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 Mar 2019
Edmund black
You know ,
Confusion is a clear
Symptom of abuse.
Healthy relationship
Are always clear
Like the deep blue sky
on a sunny day.

You always know
Where you stand
Like the deep blue sea ,
You do not  waver

Yes,  it is not always
Easy to let go
You’ve got to find a way
To let people go
Institutions that bring
Confusion in your life
Pruning is necessary to maintain a healthy relationship   Often times a healthy relationship  comes, not in the addition but in the editing. #pruned #growth
 Jan 2019
Not that I wear my heart on my sleeve
but locked away and keyed
How can I know that I can trust you with it?
That’ll make me believe than what you’re telling me?
 Jan 2019
s Willow
The blood pools
Slit wrists
The writ of passage
Nailed to deaths door.
 Jan 2019
Xaela San
This bottled up
I want to throw it
to the ocean
and wait patiently
as it drift
towards him.
 Jan 2019
Samantha Cunha
A peculiar
of heaven
cherry cigarettes
 Jan 2019
picked up the phone after one too many years
after "i'll do it later," and never "now."

missed hellos, goodbyes, how are yous,
i love yous and me toos.

wished i got another chance to dial your tone
to tell you everything i always meant to.
call your mom.
 Jan 2019
Rowan S
Isolation? Great.
Emotions drive me to ground
Want to yell and curse.
 Jan 2019
mc ish
it fills me with warmth
i don’t remember feeling
ever since you left.
 Jan 2019
let me offer
my twisting words
looping phrases
natural rhyming

i appeal with my poems
my validation
determined by reactions
hearts and grinning faces
my words are a pretty show
but don't take my character
for my personality

my acting gives you entertainment
but nothing of myself
i keep pieces of my heart
locked in a box beneath the stage
the set is reality
a new 3d play
the mic amplifies my thoughts
to an empty theater

hello audience.
 Jan 2019
Heavy feeling
Emotions peeling

A mess of a humam
My stress I will cram

Sad all the time
Never feel a chime

Stuck in one place
Losing the race

Everyone passes
Going in masses

Never wired
Only tired

Sad masked with jolly
But I always remain

I just needed to get this out. I don’t even care if anyone reads it.
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