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aura Sep 2022
i remember us
huddled into blankets
the tuff rubbing into our tender cheeks
swallowing us


i remember us
hushed whispers
delicate, shy
touches that spoke one thousand words too many
in the midst of the night    
when the moon                              

i remember u.
aura Feb 2020
singed cigarettes beneath my palms,
radiant flashes of everything wrong,

fingers stretched towards the light.
desperate for a flight.

blood pulsing, high, swimming in adrenaline.
no one knows how desperate we were
back then.
love, aura.
aura Nov 2019
your lips drip
full of sweet nectar
to lure me into
your wasteful,
love, aura.

you can learn how to actually save bees here:
aura Nov 2019
i am chipped porcelain,
once valued
now worn.

body drawn taut,
relief no longer found

it'd be useless to
fill these crevices,
broken flaws,
with your
aura Nov 2019
the swaddled blanket
so carefully


has been
taken apart
by your hands.
love, aura.
  Aug 2019 aura
Megan Joseph
i look up
and see a world
far greater than
the one i'm in,
billions of bright lights,
that call to me
and say that i'm not alone,
i rise up to them
as if gravity ceased to exist,
and i dance with them
and give glory to their creator,
this world is mine
though i am not of it,
these clusters of stars
and galaxies
bring me more joy
than the hell that
the world i belong to brings,
the celestial beings embrace me
and allow me to finally see
the beauty that's around me,
even if it's far away.
part two of my latest poem. enjoy!
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