on
I played a Hawk release Party with Him, they released a Healed Artic Hawk, we Played a bar together, the place shook so bad from Happiness and Dancing the owner swore he would never have music again...Another Blast from my Past.... 25 Below Blues is my favorite
 Feb 2015
Oh keeper of my soul
Guardian of the sky
Seep within my depths
Deposit your tender heart
For I will defend it with all that I am
With the fight of a warrior,
I will protect thee
With the spirit of a mother,
I will nurture
And heal your scars beautiful
My love, all of my love,
I lay bare before you
Ingest me, consume me
Infuse me into your purest essence
The fire of dragons lays dormant within
Awakened with purpose alone
Protecting fiercely the most delicate of hearts
Mine is in your charge
As yours is in mine
Espoused and revered
To the death
Without fear
We will vanquish the shadows of doubts
Casting out with them
The lies that would beseech us stay
Timeless and eternal,
Coterminous, harmonious
One and the same are we
Born united
We are infinite, fated
Bounden and bound
 Feb 2015
Gather people
for a story
so profound,
Not created by me,
But a rare, rare reality,
Where forces so profound converged,
Generations forward
were forever altered.

Where one person's heroics
were another's fatal error

Where a family's love
was smothered
the churning waters
of Big Lagoon.

Big Lagoon sits
north of Agate Beach
shining treasures can be found
in the gathering sands
To the west,
The ocean rises and falls
To the east,
The lagoon's placid grassy waters roll.

It was an Indian Summer's warm, warm day,
Everything it promised was delivered.
Two days after Thanksgiving,
I remember it well,
the fog was gone,
the sun was high.

A family dog beach walk

Howard and Mary,
Gregory, every one called him Geddie,
Geddie's girlfriend, Lily.
The family dog, Fran, chasing sticks
in the ocean and in the sand.

Time stopped for
a diamond moment,
sun reflecting off the ocean.

To chase a stick
Fran ran
a ten foot wave
took her under.

Geddie ankle deep edged forward
when within that frozen moment
another giant wave emerged
the cliff that is the sand gave in,
in the merciless embrace
of the terrible wave,
He was pulled under.

Down the beach
Howard ran
plunged into the waters
to save his son,
He only found
Kingdom come.

While Geddie made his way
out of those frozen waters
and could not find his father,
Called by what unknown voice,
He dove back under,
Not to be found
for hours and miles later.

What is the power of love
which would propel each one?

Mary watching this unfold
could not abide their fate
and herself plunged in
for one last attempt
at saving grace.

The ocean says
"Many have fallen in
but few survive."

Mary and Howard
in and out
in that frozen water's breath.

While Olivia and Lily
called 911
and struggled on the beach
out of reach.

The power of the ocean
the power of love
had made three

30 minutes later
Fran ran out
looking to play
one more round.

If by the Pacific Ocean
you stand
see urgent footprints
in the sand,
By chance
you hear the plaintive cry
"Marco Polo"
voices calling to one another,
It is the ocean singing
their last lullaby.
A true story, happened 2014 at Big Lagoon, on the Northern California coast, not far from where I sit.
This family was physically fit, marathon runners. Humboldt residents who had taken these walks, daily - weekly,  not strangers to the ocean.
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