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 Oct 2014
Kayla Behm
When you're little, you look up to your father;
A man who's always there for his little daughter.
He supposed to be there to dance and play,
and, maybe, even sing with you all day.
Your dad is the man to push you on the swings,
so high you feel like you have wings.

My father always had the whitest smile,
just like my dress will be when I walk down the aisle.
He always put his hands on his hips,
and flashed a smile yet not on his lips.
His eyes would twinkle when they met mine,
no matter the situation, he make you laugh every time.

My fantasy world was shattered at age five,
when my father stopped breathing and wasn't alive.
My mom cried and our family shared hugs,
yet there's still something on my heart that tugs.
That constant reminder of what my life was,
some people say it hurts, and I'll tell you it does.

But don't feel too bad, my life is truly great;
I promise this experience didn't fill me full of hate.
I love my dad and my step-father too,
some people say, "That's impossible to do".
So my life continues and he's still dearly, I miss,
How I said goodbye -- it was with a kiss.
Hope you enjoy my poem. This is a true story, I did lose my father. Don't think I'm trying to write this for sympathy. I wrote it because it truly means a lot to me.
 Oct 2014
once the fence is up
sides are taken
and defended
 Oct 2014
“All great and precious things are lonely.”
It has been a cold, cold river of hope and desperation
the greatest glories do not die, they are as young as the dawn
and yet- the night will come, and your name will be shortened,
for we all view things as outside of ourselves and we view them wrongly
“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.”
and we even think of our own lovers on a pedestal-
we do not allow them to think alone, but if we do,
we ignore them and pretend that they do not- our brothers impregnate
our wives and we love them anyway, both wife and brother,
for neither is any tarnished in our mind- a man exists alone and
can work the machinations of others and play them,
stripping them of their freedom though they still believe themselves
to be free-
“I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one. . . . Humans are caught—in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too—in a net of good and evil. . . . There is no other story. A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well—or ill?”
we all believe ourselves to be good, we strive for good,
but who are we? what is good? how can we be good when we are not sure
what that is, who we are, or where we strove from? it can be measured,
certainly, by our glories, that are God-given,
it can be passed through blood and at first we think,
once you have it, you have it,
but that is not true- Cain was not given an order or an ultimatum
he was not given a promise, he was given an opportunity
“But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.”
Timshel- Timshel- Timshel-
what it is that is given to the human consciousness that gives it the right
and the ability to soar- we may or we may not, that is all
you are not what you are born as and there is nothing you may hide behind
“There's more beauty in truth, even if it is dreadful beauty.”
you may never escape the truth, the lies are what hold you back
but they are ugly, they are false, they shield you from encountering your own life-
your wife, a monster of a *****, who demands the worst of all
and cannot see the good- but you see only good in her
“A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more.”
and your life was illuminated once again- for you have been gray
your whole life and have forgotten that the joy of the Irishman is false,
you have lost the name and mind of the Chinaman
but no longer-
“But I have a new love for that glittering instrument, the human soul. It is a lovely and unique thing in the universe. It is always attacked and never destroyed - because 'Thou mayest.”
and it is not that you 'shall' soar and it is not that you 'must' soar
you can. you can. you can. that is all.
“And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.”
 Oct 2014
Kelly Rose
Caught in that place
between dreams and waking
A rainbow is illuminated
Showing the path
to my Heart's Desire
The desire for love
And to give love
I awake with a smile
upon my lips
My Heart's Desire
is found
As the hearts of many
have illuminated my path
Giving my heart
the knowledge
That Love fluidly flows
and has always been
A Heart's Desire
 Oct 2014
Elizabeth Squires
a malignant cancer spreads
in prime agricultural land
the Santos Company
gas wells ever expand

the waterways and aquifers
sullied with material not healthy
the corporate entity
aspiring to be more wealthy

campaigners outside fences
at drilling locations
wanting to stop the company's
sick infiltration

the fight to preserve the family farm
has been unheeded
company profitability
must be well seeded

a state government not listening
to scientist's info
seemingly it is more interested
in the gas field's revenue flow

as time goes by the waterways
and land will become sicker
all in the name of the Santos brands
noxious sticker
 Oct 2014
Aaron Mullin
History is in the eye of the beholder

If we right the ship correctly
Then, maybe we right our trajectory

If we write the past correctly
Then, I'll bet we re-write our trajectory

We are all pollinators

Is it possible that if we allow our stories to flow
We can change which way the wind blows?
'A very great vision is needed and the person who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.' ~~ Chief Crazy Horse ~~
 Oct 2014

