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 Feb 2016
I have discovered a new region in my faith.
There are now new parts of it that glow and shimmer.
New colors emerge from the timid wilderness.
A second step so to speak.
The most beautiful part in all of this is the steps themselves.
For they are endless.
I can only ascend from here.
What I knew yesterday and a year ago has expanded beyond this universe.
Looking away as you begin to speak. . .

Your words were slurred. . .

Your voice was weak. . .

Night after night. . .

You pour another round. . .

Bottle after bottle. . .

I watch as you drown. . .

I wish I could tell you how badly

this hurts. . .

I see you suffer everyday, while your drinking gets worse. . .

But, I stay silent, as you stumble and fall. . .

Deep down I know this burden is not your fault at all. . .

I remember back when we were

younger. . .

When you were sober,

Just a year or two before the alcohol took over. . .

Back then you  spent so much time with me and my brother. . .

But our relationship slipped away as the years carried on. . .

And slowly, you  shut down. . .

Pushing away your own sons. . .

You burned many bridges. . .

You sealed many doors. . .

You  didn't have time friends,

Or loved ones anymore. . .

Almost like a sickness once it  began to take hold

With no way to stop it. . .

We sat and watched alcoholism unfold. . .

We would catch you as you begin to lose balance every night.

We help you in to bed when you stumble,

You hold on to the walls,  
Wobbling  and stumbling the harder you tried. . .

Even with us helping you to bed you would still curse us

We tried like hell to lift you...

And if we ignored you. . .

You would try to fight us all instead...

Including my friends. . .

You would think this process would. . .

Eventually get old to someone. . .

But for you. . .

it never did. . .

We still see the same thing  everyday,

And yes,

It's just as sad each time it repeats. . .

But we continue this routine. . .

Watching you **** yourself slowly. . .

Drowning yourself daily,

In alcohol, pain and misery. . .

day by day. . .

night by night. . .

“Dear Lord please, show him a sign. . .

Clear his mind so he can know and see. . .

The hurt , the loss and the sorrow.

covered with a wave of lies shadowed on it's lable. . .

The problem here is very clear...

Actually , at the bottom of  that bottle. . .

Is all the proof you need. . . ”

“I  pray that one day you get a chance to see our faces  once more. . .

To truly see that we are still here. . .And we still care. . .

Through those glazed over eye's of yours."

“Please dear lord, consider this prayer I ask of you.
He isn't lost show him the way to you. . .
Show him the love we have for him. . .
Please God… Just let him see the truth. . .
God, from my heart, you know these words are  true.
Thank you Dear Lord for listening like before.
Thank you, I love you Dear Lord...
In your name I pray...

“Lord, I put all my faith in you.”
Edited and extended, fully re-visited , version of one of the earliest poems I posted on here.
It extremely personal but even without the personal connection or anything...I still would have felt like it needed a second run with y'all ....the old one got deleted along with two of my other earlier pieces that I have edited or re-visited to create greater quality pieces. I'll post so be on the look out for em and tell me which ya like best...revisited or original version
 Feb 2016
The land was made of blackness, shade, and shadow..
I spent a good 10 years here..
The overseer was a light winged figure that would shine light forth with every flutter of its wings..
Sometimes I could see its true face..
Its hair was blue and then golden all at once...
It would catch all of these sins that fell from the sky..
Lately there have been storms of them..
The light winged figure would ask me for help at times..
We would turn blackness, shade, and shadow into color, shine, and light..
We created a land, a sort of kingdom.. From darkness we molded into light..
Where a place of no sound now sang music..
I was helping to create heaven out of forgiveness..
I then relised something so very tragic..
I was no longer here..
Or should I say there..
I was gone from them..
the light winged figure was my brother and mother..
it was also God..
as i awoke in the hospital..
torn away from heaven..
 Jan 2016
Engineer Mikay
I asked God, why I was born ugly and others are pretty?!
I asked God, why I was poor and others are rich?!
I asked God, why I was sad and others are happy?!
I asked God, why I am coward and others are hero?!
I asked God, why life for me was so cruel and others are not?!
I asked God, do you love me or you love them more?!