Here I rest on this soft shoulder of desire,
hitch hiking to places I’ve only dreamt,
due north of where I used to be,
just left of the sunrise,
near the still waters
where stones have been skipped
and ripples encircle these thoughts of
what if…
 Oct 2014
Tammy Boehm
What if i were built for ***
Yours on command
******* and a small brain
pleasure me this
we'd both be satisfied
me draped on your arm
diamonds draped on my wrist
all I'd want is your hands on body
your mouth on mine
I'd breathe for you and little more
but that's not the way it goes down
tell me again how you just roll over....
while I cry curled up in in the corner
at the end of the day
everybody gets played
my eyes are wet and my body dry
sweat as much as I can
for nothing
never enough and there's nothing left for you
that you can't do for yourself
you're just one more thing undone
take your rough hands and leave me alone
I'm too used to it now to even give register the thought.
Or what if we went back twenty years
When I was still clueless and crazy about you
If I'd just thought with my thighs
You filled me up for awhile
But I wanted more.
Yeah, a family and a home.
I should've backed away faster.
We should've watched that movie
What if none of this happened.
God knows I'd be drunk by now
and you'd be ******.
At least then we wouldn't realize
How hollow life is
The things we didn't get but always wanted
Wouldn't be screaming in the back of our throats
And we wouldn't be screaming at each other.
What if you said one kind word....
What then
I'll never know.
This is all you get
a woman with big brains and sagging skin
Built for dreaming
And little more.
Forever dissatisfied
No better than your thoughts on a cold night
You lose, didn't you
What if you hadn't said yes...'
What if I'd waited for YOU to ask the question?
That might have been a better forever
than this....
TL Boehm
 Oct 2014
Are we fated to dance to the same tune alone in our separate universes?
Is it true that we must silently keep to our preordained curses?

Are we destined to swoon at the beauty of the moon at differing time slots?
Why were we given invisible ink to connect our lives' dots?

Must it be that our lives revolve around the whims of the sun?
Isn't it ludicrous that we won't see the intricate webs we've spun?

Was it the plan that we exist only in our minds and hearts?
Why do we have to tolerate starting when the other's ending and end at the other's starts?

Has it been written that we can only afford to infinitely chase each others heartbeats?
Was it foretold that we're trapped in a singular notion that never really fits?

Is the game set as such that we can never emerge as winners?
How is it that the ocean was made out of our tears that flowed from rivers?

Why is it that with our entirety we believe but do not know?
What's the reason for the path made clear but we're too afraid to go?

What does it entail to possess the very least but yet you covet it the most?
How do you pride yourself in something but not allowed to boast?

Why do we frantically scramble to piece together jagged shards?
Can't we just play this blasted deck of lousy cards?

Is it destiny or cruelty to have found then lost?
Why does it seem absurd that we have all its takes but can't afford the cost?

Is it the thoughts that **** or the emotions that debilitate?
Is it the challenges we take on or the curveballs we anticipate?

Why bother when sheer folly is all it seems to be?
Why tarry when the heart is free and the mind is ready?

Is it ridiculous to have found myself still very bothered?
Is it wrong to question fate that had always bound us tethered?

Why is the good always bad and the bad becomes worse?
Is it true that the harder we fight, the deeper we immerse?

Has life turned to be but sad little rhetorics?
Are we but performers on stages coerced into theatrics?

Is it time for me to surface this one-man submarine?
Will it be so that if I do, my journey would then begin...?
A host of rhetorical questions from my older writes...

"Surface this one-man submarine"  isn't mine... It's Brandon Boyd's.
Taken off Incubus' " Love Hurts"
 Oct 2014
labels are thrown about everywhere labellers can be found

it behoves labellers to label

because labelling helps them to stay in the shallows

where no effort is needed to live any kind of real life

and the fantasy of themselves is all they care about

Conclusion; so labelling others is all about put down
 Sep 2014
Edward Coles
We are locked in this state of paralysed rage
for the powers that have come to be,
with their newspeak lies
and corporate ties,
they'll poison the sky and the sea.

Wherever you will go,
my mind will follow,
there's no shame in feeling weak,
when everything's looking so bleak.

Cop on the beat, we look to believe
that everything is in control.
No divisions of wealth,
your own mental health;
nothing is ever your fault.

Still, they come to say all this hard work will pay,
though your bedsheets are made out of lead,
so forget your disease,
get dirt on your knees,
and take this for your troubled little head.

Wherever you will go,
my mind will follow,
I have been writing these letters to say,
I hope everything's coming your way.

And it's all comin' down, like a surgical gown
replaced with a new lease of living.
Palestinian fields,
reinvented wheels,
and the churches won't lock their doors.

You see, the baby boomers, the white-men-in-suits,
they're a dying breed don't you know?
So keep saluting the sun,
the race isn't run;
I gave up worrying long ago.

Wherever you will go,
my mind will follow,
but if you're looking for a real kind of love,
stop looking to the skies above.

Wherever you will go,
you've got my heart in tow.
Now I'm sober,
all I can see
is the simplicity of you and me.

If only the whole world could be
as simple as you and me.
 Sep 2014
Harley Hucof
In the land of a child
The angels hide
Hide from the evil
Hide from the demons.

In the land of a child
The beauty arise
No fear No labels
No sin No lies.

In the land of a child
The garden of lullabies
Mesmerized eyes
The mystical heart
The strangest art.

In the land of evil
The innocence's lost
Caged by temptations
Devoted for lust.

In the land of evil
Looking for fame
Wanting the gain
Searching for love
The problems won't be solved.

In the land of evil
Addicted to gold
Stuck on the dope
Bow to your Lord.

In the land of a Child and Evil i was trapped in between.

An innocent soul gone with the wind.

Falling with the rain
But the memories remain...

Words Of Harfouchism.
Weird but hope you'll love it.
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