*And God answered... Yes I love you so much that I gave you this kind of life, a life which enables you to know me deeply. An opportunity to ask to me. To communicate with me. Others?! Yes they had all they want in this world but did they know me?! Did they have time to ask me or to thank me of everything they had in this world?! Life here is only temporary, trust me, I got you.
 Jan 2016
Engineer Mikay
Once there was a MAN,
Who saved me according to plan.
Ever since I was born in this world,
HIS name was foretold
HIS powerful words and story,
Became a history.
HE died on the CROSS
Only to save my flaws.
HIS unconditional love for me
Open my eyes to see...
That my life will never be the same,
When I started calling out HIS name.
JESUS, HE died for me...
So I will live for HIM.
 Jan 2016
Jasmine Roper
I want you to teach me,
put the pencil in my hand and show me how to write.

Show me how to color the past instead of erasing it.

Teach me to love myself, In the way you love me.

Show me where I went wrong, then tell me to turn right.

Teach me smile more and cry a less.

Show me what I don't see,
Protect my eyes from what I shouldn't.

Make me laugh in the midst of my tears.

Teach me to forget why I was sad.

Show me how to conquer the pain.

Tell me what you want, and how you're gonna get it.

Show me why I should trust you,
teach me how.
 Jan 2016
Don Bouchard
What kind of man is this
To report his mother for begging him
To abandon hateful folly?

What son is this, so depraved,
Would shoot her in the public square
With jeering blood-seekers cheering?

What kind of god must this man seek,
To end the life of the one who gave him life,
To what end would such a god demand obeisance?

Perhaps a god this is,
Whose thirst for blood would raise
The dripping flags of war
And bathe the world neck-deep,
Up to the horses' bridles in gore,
But he's no god of mine.

This god is not the One
Who sent His only Son
To give His Life in the name of peace,
To save His friends and love His enemies.

This god is in rebellion,
Denying his own creation,
Lying to himself,
Reviling peace
Because it bears the image of
The One True God.

Enviously manipulating,
Beguiling the children of Eve,
Desecrating the human form,
Dividing the human race,
Heaping doom upon doom,
Calling damnation on himself.
 Jan 2016
Collaboration with Alyssa Underwood!

I'm not getting much from life,
it makes me want to scream!
Won't achieve my smallest goal...

let alone my dreams!

Your life's hidden in Christ's hands
and your competence comes from Him.
His Spirit's working His purpose in you...

despite how things may seem.

I'm frail and I'm weak,
I'm sorry. I'm not strong.
You say I can handle this test...

You couldn't be more wrong!

Frailty's the best start
for watching our egos flee.
Once we know WE can't do it...

we begin to get set free.

I am sick and tired
of the daily drudge!
And fellow believers?

All they do is JUDGE!

So lay it all down.
Jesus died to bear
the indomitable weight...

of every burden you wear.

Does God answer prayers?
I wonder if HE DOES!
If you go and backslide

He seems to hold a grudge!

I find He answers differently
than what I might seek first,
for what's pleasant now...

May not fill my deepest thirst.

Alright. He makes us patient.
But I can believe the lies!
He has no provision

to make me savvy... WISE!

If wisdom like the world
is what the soul most craves,
where's the contentment...

in those who are its slaves?

The believer is the candle
Jesus is the flame.
Thank you sister for your help...

I'm calling on His Name!

I will heed your sayings.
I have been absurd!
He's good to all His promises...

They're written in HIS WORD.

It's not absurd to question
or probe into our doubts.
HIS WORD can stand resistance...

through every skeptic's shouts.

We're here to help each other
find truth along the way.


Alyssa Underwood  (the voice of Truth)
*SoulSurvivor  (the doubtful believer)
It was a TRUE pleasure to write with
Alyssa... she's amazing!

 Jan 2016
Duncan Grant Bell
To my sweet Saviour
I thank You for Your favour
You have given me my dreams
You have heard all my screams
When there was war on the inside
In You I could confide
When I was truly broken
Your soft words were spoken
Through every single low
You still helped me grow
Your grace is more than enough
When life is good or tough
When I thought there was no more
Then You let my heart soar
You led me to meet
A lady so sweet
A lady whose heart is Yours
Oh Lord be the One to open doors
You introduced her to me
And Your beauty I can see
In her word and action
Even in our interaction
I thought I had tasted the best
I thought I was already blessed
Now You have shown me more
And my heart does adore
The love You have given
Possible cause You have risen
I never thought I might be
A man with such a lady
A lady who prays
A lady who lays
Down her will
For the Lord's fill
Oh may she be forever blessed
Cause she is the best of the best
 Dec 2015
Alyssa Underwood
God of heaven, born on earth
Infinite glory here brought forth
First laid upon ignoble straw
Then on a cross to die for all
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth...'...the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'"
 John 1:1,14,29b

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